To Love | Teen Ink

To Love

May 19, 2014
By InkMyNiomiCheesecake BRONZE, Darlington, South Carolina
InkMyNiomiCheesecake BRONZE, Darlington, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, then it will live its whole life thinking it is stupid." -Albert Einstein

'Make sure to find someone to love and take care of you, Canaan, just because I won't be here in person doesn't mean I don't want grand kids. I love you so much.' Those few sentences were the last time I heard my mother's voice.
I rubbed my face and whipped out a mirror. I touched up the little foundation and eyeliner I had on, know that this was going to be another overnight-er. Why must there be so many new employees? I sighed for the umpteenth time that day before collecting the papers that I was filling out and slinging my office door open. I yawned and made my way down the hallway, the only sound was the clacking of my red stilettos against the hardwood floors. The shuffling of the fabric brushing together sounded from my stiffly ironed ebony collared shirt. I tightened my grip on the papers and hold my hand up inches in front of the door ready to knock but before I could, the door whipped open to reveal the face of my boss. Her face scrunched up into a sneer and she pushed her wire-framed glasses back into place. I shoved the papers at her.
Name: Cathryn Boomweiler
Age:89? (I'm rude aren't I?)
Eye color: Brown
Hair color:Black
Position: Da Boss
She doesn't like me.
"Background on the new employees, Stanford Phillips and Calumet Sincerer , ma'am." I said quietly.
"Did you get his criminal record?" She huffed peering at the sheets over the rim of her glasses.
"Yes, I went to the poli-”
"That's all I needed to know, now if you will excuse me." With that she turned and stomped off in the general direction of an expansion of the building.
I huffed,
'There was no need to be rude' I was tempted to say those words out loud, but held my tongue.
Name: Canaan Housler
Age: 27
Employed: F.L.O.W.E.R. Or Full Love Of Widowed Emergency Rooms. A famous male modeling business.
Job Position: The Filer/ President
Eye Color:Blue
Hair Color: Dark brown
Quote: Life is out to kill me and love is only a detour.
Enemies:Calumet Sincerer (Saufi you can eat him.)
I grinned as I scribbled down the additions to my background on the back of a old form and faxed it quickly to my best friend in the world. I flipped out my phone as it started vibrated from my purse. I answered it without even checking the caller ID.
Name: Saufi Moonheer
Age: 28
Eye color:Brown
Hair color: Brown
Employed: She works under the worldwide seamstress and cafe owner Callyhoop.
My best friend in the whole world.
"Sounds like someone has a li~ttle crush." My best friend sang into the phone.
"Saufi please, as if." I scoffed.
"Well I don't blame you all the men there are models, I would just love to work there." She sighed dreamily.
"I can just bet," I could almost feel her evil smirk through the phone.
"Yup," She giggled.
"I thought you were s'pose to be doin' work, Missis C."
Name: Calumet Sincerer
Age: 31
Eye color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Position: New Employee (Model), also I kinda knew him before.
My worst enemy.
Calumet swooped over the counter surrounding most of my desk. My eye twitched. I clamped my hand over the mic of the phone and leaned forward.
"What do you want?" I hissed, glaring right into his very green eyes.
"Well I just got finished, so I was wondering if you would want to catch a bite to eat with me?" He said, not in the least bit fazed by my rude remark. I shook my head.
"Work is gonna keep me all night, not that I'd go anyway."
"Well call me if you change your mind, Missis C." He grinned before pecking my cheek and almost skipping out of the door. I rolled my eyes.
"Canaan." Saufi's voice resounded through the electronic device once again.
"Saufi why did you want my background info anyways?"
"Um..No reason really."
"Saufi, what did you do?"
"Nothing... Hah, I gotta go bye." She hung up and I glared at the device. Sighing, I pushed my chair back and stretched. I walked over to the coffee machine and poured a cup. I yawned and looked at the clock above my head,
' Only six and I'm already tired.' I yawned again and headed back over to my desk. I pulled out a pen and got started with the remainder of my paperwork.

Life is complicated, always has been and always will be.
'I hate my life' I bitterly thought as I slammed my head on my desk.
"Canaan, are you okay?" The girl that worked in the desk beside me, meekly peered over the wall separating us.
"I'm fine." I said staring back at her.
"Well I'm gonna go, how many more forms do you have left to do?"
"This is the last one." I yawned dragging out the syllables of 'one' accidentally.
"Well then, do you ride the bus."
"Yeah," I said signing my name on the form and tapping the forms on my desk to line them up.
"Wanna ride with me?”
"Just let me turn these in." She nodded and sidestepped to allow me access to the hallway. I dropped the forms in the in box. I gathered my things and followed the girl out of the office. When we go out I flipped open my phone to see that it was 11:59. I ignored the stares of random passerby's and the girl as I happily did a little jig.
'Got out of there before twelve'. I plopped on the bench beside the girl.
"Oh!" I whipped her head towards me and jutted out her hand. "My name is Stacy, what is yours?" I opened my mouth and she giggled. "Canaan, silly me! How could I forget, you are the president of the branch of models we supervise." She giggled again and clasped her hands on either side of her cheeks. I sighed and pulled my hair into a scrunchie.
"Is your hair naturally that shade of brown?" She asked, fingering a strand. I dipped my chin in reply.
"Oh." She squinted me up and down. She was giving the creeps. She was a small girl with frizzy orange hair and beady black eyes. What wasn't creepy about her? She looked as if she was going to say something and then closed her mouth so she started looking like a fish out of water. She opened her mouth again and the bus pulled up with a screech. I dropped the coins in the slot as I boarded the bus, trying to sit as far away from Stacy as I could. Stacy must not know what personal space is as she sat next to me and leaned over to continue talking my ear off. I tuned her out to focus on the trees and buildings we passed by.
"What?" I yawned, her yapping was was getting on my nerves.
"Where was I, oh yeah, he then took her hand and-" I sighed. This girl just never shut up.
"Hey Stacy," I asked with a smile, placing my hand on hers.
"I'm really tired. Could you quiet down?"
"Okay." Her shoulders noticeably drooped. "Hey! Have you ever been to Tamela's Tea shop?" I shook my head inwardly groaning at the fact that she wasn't shutting up. "It's my favorite shop, it even sells tiny little cakes too!" She said excitedly.
"Yeah that sounds great." I got off the bus as it pulled to stop.
"Bye-bye!" Stacy yelled after me, I waved my hand back in acknowledgment and trudged up the steps to my apartment. With a lot of yelling and frustration my door unlocked. I threw my shoes in opposite directions and collapsed on my bed.
When I woke up there was a puddle of drool on the edge of my pillow. I squinted at the red flashing numbers on my alarm clock. 12:03.
"No work today!" I got up and swung my closet door open. I grabbed a blue tank-top, a lime green shirt and some white Capri out before skipping to the bathroom. I washed up, slipped on some sandal wedges and headed out the door only to bump right into Saufi.
"Canaan! Perfect timing! Now I don't have to use this." She swung an ax over her shoulder.
"Saufi! Put that down! Why are you dressed like that?"
"Oh! Do you like it? It's our new uniform!" She was wearing a maid's outfit, bonnet and all.
"What is your boss thinking now?"
"Maids and Butlers!"
"Dear lord, what's it gonna be next?"
"I think she was talking about that Japanese thing! Um, Nekos? Yeah, that's the word where people have animal traits, like tails and ears. Are you coming to see it?"
"I dunno, are you going to be a man eating beast?" I asked with a grin.
"Grr, Saufeline attack!"
"Ahhhh!" I ran down the steps, Saufi at my heels."Don't hurt me ferocious feline!" I yelled, giggling.
"Rawr! Canaan The Gumptious Gazelle you are my dinner!"
"Gumptious?" I asked. "And why am I a gazelle?" Saufi shrugged.
"I'm just going with the flow sister." She said, wiggling her fingers to make a flow. "So where do you wanna go?"
"Um, nowhere with you looking like that."She rolled her eyes.
"Okay, then what do you have in your closet?" She asked propping her hands on her hips.
"I have that purple dress that you have been begging me to borrow."
"Oh my gosh! I can borrow it?" When I nodded she squealed. "Oh and let's do something about that rat's nest on your head, sweetie." Before I knew it I was being dragged back into my apartment. My hair was forcibly braided into some elegant braid and Saufi was strutting down the stairs in my black Mary-Jane heels and my pale purple silk dress.
"Oh I know this little place it's so cute and cozy!"
"Really? Where?"
"Tamela's Tea Shop! Just down the road!"
" 'Kay, lets go then." We hopped in her purple car and were on the road. I rolled my eyes as Saufi makes crazy faces while jamming to her hippie music.
"Hey do you wanna come with me to a party?" She glanced over at me before redirecting her attention to the road.
"Sure, I've got nothing else to do."
"So, you really will come?"
"How are you so sure I won't set you up?"
"Because you're my best friend?"
"That doesn't mean anything." She said with a smirk.
"So...," I switched the radio station, "You are telling me you're up to something?"
"I never said that," Her smirk dissipated with the changing of the radio. She flexed her index finger to change it back on the steering wheel. I grinned and pushed the knob once more.
"Well what would I think, my best friend taking me to a 'party'?" I indicated the quotations with my fingers. She grimaced and flicked her finger again before replying,
"You should be happy that me and my awesomeness decided to invite you, duh." I feigned a yawn and a stretch reaching over to change the station again.
"Man , when are we gonna be there?" Saufi abruptly turned in to a parking lot and slammed on the brakes and glared at me. "What?"
"Stop it." She growled.
"Now I have no clue what you are going on about my dear friend." I said slyly reaching for the knob once more. She hissed at me and slapped my hand away from the radio.
"Stop that!"
"What? This?" I asked slipping my hand to the knob. She slapped it away again.
"Stop!" I crossed my arms and huffed.
"Hippie." I muttered slapping my hand under my chin and directing my gaze to the window. The car whirled around and she gunned it back into the lane.
"Keep it up, Saufi and we'll be chillin' floating around watching the police on the TV pull our dead bodies out of a ditch."
"Oh shut up." She turned into an apartment complex and a brown hair girl waved at us. Saufi drove up beside her and hit the brakes. The short girl climbed in the back of the car.
"Hey, Amelia this is my best friend Canaan, Canaan this is my niece Amelia, now you've met lets go." With that she wildly swerved out of the lot and back into the highway.
"Auntie! Wait! My seat belt!"
"Amelia if this is your aunt might as well get used to this, she is quite insane."
"I am perfectly sane, just shut your mouth!"
"Only stating the truth my dear friend." I removed the hand under my chin to try to hide my snickering.
Saufi glared at me and swerved in and out of the lane on purpose before returning to the lane.
"Auntie!" Amelia yelped clutching at the base of her seat.
"Relax and let the master drive." She laughed maniacally, throwing her head back and her caution out the window. I sighed and returned to my gazing out the window, on the other hand, Amelia looked as if she were going to pee any second. Saufi whipped the car around and into the parking lot of a small building that's sign clearly read 'TAMELA'S TEA SHOP'.
"Amelia your mother should be inside already." Saufi said twisting herself back to smile at her niece.
"O-okay, thanks A-auntie." The poor girl shakily clambered out the car and stumbled inside the shop.
"Come on Canaan!" I sighed and removed myself from the car to follow her into the shop. We sat down at a less crowded part of the small cafe. Soon a meek looking boy made his way to our table.
"Hello, G-good afternoon ladies, I-i will be your waiter. What would you l-like to order?" I glanced over the small menu,
"Tea party for the queen?" I asked, looking at Saufi. She shrugged.
"We'll just order Tea party for the queen."
"Yes, o-of course, and y-your drinks?"
"Green tea." Saufi said mildly, dipping her head down low.
"Um, cinnamon tea, please." He nodded and bowed scurrying back into the doors in which he came from.
"Well, if it isn't Missis C." I froze and looked at Saufi who was grinning evilly.
'I hate you' I mouthed. 'I really do' She just kept on grinning, like the she-devil she is.
"So Missis C, what brings you here?" Calumet asked, twirling a chair on one of its legs before plopping down in it.
"I was having...and outing with a …...friend." I growled. Saufi tensed, but then slipped into a hunch, over the table as if inspecting the wood.
"That's cool," He drawled, leaning his head back.
"What brings you here Calumet?"
"Well Sau-" Saufi sprang up from her chair causing it to flip onto its back.
"I have to go, your dress will be in your closet when you get home, love you bu-bye." She spun on her heel and darted out the exit. Calumet exchanged his seat for hers. There was an awkward silence and Calumet opened his mouth to say something but the waiter returned. He placed two platters down and two cups of tea.
"So?" I sipped my tea.
"One!" I jerked back as a finger wast thrust in front of my face.
"What?" I gently set my tea down.
"Go on one date with me."
"Sure." I shrugged. I picked up one of the cakes and popped it into my mouth.
"Okay..." Apparently he thought it would be harder. "So how about six?"
"Tonight?" I asked clasping the mug in both hands.
"Well, yeah or if yo-"
"It's fine, here have some cake." I said, pushing the platter towards him.
"Thanks." He took a few pieces and pushed it back. I sighed and sipped my tea. "So didja ya wanna do something or somethin'?" I shook my head.
"Do you want to go somewhere?" I downed the last of my tea. He shook his head slowly. "Do ya want me to take ya home?"
"Sure." I yawned, passing the platter back to him to take the last cake. He ate it and put some money down on the table.
"Ya comin' ?" I wave my hand dismissively before following him out. He stopped to allow me to to catch up and grabbed my hand all but dragging me to his shiny blue car. He opened the door and bowed. I rolled my eyes and slipped into the car, he quickly joined me, sliding in behind the wheel. When he turned on the car I glanced at the digital clock set into the dashboard,
"2 o' five, geez, I thought it would be later." I mumbled. "Turn here and then take a right." Calumet nodded and turned his head my way. He squinted and swerved just in time to avoid a mailbox. I glared at him and then returned my attention back to the window. I felt something poke my finger tips. I look down at Calumet's hand and trailed back up to his face. I rose an eyebrow.
"My number." He said grinning. I took it and climbed out of the car, waving as his car pulled out and left. I sighed and flipped open my cellphone. 2:55 flashed across the screen.
"Here." Her voice drawled from the other end.
"I got a date, and I need your help." I said unlocking my door.
"With Calumet?!"
"No with the gay waiter."
"Saufi, I cant date a gay guy."
"Right, ha ha, so it is Calumet?"
"Yeah and what was with ditching me there?"
"I'll be at your place in a sec! Bye!" She said avoiding the question and hanging up the phone. As I was closing my door a screeching behind me made me turn around. Saufi skidded her car into the lot sideways. I rolled my eyes, when she meant a sec she meant a sec, she meant flying into the apartment complex and almost ramming her car through the building itself. She jumped through her car window and walked up the stairs, running into my door. She started throwing lotion, body spray and clothes as soon as she made it into my room. When I had entered, she was grinning ear to ear holding up a rainbow colored bodysuit.
"Absolutely not." She pouted and went back to throwing things around. Saufi held up her finger and ran past me and to her car. She came back with a array of bags fluttering behind her. She flopped them on my bed and ripped the first bag off, it was a laced pink frilly dress that was covered by a pink-
"This?" The dress was baby blue with so many frills I thought it was a pile of lace.
"Aww! You're so picky! Well this?" She pulled out a light green colored dress. The bottom was slightly poofed as were the sleeves, it was high- collared and was trimmed in gold.
"I'd look like I just came out of wonderland."
"Not with some make up you won't." She singsonged. She whipped out some golden butterfly shaped earrings and a matching charm bracelet. She dug around in the bag and soon pulled out a make-up bag. I sat until she was finished doing my hair and my make- up. She then proceeded to tug the dress over my head. She hooked in the earrings and threw some panty-hose at me. I put them on and when I looked back up Saufi had already gotten a pair of golden three inch Mary Jane heels. Slipping them on my feet she wrenched me me outta my chair and made me twirl around.
"Perfecto!" She exclaimed in a very bad imitation of a french accent, kissing her fingertips. "Let's go watch a movie!" I glance at the green colored clock dangling on my wall. 4:30. I looked back at Saufi.
"You're the one that was so picky." She shrugged.

I climbed in Calumet's car as it pulled into the lot. He reached over and grabbed my hand before kissing it lightly.
"You look beautiful, Missis C."
"I would've blushed had it not been for the last part." I joked. He chuckled. I looked back to where Saufi was waving excessively.
"Ready?" I nodded and he sped off. He stopped in front of restaurant and parked. He got out and opened the door for me and stuck out his elbow. I politely rested my hand on it and let him lead me into the restaurant.
"Well do you like it Missis C?" I openly gaped at the decorations. He led me to a balcony that was cut off from the main dining hall of the restaurant. In the balcony sat a small table with two white chairs. Atop the table said a bucket of ice and a bottle of wine, along with two crystal plates. I let go of his arm to admire the decorations.
"Missis C." I looked over at Calumet, he had pulled out a chair for me.
"Well aren't you a gentleman."
"Well it was how I was raised." I nodded and took the chair. I eyed the wine in the center of the table.
"So what are you ordering?" He asked after he took a seat.
"Um, well."
"Order anything you like." He flashed me a smile.
"This." I pointed to one of the many choices on the menu.
"Okay." He ordered and poured two glasses of wine. Handing one to me, he took a sip of his glass. The waiter came back shortly with the food. "Do you like it?" I cut a piece of my steak and popped it in my mouth.
"It's good!" I smiled.
"That's good." He flashed me a smile before continuing to eat his own food. We fell into a comfortable silence, the only sound being the clinking of our silverware against the glass plates. I slowly put down my fork and knife.
"So what made you want to become a model?" I asked, taking a small sip of the wine before cringing.
"Well, I thought it would attract the woman I loved, but it didn't seem to work." I was taken back, if he loved someone then why were we here.
"Really, well have you ever told her." He sighed and put down his silverware.
"Yeah, but she really just blew me off."
"Oh, well that was her mistake." I smiled at him. He stared.
"That girl is you."
"Oh. I feel dumb." I giggled, then took up a serious face. "Sorry."
"Don't be, I mean I got this far with you, Missis C." I smiled and placed my hand on his. He flashed me a signature smile.
"Promise you will always call me that?"
"Promise. Missis C." I leaned over and kissed him.

Maybe love isn't so meaningless after all.

May love heal all wounds,
And may your journey through life be fulfilling.

“Awe I guess she lied about coming to the party.” Saufi said looking through the glass window, and watching her best friend kiss the model. “Eh, her loss.”

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this when my sister randomly blurted out, "I wanna marry a model!" When we were watching a soap opera.

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