Promise | Teen Ink


March 7, 2014
By Janellene_Marie BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Janellene_Marie BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Jason and Samantha had always had a special relationship with each other. Ever since the fifth grade when they met, they had always had a feeling of comfort and trust towards each other. They had kept this relationship throughout their years in high school. When they started freshman year in high school together at Greenland High School, their love for each other kept growing tremendously year by year. In the beginning when school started, they would spend a lot of time together after school, they liked each other secretly. They would not admit to liking each other because they were unsure if the feeling was mutual.
One Tuesday afternoon, after Jason’s baseball practice, he admitted to her that he liked her. When he told her everything he felt for her, she tried covering it up but inside she was overwhelmed and surprised that he felt that way about her. Even though it was killing her inside, she sadly told him it would be better if they stayed as friends for now, because she didn't want to ruin the friendship they had. He told her one day, when everything was settled, she’s was going to be his wife. He promised.

That night Samantha couldn't sleep. She kept replaying the scene in her head. The next day they acted as if nothing had happened. That conversation didn't stop them from being best friends. They would still hang out after school;every Monday they still would go to Moe’s together. Most of the weekends they would still see each other. Every Sunday she would go over to his house and they would go in the pool.
Seven years passed. Samantha and Jason were still best friends. Jason had recently gotten into relationship with a rude and ignorant woman. They had been together for two years. She treated him like he was pointless, like he meant nothing to her. Jason would privately ask Samantha for advice with his relationship and she would always give him the most amazing advice anyone could give. Jason’s girlfriend was extremely jealous of Samantha. Jason’s girlfriend thought Samantha was trying to wreck her relationship with her boyfriend. She also thought it would be best for Jason to stay away from Samantha.She felt that Jason had some type of connection with her. She didn't like the fact that Jason and Samantha would see each other almost every day. Jason would talk and hang out with Samantha privately. Jason would do it behind his girlfriend’s back because he knew his girlfriend would have a heart attack.
Samantha would constantly ask herself, “Why is he with her? She’s not a positive person. She honestly doesn't realize what an incredible man Jason is. He buys her everything; he takes her out to expensive restaurants. What is he still doing with her? I wish he could understand how much I love him.” Every night she would think about how much she regretted not taking a chance when Jason had wanted one.
Days passed and Samantha felt like her feelings growing more and more each day. She bit her nails when she saw him; she twirled her hair when he talked to her. Shegot nervous and never knew what to say, because she didn’t want to show jealousy or emotion. Sometimes she wondered what Jason felt inside, if he still liked her or if he had forgotten about her and if all the things he had told her during their friendship were still true. She got depressed. After a few months, she started wondering if she should tell him how she really felt or if she should just stay quiet and not admit to anything.
Days later, when Samantha and Jason were hanging out, they got in a huge argument over Jason’s girlfriend. Samantha started telling him how his girlfriend wasn't the one for him and that he should end things with her. He shouted that she had no right to say what he should do, and that he wasn't going to listen to her because she was nothing but a friend. Aggravated Samantha spilled everything. She blurred it out that she was in love with him and how she felt for him. She also said that they should be together and started reminding him about all the things he had told her when they were growing up. She was so frustrated at herself for admitting everything that as soon as she was done talking to him, she walked away rapidly. Jason had no idea what was going on. He was shocked because of what she had said.
The next morning Jason showed up at Samantha’s house. They sat down and Jason talked about what had happened the day before. He dolefully told Samantha that everything he had said before was a lie. He furthermore told her to forget about the promise he had made to her in their freshman year of high school. He didn't want her in his life anymore, he was serious about his girlfriend. He didn't want Samantha getting involved anymore, and Jason’s girlfriend didn't want him talking to Samantha. He didn't want to get into problems with his girlfriend anymore. Samantha sprinted to her room and began to blubber. Jason heard her but didn't do anything about it. He just left. He was disappointed, because he didn't want things to end that way. He wanted to continue the friendship.
As soon as Jason saw his girlfriend, he told her what had happened.She hugged him tightly and told him that he had made the right decision. She additionally told him it was more than noticeable that Samantha had feeling for Jason. Jason’s girlfriend knew something fishy was going on. Jason tried to change the subject.
That night Samantha was on his mind. He was lying on his bed and remembered all the things they had done together.He couldn't stop thinking about her. He was on her mind, too. Samantha couldn't stop thinking about the argument. Many nights after that,when she would think about Jason, she would tear up.
Six months passed, and Samantha met someone. She knew for a fact there was no hope for Jason. She sincerely was into this guy she had just met. She was taking it as slow as possible.

It was July 24, Samantha’s and Jason’s friendship anniversary. Samantha didn't even know. She completely forgot.

Jason didn't forget. It was hard for him, that day was killing him.
Samantha arrived home from work and saw a strange package lying on the porch. She picked it up and noticed her name on top of the box. She curiously rushed to her room and fearfully opened the package. Samantha was overwhelmed. The box held an outstanding, pitch black dress. She smiled. A note drifted to the floor. She grabbed it and began to read, “Dear Samantha, Go to Truluck’s tonight at 8:00 p.m.”
Samantha was speechless. She had no idea who it could possibly be. While she was getting ready, she guessed people’s names.She assumed it was the man she had been seeing, but she wasn't sure.
Samantha was more than confused. Samantha was gorgeous in flaming red high heels, and long elegant gold earrings, her hair was cinched up in a classy pony tail. On her way to the restaurant, she was utterly anxious. Every two minutes she would ask the taxi driver, “Are we almost here?”

The taxi driver was so annoyed that he wouldn't even answer.

She finally got there, looked at the restaurant, and immediately was astonished. When she entered the restaurant she couldn't stop staring at the vase full of unique alluring flowers.
A handsome man walked up to her and told her, “Good evening Samantha. He’s waiting for you outside.”

She walked outside slowly. The first thing that got her attention was the beach. The waves were moving placidly. It was a beautiful sight. A few feet away from her, she saw a table and two chairs. There was one candle in the middle of the table. Samantha approached the table warily. All of a sudden, she heard her name. The noise was behind her. She turned around and saw Jason in a suit. Jason looked the best he’d ever looked. Samantha couldn't stop staring at him. Jason was the moonlight to her.
He began to talk, “These are twelve roses for you. I got exactly twelve because I know today is twelve years you and I have known each other. What? You think I forgot? I know I made a mistake. I should’ve never treated you that way. How can I push away the woman who has been there for me since day one? You don’t deserve to be with a man like me. All I do to you is hurt you. I’m sorry Samantha. Just want to let you know, I thought about what I was doing and I made my decision. I broke up with my girlfriend. I haven’t stopped thinking about you.You’re in my mind 24/7. You are beautiful inside and outside. I know it took me a while to figure it out,that’s why I waited for this day to come. I know it’s a special day for us. You’re the love of my life, my dream girl, all of the above. Remember freshman year in high school when I promised you, you were going to be my wife? Well, I didn't lie. You are going to be my wife, and it’s about to begin right now.” Jason dropped to one knee and proudly asked, “Samantha, will you marry me?”
Samantha cried tears of joyfulness and haughtily said, “Yes.”
Jason got up from his knee and gently kissed her.

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