A Group Misled | Teen Ink

A Group Misled

March 7, 2014
By lialexisr_ BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
lialexisr_ BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Confused, and Misled.

Dirt. That’s what I first saw when my bus left me in Lambert, Louisiana. The sun was shining bright on my skin and the air was thick and musky. The traffic was actually kinda heavy for the country atmosphere. I looked at the paper on my hand “2875 N. Eggtown Rd” it read. I started to walk when a dog knocked me on my back.

“Ow!” I said when a boy came up and stuck his hand out. I took his hand and he lifted me as if I was a feather. I noticed his bright blue eyes first. They were as bright and blue as the sky on a clear morning.

“Are you okay?” He asked with concern flashing in his eyes. I quickly nodded and felt my cheeks heat up. He grinned and his eyes seemed to sparkle more.

“I’m Nash,” he said a slight country accent thick in his voice.

“I’m MacKenzie, but you can call me Kenzie,” I said smiling. Then I remembered I needed to find my aunt’s house.

“Hey do you know where this is?” I asked showing him the paper. He read it over and nodded.

“That’s Elena White’s house, it’s about two blocks down. I can walk you if you want,” He said. I pondered the thought. He’s cute, but he can be a killer so yeah no. I’ll walk myself.

“Thanks, but I’ll just find it myself,” I said with a smile so I don’t come off as rude. He nodded.

“Well, I’ll see you around MacKenzie,” He said and walked away. I started off towards my aunts house. What will greet me when I get there. Pigs running around? Cows? Horses? Stray dogs. I stepped up to a house that read the address written on my paper. Here goes nothing. I knocked and heard a dog bark. Oh lord, here we go. I was greeted by my Uncle Billy.

“Well look what the possum dragged in!” he said.He laughed and his beer belly seemed to shake with him.

“Hi Uncle Billy,” I said with a smile. He pulled me in for one of his bear hugs.

“Come on in! Your aunt’s in the kitchen cooking lunch” he said grabbing my bag and taking it away.
I curiously made my way in the house. I was actually surprised to see how nice it was. I was expecting animals hung on the walls, and camouflage blankets and decor. But the house was surprisingly modern. I followed the scent of lunch into the kitchen and saw my aunt’s petite figure standing above the stove. It’s insane the contrast between her and Uncle Billy. Her long black hair, curly and manageable. Add Uncle Billy’s wild blonde hair and beard. Everywhere and wild. Her soft blue eyes and his bright green ones. Her mellow and calm personality and his out there wildness. She must’ve known I was standing there because she turned and hugged me.

“How are you!!! Oh you have grown!!!! Wash up” she says and I wash my hands.

“How was the ride?” she asked

“It was okay, pretty long actually from New York,” I said helping her prepare lunch. I told her the details about the ride and she just listened. She’s good for things like that.

“Well I hope you’re not too tired, because we’re having guests over tonight for dinner,” she said. Oh great. Rednecks.
That night I helped Aunt Elena set the table. The smell of roast beef drifted through the house and the smell of potatoes made your mouth water at the first smell of them. I was internally grieving that night’s dinner, because I had a feeling it was gonna be a bunch of rednecks. I got lost in my thought but was awaken by a knock on the door.

"Oh Kenzie could you get that sweetie?" my aunt asked.

I nodded and made my way to the door. Bracing myself for what was to come. I opened the door and was not only greeted by one pair of blue familiar eyes but six pairs of the same eyes. The woman who I assumed was the mother spoke up,

"Hello there sweetheart! You must be Kenzie, oh Elena has told us so much about you!" she said making her way into the house.
My eyes met Nash's, the boy who saved me from that dog earlier.
"Well, hi," I said while pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. He smiled and I felt my cheeks burn up.

"Hey MacKenzie," he said grinning. His eyes never leaving mine. I noticed a little girl hiding behind him.
"Hi, I’m Kenzie, what’s your name sweetie?" I asked the small child with the same tousled brown locks and mesmerizing eyes as her family.
"I'm Skylar" she said in a barely audible voice. I smiled at how shy she was ,reminding me of how I was as a child.
"You're very pretty Skylar. We have a trampoline out back wanna come jump on it with me?" I asked.

She looked a little scared. But then nodded and went with me out back. We jumped and chatted till we got called in for dinner.

Dinner went pretty well. No talk of pigs, or hogs, or ducks. These people were from the south. But they were very classy and polite. Nothing like the obnoxious red necks you would expect them to be. Nash and I managed to escape the family and made our way out back. We sat on the swing set my aunt had built out there. The air was crisp, and muggy. Fireflies were dancing all around the night sky. Crickets chirped everywhere. There was an awkward silence until Nash spoke up.

"So, MacKenzie. What brings you to Lambert?" he asked. I dreaded this question.
"I came, to be with my aunt for the summer. -" I started but Nash cut me off.
"Now, you and I both know that isn't true. When you saw our little town you looked disgusted. Now what’s the real reason?" he said.
I pondered the thought of telling him. But shook my head. "It isn't your concern Nash. Now tell me. What do you teens do around here for fun?" I asked.

He grinned. "We go mud bogging, and fishing. The big event though is the Sunflower festival. It's one of the biggest events of the summer." he said.

"The merchants sell their things, like jewelry, clothing and baked goods. Florists make a killing. Theres a parade, and even a little miss. Sunflower pageant," he said. I nodded. Small town. They must do things like this all the time.

"You should mud bogging with us. We're going saturday," I was gonna say no because the thought of mud just grossed me out. But his eyes were just so kind and his smile so friendly that i had to say yes.
"Alright, I'll go." i said.
His smile grew and I felt the familiar feeling heat creep back up my neck. I was actually excited for Saturday.

The week flew by like a speed of light. I helped my aunt in her little bookshop in town, Nash passed by daily. Leaving a daisy and a picture from Skylar on my desk, never failing to leave a smile on my face every time. When Saturday came I was perplexed. Not knowing what to wear. What do you wear when you go mud bogging? I settled on a white v-neck t-shirt, shorts and sandals. I put my hair in a ponytail and sat outside on the porch swing.

Nash and his family pulled up minutes later and beeped their horn. My aunt Athena and Uncle Billy came outside and we loaded into their truck. I noticed their four wheelers in the back. Which made, me slightly scared. We pulled up to this heavily forested park. The air was thick and hot. There was mud a few feet away and a trail that seemed to never end. We unloaded the cars and Nash's older and younger brother rode away on their four wheelers. Nash walked up to me grinning.

"Are you ready?" he asked. My eyes got as wide as a childs in a candy shop.
"I am NOT doing that!" I said.
He jumped on his fourwheeler, put his helmet on, put one over my head and pulled me on to the bike. Before I could get off he sped off. I quickly grabbed onto him, wrapping my arms around his waist. He picked up his speed and i gripped on tighter. He drove through all the mud. Mud was thrashing around and got everywhere. I felt so exhilarated and Nash pulled over after what seemed like seconds later. I looked down at my white tshirt. It was caked in mud.
Nash grinned. "Now, you are a true redneck,"
The rest of the night was amazingly fun, we barbequed, did more mud bogging, and just enjoyed each others company. Nash and I drifted away with Skylar and put our toes in the mud. It felt squishy and weird. But natural and relaxing. We talked and laughed ‘till Nash brought up the topic I wanted to avoid.
"Why are you here MacKenzie?" he asked. It was now or never.
"I got into some trouble back home. I was doing partying and heavy drinking. My grades started slipping. Thats all the rage in California. so my parents sent me out here. With my aunt. To teach me a lesson. But honestly. I love it here. None of my "friends" have tried contacting me. Maybe its for the best" I said.
he nodded listening intently. Skylar thru some mud on Nash's leg and he threw some on hers. They continued this laughing and enjoying it. Seeing Skylar’s smile gave me an idea.
"Skylar, how would you like to be in the Little Miss. Sunflower pageant?" I asked. She look confused me.
"No, I’m not pretty enough," that just shocked me.
"Who told you that?" I asked.
"Kaitlin Lockheart" she said looking down. But I sighed.
"You're gorgeous sweetheart. I’ll help you!" i said. She looked up and smiled.
The month of June flew by like a jet on its way to its destination. The sunflower festival preparation was in full swing and I helped Skylar prepare every single day. We got her a blue dress that complimented her eyes, her shoes and she had her routine down. The day of the festival came, and Skylar was so excited. I was in hair and makeup helping her prepare when Skylar’s face got as pale as a cloud.
"Whats wrong?" I asked. I looked up and saw a little red head girl with green eyes. I heard Skylar whisper
"Thats Kaitlin," I immediately understood. Kaitlin was competing. Kaitlin made her way over and gave Skylar a dirty look.
"I hope you're ready to lose," she said in snobby southern accent. She turned and walked away. Her fiery mane of curls bouncing with every step. I got down to Skylar’s level.

"Now listen to me Sky. You are gonna do great. And win or lose, just remember. You're beautiful." she stood quiet and nodded. They finished her up and she looked like a living doll. Her brown tousled curls, were piled high in an updo. Little ringlets hanging down looking like springs. Her eyes, had shadows on them. But still managed to pop and look amazing. Her smile was dazzling. I helped her put her number on, and she was ready. I went out to the crowd and watched one by one as each little girl went. Some better than others. Then Kaitlin came up. She seemed so sure of herself. Strutting her stuff in her little white dress. Curls bobbing up and down. But then, the unthinkable happened. Kaitlin Lockheart fell. She had tripped over her shoes and stood on the floor. But instead of crying or standing and continuing, she stormed off stage. And you could hear in her, her yelling "MAMA!!!" faintly in the distance.

I was still in a state of shock that I didn’t even notice Nash next to me. I also didn’t notice he has slipped a daisy into my hand. On each petal was a word. I read each word carefully. it read. “Will you go to the Sunflower dance with me?” I looked up and saw hope in his bright blue eyes.

I smiled and quickly nodded, feeling myself turn bright red. Nash and I had became so close over the month. He brought me daisies everyday and helped me prepare Skylar for the contest. I was so flattered he has asked me. And actually really glad. I looked up just on time to see Skylar make her entrance. She looked so graceful, like the shy little girl I had known was gone, and this super confident child was standing before me. I was so proud of her. The way she kept her smile up, met all her marks. And never failed to make eye contact with the judges. Skylar amazed me. She was an amazing child. And I was glad I got to help her. I watched as she finished her routine and walked backstage. I felt so proud of her. She met us in the audience and sat on Nash’s lap.

“You did great Sky,” I whispered in her ear. She grinned at me and her eyes sparkled the way Nash’s do.
“Thank you,” she said. I smiled and we watched the rest of the girls do their routines. As the contest went on I could tell Sky was getting restless. She kept moving and squirming on Nash’s lap till the MC tapped the mic.
“Okay everyone, let's get all of our contestants onto the stage,” he said. All the little girls lined up on stage. A rainbow of colors in a straight line, from their dresses. Sparkles showing in their dresses, and their eyes.

“Our princess… is…. “ he started, everyone in the room seemed to go silent for a moment.

“Contestant number 105 Keisha!” A little girl in a pink dress and olive skin walked up to receive her crown. She seemed happy to be up there. Grateful for what she received.

“And our runner up…. is….. Contestant number 122 Kaitlyn!” She went up to get her crown. Her skin as red as her fiery ringlets hanging down her back. They placed the crown on her head and her sash around her neck.

“And our Queen… of this years Little Miss Sunflower pageant is……..” he started. I wanted to hear Skylar’s name. More than anything
“Little Miss Skylar McGee!” he said. They quickly pulled Skylar over and placed a sunflower crown over her head. She was glowing with happiness. I looked over at Nash and a look of pride flashed over his face. He stood up and yelled
“Yeah Skylar!!!” he yelled. She smiled at him. They handed her her prize money and flowers and took about a dozen pictures of her. After all the fuss was over she ran over to Nash and I.

“I did it Nash, I did it!!!” she yelled and he scooped her up into his arms.
“I am so proud of you Sky!” Nash said. I smiled at how close they were.
“You did amazing Sky,” I said she smiled over at me.
“Thank you!” she said I nodded in return. Now that all of this pageant stuff was over I had another thing to worry about. Finding a dress for this dance.
“I cannot find ANYTHING!!!” I yelled throwing my hands down in defeat. My aunt Elena’s head popped into my room.
“Anything for what?” she asked sitting next to me.
“For that Sunflower dance. I have nothing to wear so I’m just not gonna go.” I said laying my head on her lap. She ran her fingers through my hair and kissed my head.
“Oh you’re going.” she said pulling me to her bedroom. She took a box out from the back of her closet. And pulled out the prettiest thing I had ever seen.

“I wore this to my first Sunflower dance. And that’s where Uncle Billy and I had our first date. So I want you to have it.” she said handing the gorgeous thing to me. It was a powdery pink, the tewl seemed to dance in even little layers down the gown. I held it in front of me and stood in front of the mirror. It came a little above the knee. It had sparkles that seemed to twinkle when they caught the light. And it was strapless.

“Thank you so much!” I said hugging my aunt. She hugged back and rushed me to my room to get ready.
When I stood in front of the mirror what stared back at me shocked me. The girl in front of me had her black hair, curled all down her back and a small section pinned up, held with powder pink bow. Her brown eyes seemed to look brighter than usual under all the shadow. She looked genuinely happy. Something she hasn’t looked like in a long time.

“Oh my gosh,” I said.

“You look lovely,” my aunt said taking a piece of lint off my dress. She went downstairs. I heard my Uncle Billy moments later talking with Nash. I felt butterflies in my stomach. This was it. I made my way downstairs and my eyes met a familiar pair of blue eyes.

“Hi,” I said, growing red.

“Hey, you look…. amazing,” Nash said pulling me in for a hug. I took in his comforting scent and we posed for a few pictures and my Aunt and Uncle drove us to the dance. It was outside and under a big white tent. Lights hung from the ceiling and it looked so pretty. Nash and I hung around for a little and he introduced me to his friends. I’ll be by John Mccain started to play on the speakers. Nash pulled me to the dance floor and placed a hand on my hip. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we started swaying with the music.

“I’m glad you came MacKenzie,” he said smiling.

“I am too,” I whispered back. He leaned down and the thing I waited for all summer happened. Nash McGee, kissed me. His lips were soft and the kiss was sweet. It sent a volt of butterflies through my stomach. He grinned at me and we continued to sway to the music. Nothing else mattered. Not my parents. Not California. Not the trouble I was in back home. All that mattered was Nash and I in that moment. Lambert might be a small town, I might of thought it was full of rednecks and hillbillies. But it wasn’t. It was the opposite. The people were friendly and sweet and mannered. They had a beautiful festival and knew how to have fun. I’m so glad that I came to Lambert. I got out of trouble, helped a little girl, and Got some romance along the way.

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