Princess Juniper and Servant Boy Alec | Teen Ink

Princess Juniper and Servant Boy Alec

January 21, 2014
By CoolLonerChick BRONZE, Mesquite, Nevada
CoolLonerChick BRONZE, Mesquite, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I lost my shoe...*pouty face*..." - Sam Winchester

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away from others, was a princess. She wasn’t the princess of this kingdom; in fact she wasn’t a princess of any kingdom anymore. She had faked her death to be with the one she loved. Poor beloved Princess Juniper lived on the streets in this kingdom, waiting for her love to come to her like they had promised. Like she remembered they had vowed to do…

Juniper sat in the garden on her castle, watching as a butterfly dozed on a tulip. Her long brown hair hung down her back in soft waves, her emerald green dress flowing to the ground like a waterfall. She looked around, her dull brown eyes glowing in the moon light as she waited for her love. There was a rustle in the bushes and a boy maybe a year older than her stepped out. He wore a tattered tunic and trousers, his blonde hair said with dirt. He smiled at the sight of Juniper, and she smiled back. “Alec.” She whispered, standing to meet him. Alec wrapped his tan arms around her tiny figure, engulfing her in warmth on this cool night.

“My love,” he whispered, cupping her face in his hands, “we cannot do this any longer.” Tears sprung to Junipers eyes and she gazed in confusion in to his blue ones.

“Why? We haven’t been caught, nor will they ever catch us.”

Alec sighed sadly, “You cannot assure that. If I am caught you will be locked in your castle and I will be hung. It is not proper for a servant boy to love a princess.” He dropped his hands, taking a step back and looking away.

“Then we run.” Juniper said quickly, catching his hand. He gave her a bewildered look, but before he could speak she continued, “We run to a faraway forest, where no one will know us and it is not improper, where we can love without fear.” He stared into her eyes, disbelief lining his face.

“You would give up a kingdom to be with me?” He asked in confusion.

“I would give up the world to be with you, Alec.”

He gripped her hands, a smile blooming on his face. “Then we will meet here in a fortnight and flee. Prepare yourself well, we have a long journey.” And thus the couple parted.

A fortnight later, Juniper stood in the garden, waiting for Alec. She had a pack laying hidden under the stone bench, waiting to be retrieved. She waited and waited, but her love did not come. Just a dawn began to break, Alec stumbled from the bushes, bleeding and bruised. “Alec!” She shrieked when she saw him, rushing to his aid. His breathing was haggard and his legs weak. His blond hair was caked with his own blood and his clothes torn.

“They found out.” He rasped, “They knew what we had planned. The soldiers beat me. I’m sorry.” Then he fell. Juniper got down beside his weak form, tears leaking from her eyes.

“You will live, promise me you will live.” She cried.

Alec smiled sadly at her, “I cannot.” She wiped her tears, holding his hand tightly in hers. “We will be together.” She said, rubbing his hand and combing her fingers through his tangled hair, “We will. I will get you to a healer, and then I will flee. Vow to me you will meet me. Please, Alec, vow to me.”

“Where? Where can we go where people won’t hurt us?” Alec’s eyes were drooping now.

“We’ll go to Argador. No one can hurt us there and if they tried, they would be destroyed.” Juniper held back a sob as Alec’s body started to relax.

“Then we will meet in Argador.” He said his voice quiet and weak, “I vow to meet you in the market place, my dearest Juniper.” Then he fell limp.

Just like Juniper had promised she had called a healer and then immediately fled. For weeks she’s been in the Argador market place, waiting to be with the love she refused to think was gone. The healer was the best in the kingdom, so Alec has to be alive. Juniper huddled in the corner of an alley, cold, hungry and sick. An odd drowsiness suddenly engulfed her body as snow began to fall. Juniper did not resist, and let her eyes slide closed. When she opened them her dearest Alec was crouched in front of her, a smile on her face. “Alec!” she shouted, throwing her arms around him, “Oh, Alec, what took you so long?” She smiled up at his clean face as he hugged her tightly.

“My love, you’re the one that kept me waiting.” Juniper sighed, finally happy again. Back in the alley where she had fallen into an endless sleep, a tear was frozen on her cheek as snow blanketed her body, a smile on her face.

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