a distante satisfaction | Teen Ink

a distante satisfaction

January 6, 2014
By Anonymous

His countenance shifted as he stared into her eyes. From a former determination he now felt slight hesitation. Rapidly pacing through his thoughts he wondered if she was experiencing a similar state of perplexity. Gently brushing off the snow white dust that had gathered on the tip of her nose. A childish smile flashed over her lips. In that moment he recognized a naive innocence with in her. He saw her as a virgin. Untouched and delicate as if the slightest contact could bruise her lightly rouged skin. But her purity vanished with the ephemerality of her smile as she handed him the powdery covered surface of a small rectangular glass mirror. A feeling of corruption set in. An evil presence poisoning the mind of such a pure being. He lifted the mirror to his nose and inhaled through his nostril. As he did a rush traveled up his nose and released a light tingling sensation. Regret swept over him. Suddenly aware of his unfortunate surroundings. He dropped the glass and stood up abruptly. The glass shatter upon contact with the floor.

“S*** Jon!”

“Sorry I...I...I don't know...I” His eyes swept through the florescent lit bath room. Its mud scuffed white tiles, scratched mirror and horrendous odor. He could hear no cars whizzing by outside. The highway was silent. A calm serenity, the stillness before the storm her thought. He felt abandoned. They were completely alone and no one cared, one noticed. “ What the f*** are we doing Rose?”

She sensed his hesitation. He noticed her eyes following the same path as his as they raced about the room and landed momentarily on the muddy tiles. She anxiously raised her hand and swiped back her hair letting it fall softly into an elegant wave over the crown of her head. Her eyes once again meet his. They them search his face for any signs of falsity in his question. Desperately reaching out to try and cling to any sign of denial she no longer wanted to feel the light tingling of loneliness. But this time he felt no connection to her as he previously had. Her following actions only strengthened the divide between them. Fallen into a state of trance her eyes succeeded back into her. Shutting her self off from him the rolled back deep into her skull.

“Rose! Christ Rose are you ok?” He could feel panic sinking in as his voice raised. Rose’s delicate body surrendered to the floor as is shook with the violent tremors of a Demond. Possessed he thought. She was passed the point of no return. Rose was irretrievable. As he held her quite body the sound of the traffic rushed in through the stale walls. He no longer felt alone and he could now sense the life outside. But the love he had once had for her had vanished. He felt completely detached from the once pure being he had possessed who now lay lifeless in his arms.

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