Hidden Love | Teen Ink

Hidden Love

December 6, 2013
By _jennanauta BRONZE, Stockton, California
_jennanauta BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Somewhere between the athlete I have became, and the hours of practice and coaches coaching me is a girl that fell in love with the game.

-Mia Hamm

One day a girl named Hazel Garcia, whom her friends and family call YaYa, was getting ready for school. It was in the beginning of the year, barely the second week. She went to the most popular high school in her city of San Diego: San Diego High School (SDHS). Hazel didn’t really like to go to school, she only liked to go for her friends Kiara and Nicole, and for her third and fourth period classes. Hazel’s third is Physical Education (P.E.) and her fourth period is Art. Hazel loved these classes; she was very athletic, and she was a great artist. Even though she really didn’t like to go to school, she was still a good kid in school, and got good grades in school.

One day, a new boy named Jonathan arrived. Kiara and Nicole, being the nice girls they automatically walked up to him to help him around.

“Are you lost?” murmured Kiara.

“Yes, I am actually,” remarked Jonathan confusedly.

“Well what can we help you with?” Kiara and Nicole remarked.

“Well I am new to San Diego High, and I need help finding my classes,” replied Jonathan.

“Oh, we see,” Nicole announced.

“Well, then, we will show you around,” said Kiara. “What are your first four periods?”

“First period Math, second period English, third period Physical Education (P.E.), fourth period Art,” exclaimed Jonathan.

“Okay, we will show you each room of your first to fourth period,” explained Kiara and Nicole. So Kiara and Nicole began to walk around school campus and show Jonathan his first through fourth periods. Before lunch bell had rang, Kiara had asked Jonathan another question about his classes.

“So now you know your first through fourth periods,” said Kiara. “What are your fifth and sixth periods?”

“Fifth period I have History and sixth period I have Science,” replied Jonathan.

“Okay, follow us,” announced Kiara and Nicole. Right when Kiara and Nicole finished showing Jonathan the Science building, the lunch bell rang. Kiara and Nicole immediately rushed to the front of the cafeteria to meet Hazel. Jonathan, not knowing what was going on, rushed right behind them. Before even meeting up with Hazel, Jonathan asks Kiara and Nicole something.

“May I sit and eat lunch with you girls since it’s my first day and all?” asked Jonathan.

“Of course you can Jonathan,” Kiara and Nicole replied. Kiara, Nicole, and Jonathan go and get their lunch, while Hazel saves a table for them. Kiara and Nicole come over and sit down, with Jonathan following behind them. Kiara and Nicole both notice that Hazel is drawing as they sit down. All three sat down at the same time, and Hazel doesn’t even notice that Jonathan is sitting right across from her at the lunch table.

“WOW, Hazel you can’t even say hi?” exclaims Nicole.

“What, asked Hazel, “What are you talking about?”

“Jonathan right here,” replied Nicole. Hazel looks up and notices Jonathan, and looks right into his eyes. The moment she looks into his eyes she feels like she is dreaming. She blinks a few times then closes her eyes, and opens them back up and she notices he is still there. When she does notice that Jonathan is actually there she realizes she is not dreaming. Hazel immediately falls in love with Jonathan. Every day at school she sees Jonathan, and is just blown away by him. Hazel has a feeling that it will be awkward around him, so she just gets closer and closer with him as a friend.

As the feelings of Hazel’s love for Jonathan gets stronger and stronger she wants to tell Jonathan even more. In Hazel’s mind, for the longest time, she knew there were too many complications in the way to tell him. She had the feelings in her mind of what she wanted to tell Jonathan, but she knew she couldn’t confess these feelings to anyone. She had this feeling because she isn’t close to her parents, her little sister wouldn’t understand, she felt that her older brother would be overprotective, and she thought that her friends Kiara and Nicole would probably judge her even though they were her best friends.

The biggest complication was when a new girl came to San Diego High School, named Leslie. Leslie was pretty, nice, and had a good personality, she basically had the full package. When Hazel figured out these characteristics of Leslie, she instantly got scared that Jonathan would start to fall for Leslie. Hazel tried her best to keep Jonathan and Leslie just friends, and not have them alone at any time or feelings could change. Another day of school Hazel overheard Leslie and Jonathan talking.
“Hey Jonathan, how are you doing?” asked Leslie flirtatiously.
“I’m doing good and you?” replies Jonathan.
“Great! You look nice today!” remarked Leslie.
“Thank you, so do you,” announced Jonathan.
Right when Hazel hears this she breaks down inside, she feels that her plan of telling Jonathan her true feelings. She had this feeling because she thought that Jonathan liked Leslie back, so she thought they were flirting back with each other. But he really wasn’t he was just being a gentleman and being polite because he asked Leslie how she was doing and that she looked nice today. Hazel really didn’t know what to think during the moment; all she knew was that she was mad. She tried to finish the rest of the day without being mad, but she actually did end the day being mad. She knew when she got home she wouldn’t be able to express her feelings, because her family just wouldn’t understand. The next few days of school all Hazel heard was the drama between Hazel, Leslie, and Jonathan.

“Are Leslie and Jonathan dating?”

“Or are Hazel and Jonathan dating?”

“Is Hazel angry and sad?”

“Or is Leslie angry and sad?”

“Does Jonathan like Hazel or Leslie, or does he like both?”

“Does Leslie like Jonathan, or does Hazel like Jonathan, or do they both like Jonathan?”
No one really knows the truth about them anymore; everyone is confused about Hazel, Leslie, and Jonathan. Hazel just finally had enough of it, and was going to Jonathan her true feelings about him. Before she even could Jonathan pulled her aside during lunch, and gave her a letter he wrote.

“Please don’t read it until you get home,” Jonathan asked politely.

“Okay, okay I will I promise!” exclaimed Hazel.

Together they both walk back to their table during lunch; they both had smiles on their faces. All Hazel could think about was the letter that Jonathan gave her, and she just wanted her last two periods to go by quick so she could read the letter from Jonathan. Hazel finally got home, she quickly went to her room, and read the letter. The letter from Jonathan said how Hazel was beautiful, kind, respectful, and had a good personality. Then it at the end of the letter it said P.S. I really really like you Hazel that I think it might be love. She was so happy; because once she knew that Jonathan liked her back she knew she could tell him her true feelings. Hazel went to bed, and all she could think about the letter and Jonathan. Even when she woke up the next morning that’s still all she could think about. Hazel got to school and ran to Jonathan, and she gave him a big hug.

“What the heck is going on?” Kiara and Nicole asked confusingly.

“Jonathan and I are in love!” Hazel replies with excitement.

“We knew it!” exclaimed Kiara and Nicole. “We knew it was going to happen we just had that feeling.”

“It was just love at first sight!” Jonathan and Hazel replied looking into each other’s eyes.

The author's comments:
My dreams from my sleep had inspired me to write this writing.

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