Down by the River | Teen Ink

Down by the River

November 23, 2013
By blossoming BRONZE, Hannon, Other
blossoming BRONZE, Hannon, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We sat there by the river one day, his hand encasing mine. The water rippled beneath us and leaves rustled in the trees overhead. Often we just sat there like this. Ever so frequently his striking eyes meeting mine and the exchange of kisses. This particular day the water was calm, the only thing audible his steady breathing. My eyes were closed as I reached up to lightly caress his cheek. To my displeasure his cheek was wet.

"Jonathan" I started, sitting up and cupping his face in my hands. Tears flowed streadily as he stared out at the horizon.

"Alara can I ask you something?" As he talked his voice cracked, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed.

"Anything" I replied quietly, squeezing his hand lightly.

He took a shuddering breath and stared deep into my eyes. God I could stare into those eyes all day. Beautiful blue. The colour of two clear and impeccably cut sapphires.

"Alara. If you.. If you had the chance to kill yourself without hurting anyone you loved... Would you?" He asked, black hair flopping messily against his forehead as he stared down at our intertwined fingers. Without answering, I kissed him. Lips soft as petals and tasting of tears. His heart thumped in sync sigh mine, and for nothing more than a moment I felt content. A very rare emotion in my hellhole of a life. These were the types of things that kept me alive. Besides him and my river... I had nothing. He pulled away from my lips, his eyes hardening as his gaze traveled down my face.

"Answer me" he whispered, struggling against the sadness that I knew had began to overtake him once again. Brushing a lock of hair from his eyes I attempted to imagine life without Jonathan. His hand closed around my wrist tightly as I reached a conclusion. Tears inadvertently surfaced and we shared the most intimate of gazes.

"In a heartbeat" I whispered.

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