Midnight Ponderings | Teen Ink

Midnight Ponderings

May 18, 2013
By Anonymous

At this moment, I am in love with you. I’m in love with us. With you and I. I am in love with love, if love even exists. I never dreamed it possible to feel this way about someone. And you, of all people, to be the person I feel so deeply for. I never dreamed it possible for another human being to be the identical soul of me. I can’t speak in proper sentences. My breathing is funny. I don’t sleep, and I don’t eat right either. I wonder. I wonder everything. Where are you? How are you? Do you love me? Do you miss me? Do you even remember me? I ask that, yet I know you do. You are me, and I am you. Our worlds are one. You and I are one. This can not be real, yet I sit and listen to you describe your life, and it’s as if you’ve just finished reading my biography.

What’s even more peculiar is how we met. Two perfect strangers, the perfect match. We’ve still yet to meet in person, though we’ve clearly met in another life. Fate has brought us together, to the same small town of the universe. When I added you on Facebook, it’s because your profile picture was just so attractive. Your eyes, your smile, your face. It called to me, and I thought that it was simply my emotions. But now I believe that it was something bigger, something greater than any of us. I was drawn to you, and we have no regrets.

Maybe you will never be in love with me the way that I am falling in love with you. But I know that you and I already love each other very much. We have no choice. We have to love another. If we become lovers, I will never fall in love with another. And if we don’t, just know that nobody could ever compare to you. You are my everything. I am young, naive, simple minded, and shallow, yet I truly believe we were made for each other. It is not quite lustful, but we have the potential to lust, to love, to be unified further than we already are.We could be everything, and we could be nothing. I could be anything you wanted me to be, but I don’t have to be anything, because we mirror each other.

Why did this happen? Is this experience as intense for you as it is for me? I can only hope. I want you so badly. I have never, in my whole life, felt so strongly about another person. I don’t even know why I am. What’s crazier is that you seem to be drawn to me too. You think I’m funny. You are the very first person to think such wonderful things about me. It has made me cry a hundred thousand times. You consume my dreams and my hopes for the future.
I’m in love with you, and it scares me to no end.

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