A Ninja's Tale | Teen Ink

A Ninja's Tale

May 22, 2013
By Stefi BRONZE, Wyatt, Indiana
Stefi BRONZE, Wyatt, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Ninja’s Tale
Told from Jayden Steel’s Perspective

Most people view ninja differently than we view ourselves. For instance, there are many kinds of ninja and many different ranks. There are Element Ninja, Sword Ninja, Arcane Ninja, and Snake Ninja. The ranks are Rank C-Ninja, Rank B- Genin, Rank A-Chunin, and Rank S-Daimyo. My partner, Narcissus Monroe, and I are Element Ninja. We are currently Genin, soon to be promoted to Chunin. I studied the Water and Wind elements and Narcissus studied the Fire and Lightning elements. Ninja of course have rivals and our rivals are the Samurai. We’ve been enemies for centuries. Lately they’ve been attacking Shinobi, the city of the one and only Daimyo alive. The Daimyo sent all the Ninja away and most of the Genin. For some reason, the Daimyo thinks that Narcissus and I have what it takes to become Daimyo later in life and he has kept us around. We are due to take the examen to become Chunin later next week. If we succeed, I would be the only female Ninja to achieve the Chunin status. There aren’t many female Ninja and most don’t attempt to become even Genin. The tests are near impossible but the Daimyo is urging me to become the only female Daimyo in Ninja history. The other kinds never have had female Daimyo before either. Right now, Narcissus and I are stationed in Shinobi to protect the Daimyo from the Samurai because he’s getting up there in age and really can’t do much anymore. The many missions that my partner and I face are basically keeping the Samurai away from Shinobi and taking care of the few traitors from all kinds of Ninja. We Ninja see ourselves as a proud and noble people and we try to avoid conflict when we can. We don’t dress in all black, sneak around in shadows at night, or kill for pleasure. Some of the novice Ninja dress really flamboyantly, only a few missions require to be at night, and we only kill when our own lives are at stake. Most don’t appreciate us because we are few and far spread out. However we protect and take care of our own. Mess with one Ninja, you mess with all Ninja. It’s true especially for the Element Ninja. All 5 elements will band together to help someone in need. We are noble. We are proud. We are Ninja.
• Water • Wind • Lightning • Fire • Earth •

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