Ten day graduation | Teen Ink

Ten day graduation

April 16, 2013
By Carl Fuller BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Carl Fuller BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She’s the one, she only desires me, she’s so beautifull, she dresses up for me, she’d rather lie to me than hurt me, is that a good thing? Yocali was torn apart in confusion. At first a life with Vanessa didn’t seem so bad. Vanessa was head over heels for Yocali, and she wanted him there for her whenever she wanted somebody to make her feel loved and important. She loved to dress up and let everyone see her at her physical best state. She was all about appearance, and sometimes Yocali felt he was another object to show . Vanessa wasn’t always bad to Yocali, she just happened to ignore him, and told him he wasn’t needed around at times. She didn’t always mean it out of anger; she was just too different from Yocali. Yocali needed someone who could sit down and speak out there feelings face to face, not someone who texted him about each other’s feelings, not someone who needed a best friend to tell everything to. Yocali discovered that he shares more negative qualities with Vanessa , than he did positive ones. Yocali broke his relations with Vanessa and was frowned upon by all Vanessa’s friend’s for doing so .

Yocali often would converse with one of the kindest, gentlest, sensitive, caring, and beautiful individuals, about his recent relationship. He met Evolette , who knew what growing up in a foreign place from home was like. Evolette was from Michoacán, Mexico, and moved to Chicago, Illinois when she was just ten. Evolette know’s what it was like to be hurt, used, confused and most of all to be alone. Evolette understood true happiness, and didn’t care for appearances and didn’t dress to impress, and liked to dress casual and feel comfortable. Evolette and Yocali connected naturally , in a divine way . Evolette could share her idea’s, and go on for hours about her beliefs with yocali, who just gazed into her beautiful amber eyes and listened, asked her questions and was interested by each and every word that blossomed from her lips. Evolette could listen to every weird story, or sit through every terrible joke Yocali told and still laugh and look each other in the eyes, both faces lit bright by a smile. Evolette truly cared for Yocali, and wanted him to be happy. She helped him back on his feet to meet new girls or possibly go back to Vanessa. The more the two spent time conversing, Yocali realized he needed to be with Evolette, she kept him happy and understood Yocali like no one else could. Evolette knew the true Yocali, and Yocali knew the true Evolette . They couldn’t tell a lie to one another, they connected because they had the same personalities. He had to let her know, he needed to find out if she felt the same, but he was frightened of rejection. He asked, “so Evolette, what if there was a really nice guy, who was interested in your for your true self, what would you do? Well, school is a lot for me right now, and I just rather focus on finishing school than finding love, Evolette explained. Evolette really did want to be nearer to Yocali then she was, she even liked every little thing about him, even his flaws, but she didn’t know how to approach him, and she was scared she may be hurt by rejection. She was also nervous and didn’t want to mess things up, and didn’t want to lay her heart out on the line to be scarred again, like she had with her previous boyfriends.
So Yocali thought to himself, and wondered if Vanessa really did truly love Yocali for his personality. He thought maybe she would be willing to share feelings again. As he had been seeing Vanessa he thought he was the luckiest man alive. He was happy that Vanessa still waited for him to come back to her. He was willing to do everything Vanessa could ask for! Vanessa wasn’t quite ready for Yocali’s wants, she kept him from seeing his friends and family, and most of all couldn’t stand that Yocali was going to move back to the Lac Du Flambeau Lake Superior band Chippewa Native American reservation in Minocqua, a town in the northern area of Wisconsin, which was his home town. Yocali would be returning to his old home in Lac Du Flambeau/Minocqua in ten days after graduation. Vanessa didn’t truly know Yocali , and she didn’t understand how big being home was for him. She didn’t think like Yocali, Evolette did. Yocali knew he had to be with Evolette, but he knew he would hurt Vanessa as well. He had a big decision to make. He knew Evolette was waiting for him, waiting to go see the reservation with him every day! He had ten days, to think, to be confused , and most of all, to step up and graduate from letting others decisions alter his life, he had to make his own choice ! He truly knew he had to be with the coy, naturally beautiful girl that knew his personality, his every next move, she knew the way he thought!

Theme: Make your own decisions, because only you know your true destiny. Like My grandfather always said, “One can’t buy another person there shoes for them because they may not fit, and they may not feel rite or comfortable for that person”.

The author's comments:
This peice is a true part of me!

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