Irresistable | Teen Ink


April 13, 2013
By emilarz BRONZE, Medina, Ohio
emilarz BRONZE, Medina, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I look into his eyes, we have been sitting here for an hour. We listen to the sound of each other breathing. I have my head rested on his strong chest. I glance up at his face to see his eyes staring down at me. I look at each of his features, eyes, mouth, nose.

His eyes, so magnificent and inviting. They seem as though they change color. When he looks at me I can see how much he cares. They can tell when I am in pain or I am worried.

His smile, never a dreary frown. He had won me over with his smile. When he smiles at me cheer runs through my body and forces me to smile back, no matter my mood.

His nose, a little big but he wouldn't be complete without it. It completes his look, his feel. I can't imagine him any other way.

His personality, which sums him up perfectly. No matter how much I yell or scream at him, he can always take it. He makes me feel better, and puts what I said to the back of his mind.

There is no one else out there like him, that's why he's irresistible. I turn my head up and tell him,"I love you." The only thing that makes the moment better is when he replies,"I love you too."

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