She Danced | Teen Ink

She Danced

April 12, 2013
By Anonymous

She danced. Even when she wasn't trying to sometimes. She pirouetted at the grocery store, and when she crossed the street, and even twirled around on the beach at a fancy white wedding. It just became part of her routine. She danced so much, that that's all she was able to do. She danced when she read books, and when she ate her spaghetti and even danced when she did her laundry. She danced when it rained, and jumped through the raindrops that would bounce up off the pavement. She danced in the shine, the suns rays beating hard down upon her neck. Her whole life was counted by beats. She even kicks her feet in her sleep. Nobody liked her though, because she could never stop. And too much of something, especially something as beautiful dancing, is never a good thing. Time passed by and people would shout out at her across the busy street to knock it off, and some people even threw things at her as she skipped and twirled and flailed on by. She wished she could stop, she even cried when she danced now. What she loved didn't seem so beautiful to her anymore. Nobody would understand her passion, not even herself. Finally one day, she had enough. Late one night she dance by the edge of her bed and prayed to her lucky stars to take the beautiful talent that had been given to her away, and when she woke up the next morning, her legs were still. She jumped and cheered with happiness, and continued on with her daily routine. She walked at the grocery store and sat still at the fancy white windows on the beach And even jogged across the street. One day, as she was walking down the same busy street she had traveled upon many times before, she spotted something in the near distance, approaching her quickly. A leaping man danced along by her, followed by a gust of wind. For a second, time froze. She saw the look on his face and the sadness in his eyes and she could feel the same pain that she had felt many times before. Mesmerized, she turned around quickly to catch his attention, but it was too late. her hand flew through the air, and fell back down by her side. He was long gone, twirling by yellow taxis and skipping by many business men in suits. And the only thing he left being, was a trail of tears.

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