The Airport | Teen Ink

The Airport

January 10, 2013
By davis curtin BRONZE, Holland Mi, Michigan
davis curtin BRONZE, Holland Mi, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Airport
I grabbed my suitcase and bags and lingered over to Gate B where my flight would be departing. I had just grabbed a bite to eat at some junky airport restaurant. The food was absolutely morbid. On the way to Gate B my eyes were bestowed upon the worlds, cutest, prettiest, and sexiest girl I have ever seen. She was sitting her little cute-self right in Gate B. My heart started thumping like gazelle’s when it glares into the pale yellow eye of the lion.
I used the reflection of my phone to straighten my hair up, and then I realized I had a monstrous booger. A habit I developed at a very young age kicked into my head, my finger shot up my nose to search and destroy the flaky bastard. Just as I glanced up from digging in my phone I saw her eyes lock onto mine. My mind told me, “Well there goes another” but I continued towards her direction. As I got closer I tripped on my shoe lace and once again I saw her cold glare staring me down. I turned beat red, I was on strike two, one more of my famous stunts and I would be the world’s biggest dork ever.
I always seem to turn into a Mr. Bean-Like character whenever I get around girls… well cute girls. I reached the sitting section and sat down right next to her, not only was that the only seat open but I also really wanted to. She smelled like a Japanese garden and her skin was smooth like a butter roll on Thanksgiving Day. “Hi, I’m Ddddd-avis,” I stuttered badly trying to peer into her ocean blue eyes. They were so blue and intimidating, I was a mouse gazing into a great big cat eye’s.
Amazingly I got a reply. It sounded as though an angel was talking to me, “Nice to meet you Davis, but normally people introduce themselves with their first name first.”
“Aaaaactualy it is my ffffirst name.”
“Oh, I’m sorry my name is Claudia.”
For some reason my mind was stuck on her smelling like flowers still and I answered, “Wow, what a bbbbbeautifull name for a fffffflower.”
I thought about how big of a loser I sounded like and thought it would be best if I just got up and walked away as if I was never there. “Awh, that’s the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me!” she expressed with a wide toothy grin. A blind man could have seen those white pearly teeth a mile away. Her cherry red lips eased my mind and I thought that maybe I wasn’t as bad as I thought. Either I was doing alright or she thought I was cute… or she thought that I’m taking this plane to get away from my mental hospital and she was just being nice.
“No problem, what are you doing traveling alone to a place like New York?” my mind raced and I hoped that’s what normal people would have asked this Greek Goddess.
“I don’t know actually!” she perked up. “I mean I just want to be there I guess! I’m from a very small village in North Dakota and said to myself one day I gotta get out of here and find out what the real world is like. I guess this is my way of doing so!”
I laughed a little, “So when will you be going home then?”
“I actually don’t have any plans to. At least for a while! It would definitely not be the end of the world if I went back to that dusty hell hole that’s for sure,” I felt like a million bucks talking to this girl. Then she answered her cell phone.
She looked at it and a stone cold face came across the beautiful woman, “Hello.”
I could barely make-out a deep voice on the other line that said, “I still love you, Claudia.”
It felt as if someone had shoved two scolding hot metal rods into my ears. “Good-bye John. Please don’t ever call again,” she said blandly to the man on the other line. Once again my confidence and heart was lifted a thousand miles high.
I swiftly turned the other way after she hung up in case she thought I was ease dropping on her conversation. Miraculously she leaned over and started crying on my shoulder. My mind raced through ever possible thing: Do my armpits stink? Is my shirt soft? Did I use my dandruff control this morning? So in case of any of those things I started to tickle her. When girls are sad they like to be tickled, I believed to be the old saying. It didn’t matter because Claudia’s tears went away like a storm on a sunny day.
My moment was ruined when we heard the intercom go off, “Rows 1-24 may now start boarding.” Well this was it. She got up and gathered up her bags.
“Davis, will you do me a big favor?”
“Of course!”
“I have an extra ticket because my ex isn’t here and hopefully I never have to see him again, but I’ll be lonely on the plane. Will you take his ticket and sit next to me?” once again that snow white smile was grinning away.
“I wouldn’t want to sit next to anyone else,” this was the greatest thing I have ever said.
Two huge smiley people starred at each other, and we boarded the plane.

The author's comments:
This piece is intended to make the readers day a little more joyful and have them get a quick laugh and some cute fantasy.

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