Chance | Teen Ink


November 20, 2012
By Meggieisawesome SILVER, Central Point, Oregon
Meggieisawesome SILVER, Central Point, Oregon
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Darleks are red
Tardis is blue
Why can't you see that I LOVE YOU..... Almost as much as DOCTOR WHO????

I jumped up at the sound of my phone ringing. It was Chance my boyfriend calling me to just say good morning.
I answered "Hello Chance good morning."
"Good morning beautiful," he was always so sweet. He is also really handsome and funny. Chance is the perfect guy for me, I love him. He has messy brown hair with blue eyes, I love his eyes. His eyes change from a light blue to a dark blue to gray. His eye color changes depending on his mood, I love looking into those eyes. He was somewhat tall but not so tall that he towers over the short little me. He is the perfect hight that if I hug him, my head rests on his chest. It's perfect, it's like we were meant for each other.
"How was you night beautiful?" His soothing voice got me out of day dreaming of him.
"Oh it was good Chance, I love you Boo," Boo is what I call Chance. And Chance calls me Meggie poo.
"I love you to Megan, hey would you mind if I came over to your house today?"
"That would be great! Do you need a ride?" Me and Chance are sophomores but neither of us have out permits yet. He is to lazy and I have failed every time I have tried.
"Yea, I would need a ride, would that be alright with your dad?"
"Yup! I can't wait to see you!"
"Love you Megan, thank you."
" No thank you Chance I have been so bored this summer, love you to Boo," I was really exited to see my boo, I mean I haven't seen him in a whole two days!
"Well bye Meggie, talk to you when I get there, kisses bye"
"Bye Chance love you kisses!"
"Love you to."
I waited there silently until he hung up, I don't like hanging up I don't know why.
I asked my dad to take me to go get Chance and he said okay, me and my dad went to the little store by Chances house and waited. Chance walked up to the truck and hopped into the back seat. I got up and jumped over the seat to be in the back with chance. Chance was covered in mud. He must of been playing outside again. I love county boys and Chance was definitely one of 'em. He didn't care about getting dirty. I kissed him on the cheek and said hi, he said hello back. We buckled up, he was in the seat behind my dad's and I was sitting in the seat in the middle just to be closer to him. I sat there with my hand sort of touching his, I wanted him to grab my hand. I'm to shy. He finally got the hint, Chance knows me well. We held hands the whole way to my house. Our hands got sweaty but we didn't care. We drove by all the pastures and the horses and cows, I love watching the scenery as we drive by. I leaned my head on chances shoulder and yawned, I'm always a little to relaxed around him. He kisses my forehead then puts his arm around me. We drove by a little pond, it was beautiful because the sun was hitting it just right. We don't talk in the car that much, the only time I talk is when spoken to in the car. I am usually to busy looking out the window. Even though it was summer, it rained still. It rained as the temperature stayed warm. It was weird but nice. It started raining lightly and I watched the rain drip down the windows then I saw the little market. We were almost there. We drove by the last couple houses and then reached mine. Dad pulled into the drive way and I could hear the crunch of the rocks as we drove over them. We parked in front of the house. The house was a beaten up, brown, one story house. But the property in the back makes up for it. Chance gives me his jacket to put over me as we run from the car to the house trying not to get rain on us. I grab his hand and take him into my room, I let go of him and and plop onto my bed. He comes up and sits on the bed, then bounces a little to get me up. I laughed and sat up next to him. He kissed me. It was a long kiss but I didn't mind, I didn't want it to end. But unfortunately it had to end.
Chance whispered into my ear, "I love you Megan."
"I love you to Chance," when I say I love him I mean it, and I know he means it to.
I turn on my TV and I turn on a movie, It didn't matter what movie it was I just wanted to cuddle and talk. We laid in my bed cuddling and talking about random stuff we didn't care about, we just cared about being with each other. The movie was over and we sat for a while longer sitting and listening to the rain beating on the roof. Then it stopped. I looked up and i saw his handsome, cheesy smile.
"Let's go!" He wanted to go ride my mule, a mule is like a golf cart, but way faster and way better. He picked me up and carried me outside to the mule. I was laughing the whole way. He got so happy when he got to drive it so I usually let him drive. I sat in the middle and he turned the key. The mule roared loudly at us and came alive. Chance backed up then. We left. We went to my back yard. In my back yard was a big, white, old horse named Cece. Chance got out back and drove crazy. I trusted him with my life I knew he wouldn't get us hurt. He drove out to the vary back of my property and turned the mule off.
I looked at him questionably but also amused and while laughing said,"What do you think you're doing cowboy?"
"Oh, just taking a break from driving beautiful," in his voice I knew he was up to something.
He leaned over and was about to kiss me, then he reached his arm out, and pushed me out of the mule into a large puddle that if I was standing up in would go to my knees. I fell on my butt, so my clothes were drenched. He sat there laughing his head off. I sat up and put my head down and pretended to cry. He stopped laughing and his face turned from happy to worried and then he got out of the mule to help me up. He got up to his knees on his pants wet coming to get me. He put his hand an my shoulder and I looked up at him with a huge smile, grabbed his arm that was rested on my shoulder, and pulled him into the water with me. We wrestled in the puddle for a while, it didn't get muddy because it had soft grass on the bottom, to prevent the dirt from coming up. It started raining again. I was sad because our fun was over.
Chance picked me up and put me in the mule and said, "It won't end don't worry, it will never end. I promise I will stay fun for you forever Megan."
"Oh thank you chance!" Then I kissed him. It was a short kiss, but then Chance got into the mule and held me tight and kissed me again. We sat there just kissing for a really long time.
When we stopped kissing I whispered, " We should get back and change." I didn't need to be loud because we were always really close together. Chance started up the mule, I grabbed his hand, he gave me a quick kiss, and we drove back to my house. We went inside and I have him my brothers clothes to wear then he came back into my room. We decided to play my Xbox until he had to go, and of coarse be as close to each other as possible while playing. He won every time but I wasn't really paying attention to the game anyways, I was thinking about Chance.
My dad forgot to take him home so Chance and me played video games till midnight. Then dad took him home. Me and chance sat in the same seats as on the ride to my house.
We got to Chances house and Chance kissed me one last time and said, "Good night Meggie poo, I love you."
I replied instantly because I knew we didn't have much time, "Bye Chance good night, I love you to sweet dreams Boo."
Chance was about to close the door then opened it again, gave me a kiss, then closed the door and left. I watched him walk back to his house and disappear behind his front door. I was sad he was gone.
My phone lights up the car.
I look down and see a text from my love:
"I love you I can't wait 2 c u again!!!!! <3<3"
I reply:
"Chance, I love you to <3 I miss you already Boo :("

The author's comments:
Just thinking about him

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