An Obsession | Teen Ink

An Obsession

November 7, 2011
By Hueso BRONZE, Idyllwild, California
Hueso BRONZE, Idyllwild, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I had seen you a couple of times, but never payed much interest to you. Until one day you were staring towards me and I noticed you. I had never been lost in someones eyes and most of all I've never seen someone as attractive as you. I wasn't what you would call "attractive" and good looking. I was very petite and I had never done anything to enhance my body. The one thing I could never figure was why me, why not someone else.

We did what every normal couple did. We went on dates and talked more to get to know each other. On one of our dates we laughed and enjoyed ourselves, but the one thing I wasn't expecting was for us to kiss. Your lips were soft, your breath was fresh and I was falling in love with you.

After a while I knew that love at first sight didn't exist. I wasn't in love, I just need someone to listen to me and talk to me. You were the one who filled my heart by being sweet and caring. From you I learned that feelings don't always lead to love. I was more obsessed with you than in love. I need someone to talk to, not to love.

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