Heartbreak | Teen Ink


January 7, 2022
By Anonymous

Damon- The ex boyfriend 

Amya- The girlfriend of ex boyfriend 

Amyas sister

Keith- Amaya’s “lover” 


Setting-  Amyas House 



(Amya walking back and forth in her room, antsy talking to her sister on the phone) 

Amya. Honestly, I can’t believe he did this to me. After all these years, all the time and effort we put into this relationship. And for what. For what. It’s just a bunch of bullshit honestly. ( face starts to get red while on the phone)

Amayas Sister. I know honey, I know he hurt you. I don’t even know how to help you at this point, not like you ever take my advice. You're wrapped around his finger and you know it! Yet you still let him treat you like an option. 

Amaya. I just don’t know why I love him so much. I know he hurt me and betrayed me, I know that. I know I can’t trust him, I don’t even like talking to him! But my heart yearns for his touch, for his voice, and scent. I don’t feel like me without him, but with him I don’t feel happy. 

Amayas sister. Girl you need a spay day. That’s what you need. A day away from all of this madness and stress. You have had enough boy drama, I mean seriously. When was the last time you were even single. You keep going back to Damon as if things are going to change. You can’t re read the same book and expect a different ending Amya. You just can’t. You will have to learn it someday, either now, or forever keep getting your heart broken. 

(Amya stops walking and stands still holding her phone very tight. She lets out a sigh as a tear rolls down her rosy cheeks) 

Amya. Yeah (sniffing through the word) 

Amyas sister. Look, I got to go. You know how to find me if you need to talk again, don’t be so afraid to do what you want Amya. Mom would be sad to see you like this if she were still here. 

(Hangs up the phone) 

(Amaya plops down on her bed looking at the ceiling, reminiscing of the old days) 

*DoorBell rings* 

*Dog Barking* 

(Amaya continuously stares at the ceiling, dog barking in the background) 

Amya. Ugh (Gets up and moans) 

(Opens old rustic gold french doors) 

Damon. (Holding red roses) Amaya. I’m sorry can we please just talk. 

(Amaya stares into Damon’s soul, slams door) 

Damon. (pounding on Amya’s door) Open the door mi amor, please, let’s just talk about this. I love you. I only want you. 

Amaya. (Opens door aggressively, face bloody red full of heat) What did you just say to me? 

Damon. Please Amaya. I love you, can't we just work this out? You're acting like a madwoman. Always getting upset over little things, so I made a mistake. You don’t make mistakes? 

(Amaya punches Damon) 

Amaya. You can’t be here. I met someone new. His name is Keith. He asked me to marry him. 

(Damon gets up, blood all over his face, stares at Amaya.) 

Amaya. Look I’m sorry, but you can’t just go do what you did, come back around after all this time expecting us to just go back to normal. We are not the same people we were 5 years ago. People change, you obviously did. I don’t know if I can ever forgive you. You need to leave now. 

Damon. (raises voice dramatically) We are meant to be! Why can’t you see that! I need you and you need me! 

(Keith comes to the door)

Keith. Amaya, what is going on right now. 

Amaya. Going back inside I got this. This is Damon I was telling you about.

(Keith rolls his eyes) 

Keith. Look man. I don’t know what makes you think you can just show up like this. She obviously doesn’t want your sorry ass, just leave before I call the cops. 

Amaya. Okay just settle down here, no need for the cops. We just moved here. I don't want our neighbors thinking we're some crazy people. 

Damon. This has nothing to do with you, you don’t know what Amaya and I have been through. Come on Amaya, let's just talk about this. 

(Amaya starts getting agitated. Very agitated) 

Amaya. Damon, leave right now, I won’t say this again. I don’t love you anymore.( Her face looks very broken as she quickly looks away from Damon.)

(Damon pulls out gun) 

Keith. Whoa what are you doing! (he screams very loud) 

Damon. (points gun at Keith) You gave me no choice. 

Amaya. Damon, what are you doing! Put that down right the f*ck now! You are psycho! Put the gun down! 

(Damon pulls trigger) 

(Amaya stands their in shock, unable to move and grasp reality)

Damon. I warned you Amaya. You just gave me no choice, look now we can be together. Forever, just like you always wanted. 

Amaya. You are psycho. Get out of here. Get out of here. Get out of here. I hate you. 

(Amaya starts punching Damon over and over) 

(Damon chuckles) 

Damon. Now hush. Stop that crying. What are you crying for huh? 

(Damon looks over at dead body, chuckles more)

Damon. Now what were you doing with a loser like that anyways. You know I got you. I will always have you. You are mine again now. 

(Amaya wipes her tears, looks at Damon) 

Damon. (Walks closer to Amaya, almost touching lips, then grabs her chin) I don’t like when you make me mad mi amor. 

(Amaya looks down at Keith, kisses his forehead) 

Damon. Come on, I’ll pour you your favorite drink, and we can look at the sunset, it’s almost going to be dark. 

(Amaya walks over to Damon) 

(Damon kisses Amaya softly on the lips) 

Damon. You, you are my antidote. 



            The End

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