My Sailor Evans | Teen Ink

My Sailor Evans

January 10, 2021
By Anonymous

My Sailor Evans

“Am I a genius or am I a genius?”, asks Maggie.

“If this doesn’t go as planned Imma be stuck living with my parents.”, I reply.

“Hmm as if you’d have a problem with that.”

As we stand in the front of the restaurant, a waiter walks up and asks if it’s just us two. I told him that I was meeting someone under the name Evans.

“Ah yes, Priscilla?” 


I look back at Maggie and this girl is walking backwards, smiling, and giving me thumbs up. I hate her so much. Well, not really. I follow the waiter to the back of the restaurant and I get a little nervous which isn't like me but I’ve just never been in this kind of situation. I don't chase people, people chase me. The guy, oh sorry, Sailor, looks up from his watch and boy did his eyes glow in the light. When I tell you guys this man's smile was perfect, I mean it was PERFECT, my gosh. Wait, what the hell am I doing. Get with it Priscilla! 

Sailor gets up his seat as the waiter walks away and pulls my chair out for me. This man knows what he likes. We both sit down and I want to know if I should start talking or not because this guy isn't giving me anything to work with.

“You would think he’d stay awhile and get our drink order,huh?”, Sailor asks with a smile.

“Aha yeah, poor guy probably left because he would feel the awkward tension.”, I replied.

Oh my god, I didn't just say that. What is going on with me. He’s not going to stick around long and my plans for Stanford are going to be ruined. 

“I’m excited about this Priscilla.”

“Awe, me too. For sure feels better than looking at a screen all day.”

“Oh yeah for sure.”

Alright scratch that, this guy isn't giving me anything and I don't have a lifetime to find out how much this boy has in his bank account. The waiter comes back to take our order and we make small talk.

“So what are your plans now?”, I ask.

“My plans?”

“Yeah for like, your future?”

“Oh well, I haven't really thought about it. I'm kinda just trying to figure out where I am, you know?”

Oh gosh I can't with this small talk anymore. I might just go all in with these freaking questions.

“Yeah yeah yeah for sure.”

“Priscilla can I ask you something?”

“Go for it.”

“What’s most important to you?”

Crap. This is where I break. What am I supposed to say to that? Not the trust. Especially not the truth right now, it's too long.

“Going to Stanford and finally getting out of this dump and into San Francisco.”



“And you Sailor?”

“Again I don't know, I wanna go to NYU but I don't really know if it's for me. My parents want me to go because they went there and they think it’ll be good for me but, you know.”

“NYU, wow thats big bucks.”

He doesn't say anything and we continue dinner. After we were done eating we decided to just walk around the city and he finally took me home. When I get home I change into some comfortable clothes and text Maggie all about it. I told her how he mentioned NYU but we thought it was weird he didn't say anything about the price after I said big bucks.  I got a text from him saying he had fun tonight and wanted to go out again but not eat. I responded with a yes and suggested we go mini golfing, he agreed. This man is going to be wrapped around my little finger so tight. 

A few weeks have passed by and we’ve seen each other about three times because I gave him my address so sometimes he likes to surprise me with little things and there I am acting so sweet,loving, and cute. In conclusion it's been horrible but it’s going to get me to the top and this girl is going to do what she has to get there. I want to move faster but I can't seem to have him go along with it.

We went out again today and walked around the fair for awhile before he asked if I wanted to go to the park. I said ok only because it was late and I felt like it would allow us to talk about some things we haven't gotten to. He drove to one of the prettiest parks in town and I was impressed but didn't let him know that. He parked the car, looked at me,grabbed my hand, and smiled. I was shaking and nervously smiled back. I got so embarrassed because I gave him an “I don't know what to say smile” so I know for a fact that it looked super bad. He asked me more about my family and what I wanted to do with my life. I thought it was weird how he wanted to know so much but I didn't say anything because I also wanted to know so much more. Not about him of course, but the money. I asked him about his background and future more and this man let it all out that night. I knew more about this kid, that ive known for a few weeks, than I did about my own parents. He has three sisters, three dogs, two birds, two houses in two different states,one beach house, one lake house, and six cars. Sailors dream school in the University of Washington to study any form of science. He’s parents went to NYU and majored in business management. His mother is an orthodontist and his dad is one of the top four surgeons in the state. The Evans family is loaded to say the least. And just like that ladies and gentlemen is how you get every bit of information needed.

I walked into the house that night and my mom wanted to know all about it and so I told her. Of course I left out the park part and the personal things he said to me because I'm not that bad of a person. 

“Oh honey that’s amazing to hear. I like this boy. A young, educated, rich man you need to settle for before some other girl comes through.What’s his name again?”, she asks.

“Sailor.”, I reply.

“Ahh yes, this Sailor guy can take well care of you Priscilla.”

“I don’t need some boy to take care of my mother. Whatever this world decides to give me I can handle by myself and that statement has been proven before don't you think?”

“ Oh of course Prisciall that isn't what I meant. I just mean that if you ever need a break that man will be there and great for you.”

“Oh please Sailor isn't more than a boy. No man I’ve ever met.”

I leave it at that because I know how she gets. That is how I truly feel though, I don't need male validation like half the girls in my generation. I’ve known myself and my worth since I came out the womb and I owe it all to my dad. 

Two years. I've been playing this game for two years with this guy and boy has this been one heck of a journey. I don't know how long I can do this but it's too late to give up now. It hasn't been hell, he makes a few things worth doing. Today is our two year anniversary and he’s said nothing. How is that supposed to make me feel. All he texted me is that he misses me and he was going to come for me at five for who knows what. 

I started getting ready at around four just because I knew it wasn't going to take me that long. I was honestly just so mad at this point because he still hasn't said anything about it and I was so close to telling him to go home. I didnt of course but when I walked outside my heart dropped to my stomach. There he was, cheeks as red as a rose as the smell of a pineapple and mango candle filled the air, holding what looked like twenty balloons, two dozen flowers and a small bag. I felt a tear run down my cheek but I don't even know why. I didn't even like the kid. Did I? I was trying to convince myself I didn't and that money,myself, and Stanford were the only things I was striving for but,when I saw his smile, I couldn't. None of this was part of the plan but,at that moment, nothing more mattered to me than him. 

The author's comments:

January 10, 2021

Dear Poetry Editor:

I am submitting one fiction story entitled “My Sailor Evans” in consideration of Teen Ink. This story was written as an assignment and has 1,482 words not including the title.

I am a 16 year old junior currently attending School in Sioux City, IA. I am hoping to carry onto a University to major in Education. 

Please recycle my manuscript if it does not fit your editorial needs. I truly appreciate and hope to hear from you soon. 


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