Part 1 | Teen Ink

Part 1

March 25, 2019
By AangelAri BRONZE, La Marque, Texas
AangelAri BRONZE, La Marque, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you were happy before you knew someone, you can be happy after they're gone
Trust gets you killed Love gets you hurt and Being real gets you hated

His hands on her body while she try to sleep ,She knows its wrong but why does it feel so right?. She look at him with confusion as she wonders why deal with a 17 year old girl and your happily married . She thinks to herself what do I have or what can I give that she doesn’t do or have already.As his hand roam her body like she's the precious thing on earth he tries to take her away he tries to take her pain away .She never been loved before, She waits until he's fast asleep and runs out . No No No No. I cant do it I cant let him do it he's married he doesn’t love me like he loves her its not possible for him to . She goes to her baby boys room and looks at him with love but with sadness as well

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