A love letter | Teen Ink

A love letter

December 12, 2018
By Mea Jenkins GOLD, Raleigh, North Carolina
Mea Jenkins GOLD, Raleigh, North Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.

She was beautiful in an unconventional way. She didn’t turn heads when she walked in a room nor did everybody know her name. No, she was beautiful in a different kind of way. By that I mean, her heart was beautiful. The way she saw the world. The way she her eyes would light up when she was excited and how her smile would form. Her laugh was the most beautiful melody your ears would hear and you could get lost in her eyes. Big blue beautiful eyes. They were a mysterious deep blue like the ocean. It was like they held a hundred secrets that you couldn’t help to be curious about. She had small pink lips that she always hated when in reality they fit her face perfectly. Her eyes would crinkle when she smiled and her dimples would show through. Her kindness was contagious and she cared about everything so deeply. There was a certain glow about her that made you want to bask in her presence. But there was something about her that was dark. Something that sent shivers down your spine and forced your respect. Bewildering how someone could be so warm and kind but without saying a word could force your hand. She was the most sweet and gentle person in the world until you crossed her. Then she became your worst nightmare. But the only person that would know is you because something about her was that she never got caught. She could be destroying everything around you and you would be the only person that knew. And she never left evidence. But i guess that’s what happens when a beautiful heart like hers has been crushed and broken. She never loses her glow she just gains her darkness. And he couldn’t believe that someone who shined so bright could live in a world so dark.

The author's comments:

A love letter to you

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