Crazy for love not in love | Teen Ink

Crazy for love not in love

October 19, 2018
By Erika.rose SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
Erika.rose SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
8 articles 9 photos 0 comments

He always followed close by her. He missed her more then he missed anyone that he has ever met in his life time. He missed the love they shared but now she was fond of someone new. He was tall and knew how to treat a lady but Andy… he didn't like him all he did was stare at them. Kim a smart girl knew better to fall for guys like him. Andy was furious. The break up between them was rough between the loud bickering and all the crying Kim thought she would never had a break up as bad as that. One day when Kim’s new man, Andy preferred to call him an ogre, was at work…. Andy took a leap of faith and talked to Kim outside her favorite coffee shop. The way it all went was completely different from he had in his head. He imagined her falling into his arms and apologizing but the actual results made Andy infuriated.
Kim crossing her arms, “You think I would ever ever get back with you. You need to wake up from this dream. You broke not only my heart but my self-esteem too.”
“Just listen to me and stop being a child. Why wont you accept the fact that I love you?” Andy threw his arms in the air. She sighed and then turned to the ground. She never thought he would ever do something this crazy. He grabbed her quickly not looking back. She tried to escape his grip but his house was not too far and she already knew what was happening. He enters his house with her still trying to release herself from his arms but he slams the door to fast and carries her to the dark basement and ties her up.
“Stop doing this and leave me alone,” Kim resisting or at least trying to resist the whole situation.

Andy throws a knife at the wall standing tall and it went straight into the drywall, “Would you stop screaming it would be greatly appreciated.”
“Your a terrible person and a sociopath I can’t believe I ever thought that I was in love with you.” Kim trying to be able to move her arms with the duct tape tight against her skin.
Andy flipping over the table next to him, “Kim…. Kimmy don’t you ever fret my dear,” He moves her hair from her face and has his face up against hers, “I love you Kim that is why I did this… that guy you've been talking to, he could never you as much as I do, I want to be with you and no one is ever going to stop me from doing that and I will make sure of it. You are a lovely girl and now I can keep you forever.” Andy removes all the duct tape setting her free to roam around the little basement that he planned to keep her in.
Kim slapped him in his face and his massive nose began to bleed and she took off for the back door, “I hate you and you will never ever come near me again.”
Andy fuming grabbed her again but this time she fainted, “Good now you need to calm down… you are not going to be going anywhere my love and I will make sure of that.” Kim still unaware of what was happening only gave him a slight nod and felt limp in his arms and he looked into her eyes and carried her back across the room and put her down gently wanting to put her in no more harm. He was a sociopath but even psychopaths can fall in love.
“I cant… I can't be with you,” Her voice sinking in out. Him looking into her eyes and wiping her tears. Trying to show all signs of affectionate but also not trying to scare her as well.
“Why, because you see what everything that everyone else does,” Andy sinking down.
“You know I saw you differently than everyone else. You pushed me away… that's not my fault, that’s your fault,” Kim sitting straight up and not losing their eye contact. She stood up slowly. She was thinking about what she was about to do next. She was staring into his eyes, he clearly loved her but he had an odd way of showing affection. His way was not the way she was use to and she didn’t think she could ever get use to it. She stood up slowly, “Andy I love you, but we both want different things and I don't know if I can truly be with you and give you what you want and what you need.”
“Promise me you will think about it, I am ready to step up and be a better man and I would do it for you,” Andy reached for her hands.
Letting him grab his hands and looking into his eyes full of hope, “I will think about it I will probably just need some time.”
“I know and that’s okay just take your time okay?” Looking back into her eyes but really he was thinking if she would actually come back to him. She nodded slowly and walked out the back door. Was she crazy? He just kidnapped her and she is thinking about giving him a second chance. Then she was like thats not jis second chance it's more like his tenth. She had thoughts spiraling her mind and they would not stop. If she didn't like him why was she doing this? Was it because she felt bad or because she needed him? He had done so much for her and would never ever let anything bad happen to her and she knew it. Why all these thoughts were in her mind only one spiraled in his, Was she coming back?

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