Space bound | Teen Ink

Space bound

October 3, 2018
By Anonymous

   I felt a rush every time we touched, it was'nt much but sometimes I liked to imagine what’s in store for us.  She made my heart beat like a drum. I couldn’t decide whether it was love or lust, I’m pretty sure she couldn't either and  I don’t know what made me so attached to her, she must have been a sorceress because the feelings she gave me were irresistibly magical. I never thought I would meet someone beautiful enough to burn my ice-cold frozen heart, nobody understood me as she did. I was never loved by anyone in my whole life, I showed no emotions whatsoever. My childhood was the worst none of my parents or relatives showed me any affection, how was I supposed to understand an emotion that I wasn’t familiar with? My mind told me love was evil spelled backward, my heart told me differently, it seemed like I was hated and treated like dirt by almost everyone in my whole life. I was bound to show her what it was like to hurt if she tried to play games with my emotions. It all started when I overheard a pack of wild wolves howl into the night as I continued to walk down a long damp road searching for my special triangle shaped pendant. The woods were so quiet that I was able to hear the bottom of my feet hit the ground loud and clear.

I was kinda lost until a green Chevy Impala pulled up beside me, the driver was a beautiful woman.

“Hey, do you need a ride?’’ Asked the lady

“Ummm No, I’m  fine,” I replied

“C’mon I’ll take you wherever you want to go and you really shouldn’t be out here at this time of night, I heard some spooky things about this town.”

“I’m trying to find a pendant I lost”

“I can help you, hop in ”

      I sat in the passenger seat, I’m glad I didn’t have to walk any further than I already had, she was right about the woods is really spooky. Along the way She asked me a few questions about myself, I told her about my work as a navy seal. We also talked about my how sour and sweet our lives were. We drove all around town looking for my pendant, we never found it. I was in town all summer, so we spent more time getting to know each other and searching for the pendant. She told me her deep dark secrets and I told her mine, I related to her every word. We were like Magnets that couldn’t be kept apart. She understood me very well. We spent the weekends going on dates, I thought it was amazing how one conversation and a lost pendant led me to this gorgeous women. She made me go from a savage heartless tyrant to a  light kind-hearted man. The summer ran at a supersonic speed towards August, it was time for me to go back home, instead of finding my pendant; I found love. She promised to keep my pendant safe and sound if she found it. We were officially a couple, she gave me her number and address, she told me to contact her anytime I wanted to talk. She gave me one final hug before I left, four months passed by, and She didn’t answer any of my calls or letters, I wondered what was going on. Without her, I had zero strength my body ached when I wasn’t in her presence.



   After a year and six months, I returned to the town we first met. One of her old neighborhood told me that she moved to a new house. Her new house was a gigantic masterpiece, I knocked on the door, she was in an elegant white and black top, she looked just as mesmerizing as she did before.

    ”Nice house,” I said

    ”Thanks, I sold your pendant for the house ” She replied

    ”Are you serious!” I screamed

    ”It was the only way I could rent the house, besides there's something I         have to tell you,” she said


  I couldn’t believe what she told me, how could she do this to me, I adored her. I put both hands on her throat until she was on the floor paralyzed. I put my Barreta to my temple and squeezed the trigger tight. I hope she thought of me every time she looked up in the sky and saw a shooting star because my soul is space bound.    

The author's comments:

This story was inspired by a music video.

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