scars | Teen Ink


May 30, 2018
By Puppy_Lover1 GOLD, Adel, Iowa
Puppy_Lover1 GOLD, Adel, Iowa
17 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
When something goes wrong in your life just yell "PLOT TWIST" and move on

I wish I fit in with all the other kids but when you live the I am living now you know that's never going to happen because I have never seen a happy day where the sun shines and the birds sing for I will never see the light of day again and it's all because will be here in the home of my prison locked up in this place where they sell me to the highest bidder and they take me away for the day and bring me back ruined for I will never be the same. I have had two kids and im only 15 but they still don't care for I have forgotten how to feel for I am not human anymore they don't care, that i'm there child they only look at me as away of money and a slave and they do this because the could not keep a job. I will never be loved by them  or do the things I want to do and they never say my name they have keep me a secret from the world to the people on the outside I do not exist I have tried to run away but they always find me I try to act like everything's normal for if I dont they will hurt me and beat me till I can't walk I pray for the day I will be rescued but that day never came I will never be free form this life they gave to me I do not ask for much I only pray that they set me free so I can get away from what they do to me so I will say agen if you can hear me please come rescue me come and set me free so I can see the light of day hear the birds sing before I leave this dreadful place so I can have some peace and so I can remove this scar forever.

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