Falling Ice Cubes | Teen Ink

Falling Ice Cubes

May 22, 2018
By JulianZerafa BRONZE, New York City, New York
JulianZerafa BRONZE, New York City, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I just moved to New york and I am really excited for winter unlike  everyone else. My family is not the richest so it was something to look forward to. I have never seen snow or felt it and that is why winter is going to be my favorite season, I know it. School has been really hard, and when I say that I’m mean it in both ways. I have not made any friends because of my english and the writing does just not make sense. I pushed through this last week and finally made it to the break. A whole week of just relaxing and waiting for the beautiful smooth snow to land on my tongue. The next day I woke up to the hard tapping all around me. I always thought that snow was quiet but I had never seen it so what did I know. I ran to the window to see ice cubes falling from the sky. I immediately ran to my mother and asked her what on earth was going on. She told me that there is such thing as hail that is pieces of ice that fall from the sky. As fascinating as this was I was very disappointed because snow is fun. Hail just hurts, no one wants to get hit with ice cubes constantly. Pretty much everyone was trapped inside the whole day so I just read and looked out the window. As I was looking out the window I started to think about how hail, pieces of ice could fall from the sky. I thought about this for a good hour. After 15 minutes of convincing myself I gathered enough courage and ran as fast as I could to the library. For the rest of the day I listened to the hard tapping of hail and gathers up as much information about it as I could. By the end of the day I knew everything there was to know about hail and the next morning I was missing the tapping on the window.

The author's comments:

I wrote about hail because it is something you don’t see very often, even if you know what it is. It was very interesting the time I saw hail because it is the last thing you think to fall out of the sky. I hope people realize how surprising and cool it can be to see hail especially if you don’t have a clue what it is.

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