The Magical Mushrooms | Teen Ink

The Magical Mushrooms

May 17, 2018
By Anonymous

One day, at a nearby town in Yosemite National Park. There was two teenagers named Russell and Gabby. On the way to town, Gabby and Russell bumped into each other at a store in town. After a while of catching up they decided to go hangout and go hiking but gabby was a little worried about being home late.

Then, they started heading to the forest, that was a mile away from town. While they’re walking to the forest Gabby was having second thoughts about disobeying her parents. Meanwhile, Russell was very excited about going to the forest. Soon as they got there it was getting dark and the trees started to look like big giants but little did they know that the floor was glowing.

After, they had seen that the floor was glowing they took a closer look to see what was the mysterious glow coming from. Russell had grabbed the mysterious glowing object and had observed it and seen that it was a mushroom. Then, Gabby had told Russell to lick the head of the glowing mushroom but Russell said “we should lick it together”. Gabby was thinking about it while she was grabbing a mushroom.

Suddenly, they had both licked the magical mushroom then looked at each other to see if anything strange was going on with their faces. A few minutes later while they were still exploring out of nowhere they began to hallucinate. But for some reason Russell was liking the feeling, while Gabby was not so much enjoying the feeling.

 Once, the hallucinations was calming down, Gabby had told Russell if he could walk her home because she felt sick after the mushroom. On the way home Gabby started vomiting. Russell instantly looked for a water hose to give her water.

Finally, Gabby got home them Russell had told her mom that she had been feeling sick. When Russell had left Gabby’s mom made her some hot soup then sent her to shower, then to bed. Russell arrived home and straight went to bed.

The author's comments:

sounded interesting

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