The Energy of New Orleans | Teen Ink

The Energy of New Orleans

January 12, 2018
By neneeee_ BRONZE, Sacromento, California
neneeee_ BRONZE, Sacromento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
always stay graces best revenge is yo momey

On my way to New Orleans , Louisiana,  in my  costume pink jet facetiming my mother 2 hours later ,I finally landed I got off and headed to the 5 star hotels they got in new orleans.Soon as we got on the road it was plenty of people packed on sidewalks some was just playing jazz for money some going to get gumbo and some was just walking to  their destination it was really different.    

Now that I get to the hotel I get to my room right away and take a little nap.bout time i got up it was about  1:40pm and i freshening up. Now i'm out the door to go explore and see what's out there that i've been missing.                                Soon as I headed out I hear from behind me was an
“excuse me miss’                                                                           
I turned around awkwardly he asked
“may i play for you ?”
“ yes u may’’   

he played some outstanding Jazz I was amazed I tipped him with 1k he thanked me emotionally. Once I kept walking down the french quarter wanting for my cab to take me down to the royal house in the gallery district . As i was waiting the bartender  had told me facts about gumbo like how it was first invented by the cajuns and how its popular in new orleans and people even travel here  just to get there hands on one It was Really good and i see why people traveled here just to get a bite . As i left i was heading to the voodoo shop to see all the cool weird exciting things I heard voodoo is very well know in new orleans and how there's good and bad kinds of voodoo and it came from the africans the shop was really creepy.      

I'm really waiting for my first mardi gras Witch is tonight so I get back to the hotel  When 11:00 pm striked .I Got ready had my mask ready and out the door I go I took a cab down the  street  and stopped at the crowd I always wanted to be in a zulu crew so I paid 1K just to get in.  I met new friends and had a lot of beads every wear i caught bout  ten necklaces  and didn't leave till  5 o'clock  am knowing my flight leaves in 2 hours I rushed back home didn't have to take a nap  time to get shut eye  after 30 mins of packing I  freshened up. I’d cleaned my hotel room after I grabbed my bags  and checked out.           


After I took a cab to the airport my plane had came early  as I got on the plane I put my stuff up and tiredly plopped on my seat .But after all it was worth it I had an great experience I will shortly be back soon.                                      

The author's comments:

i hope people will get the excitment  that i did when i was writing it.


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