The Rookie Doctor | Teen Ink

The Rookie Doctor

November 20, 2017
By ABarbari BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
ABarbari BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was finally that day, Troy had been waiting four years to finally graduate Medical School. He waited in line for the Announcer to say his name. He tried peering into the crowd to find anyone he knows, but he couldn’t. Troy was trying to find ways to pass the time by, it was boring waiting in a line for hours. He sat down and looked at his phone. He received a text from Mom saying “I’m so proud of you! I’ll be waiting in the cafeteria after.” Troy put his phone down and tried to start a conversation with someone around him.

“Hey, what’s your name?” he asked someone behind him. They ignored him and kept typing in their phone. Troy started thinking about life, until he found himself asleep. 

“Troy!” Troy awoke to the shouting and nudging of the guy who previously ignored him. “It’s your turn hurry up!” Troy grabbed his cap and started running up the stage.

“There he is!” said the Announcer.

After the graduation Troy made his way down to the cafeteria and looked for his mom. “There you are!” she said

“I’m so proud of you, lets go get some ice cream to celebrate!”

They went to Dairy Queen and Troy got an Oreo blizzard then went home. Troy started trying to find a job to apply for, it took him 2 weeks till he found one. “St. Beastie Hospital, where new doctors can start their career” that’s exactly what Troy was looking for. He signed up and they said they would interview him next week. . .
Troy got out of bed and stretched, he opened his phone and realized what day it was. November 12, the day of his interview. He looked at the time, 11:30, his interview is at 12. . . . He ran to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and combed his hair at the same time. He slipped off his comfy pajamas and put on a suit. He ran to the kitchen, grabbed a granola bar, locked the door and bolted into his car. “Shoot! Where are the keys?!”
He said leaving the car and running back to the house.

The door was locked and no one else was hoom. He facepalmed then ran to the garage trying all the codes he knew. He usually parks his car in the driveway because it’s faster to get to.

“1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 2, 9” He starts shouting codes, “4, 5, 3, 9” “Yes!” He shouts, “It works!”

He runs into the house and finds out he left the keys on the table, he runs back to the garage, shuts the door, and drives off.

He arrived at St. Beastie Hospital and looked at the time, 12:15 “Crap!” he quickly locks the car and enters the hospital.

“I’m here for a job interview, where do I go?”  asked Troy. The lady at the table pointed in the direction for Troy to go. He walks into the room and sees another room with somebody sitting at a desk waiting, the room was big with a table and some snacks on the table, Troy enters and introduces himself “Hi, my names Troy Timwalk” “Yes, sit down” says the man at the table.

Troy got the job, today was his first day, his shift was from 2:00PM-9:00PM. He got ready at 1:00 and left at 1:30, when he got there he went to the same lady as last time and asked where Dr. Clout was, he found him and walked up to him. “Hi, I'm Troy, are you Dr. Clout?” “Yes, nice to meet you” he replied. “I’m just gonna give you a tour around the place and some tests and then in a couple weeks we can get you started.” The hospital was big but there were many rooms empty, Troy thought not many doctors worked there. After the Troy had to go through some tests, he had to watch Dr. Clout do his job and help a little bit by handing him tools.

After a week Dr. Clout thought it was time Troy gave it a try. “Here’s a patient I want you to take care of him and just listen to what I tell you.” Said Dr. Clout. Troy had to check the patient's heart rate and blood pressure, he had a high blood pressure. “I want you to do surgery and try to cure his high blood pressure.” “What?! Me?! I don’t know anything about this!” It was a long afternoon, Troy barely did his job, Dr. Clout had to help him a lot and was disappointed. Troy woke up the next day and thought about quitting, “Maybe being a doctor is not my thing” he thought. He went to the living room and grabbed his computer, his mom didn’t have work today. He started typing an email to the hospital about quitting when his mom walked into the room. “Hey, what are you doing?” she said “Nothing” he replied. She peered at his computer and saw the email going to the hospital “Why are you emailing you work?” she wondered “Just asking some questions” That made his mom more nosy, she grabbed the computer out his hands and read the email, “Dear Dr Clout, I am sad to inform you that I don’t think being a doctor is for me” she read, “What is this? Why do you want to quit?” she asked, “I’m always messing up at work and I don’t think I should continue just to fail.” “It’s ok, everybody makes mistakes, you're new to it, plus you already went through medical school for it.” she replied “Ugh, I don’t want to” Troy exclaimed “Alright, I’ll tell you what, you go to work today and if you have a bad day you can quit” she announced. “Fiiiiine” he mumbled.

When he got to work he looked for Dr. Clout, he wasn’t there today. He walked around the hospital looking for jobs until the time came to 8:00. Dr. Clout was on vacation. Troy was packing up thinking about leaving early when the lady at the front desk ran through the door with a patient screaming “Someone help!” Troy ran to see what happened, the lady was pregnant and was about to give birth. When no doctors did anything Troy owned up and offered to help, he took her to a room and sat her down on the bed. The lady was in pain and Troy had to do something, he remembered seeing Dr. Clout doing this and tried following as much as he could. Troy walked out the room and took a breath of relief. The secretary asked him how it went “Go see for yourself” he replied. She walked in and saw the woman holding a baby in her hand and smiling, “What’s your name?” she asked Troy. “Troy Timwalk” he replied. . . . When Dr. Clout came back from vacation the secretary told him about what Troy did. “Wow, Troy” “Mrs. Wealer told me about what you did when I was gone, I’m very impressed” said Dr. Clout. In the end Troy continued his career and ended up becoming one of the best doctors in the country, making millions, and he made his mom proud.

The author's comments:

My story is about not giving up because I know a lot of people think about quitting their jobs, etc. So I want to prove that if you keep moving forward, it's going to be ok.

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