Elizabeth's Great Meet | Teen Ink

Elizabeth's Great Meet

November 17, 2017
By ogdavis744 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
ogdavis744 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“ Bye mom, see you after practice,” Elizabeth shouted. Elizabeth was extremely petrified for her swim meet, even though it was two months away. When she walked out the door it was humid and damp, just a normmal day in Huston Texas. When she got to meet up with her two friends Thomas and Connor she felt comfort. She got on the bus and didn’t see her friends. “ Elizabeth,” Thomas shouted, “ back here.” Thomas was always the one to shout, and Connor was chill and intelligent.

When they got to school, it was just like every other boring day. She couldn’t wait for swim practice because she finally got to learn breaststroke. Even though she was really bad at it she wanted to keep trying to get into the 400m breaststroke state event. As always, she had so much homework for math. “ DING DING DING DING,” the bell chimed.

She got into the changing room to change into her swimsuit. The same girl, Bella Price, Started blabbing about Elizabeth. “Oh my gosh,” Bella Gossiped, “ Did you see how bad Elizabeth was at practice yesterday, she couldn’t even make it 100 meters.” As always, Elizabeth just ignored Bella. She didn’t want any rumors distracting her from accomplishing her breaststroke.

“ Alrighty ladies, hop in the pool,” announced Mrs. Calland. “Hey Elizabeth . . . can you come see me for a second,” Mrs. Calland asked. “Coming,” Elizabeth replied. “ I just want to let you know that your breaststroke is really improving, and you don’t need to listen to those girls,” Mrs. Calland pointed out. “ I’ll keep trying.” Elizabeth replied.

  “ Alright now listen up . . . I need you all to get into your lanes for the type of stroke you have been assigned for today.” She took a deep breath before her 200m breaststroke. Even though it was just practice she really wanted to try as hard as she could. As they started, every breath she went up to take she saw Bella giving her a mean look. After she got to the 100m mark Mrs. Calland stopped her. “ I know what is wrong,” Mrs. Calland informed Elizabeth, “ You are pull in your arms to early before your feet. You need to pull in you legs and arms at about the same time.” “ I’ll try,” Elizabeth replied as she was gasping for air.

  She got ready to start her 200m again. As she pushed off the wall, she got a great start. She went dashing through the water like a dolphin. She could see Mrs. Calland jumping up and down out of the corner of her eye.  She felt so free as she was speeding across the water. She finished with a great two hand touch to the wall. Her couch was so proud of her, the corners of her smile went all the way to her ears.

  When she was on the way home she just sat there with the brightest smile, brighter than the sun. “ What are you so happy about,” her mom stated. “ Oh nothing, I just completely figured out how to do breaststroke!” Elizabeth excitingly replied. “ Oh that that’s great honey, but you still do know that you have to go to your fathers this weekend,” her mom explained.   “ Yes, I know,” Elizabeth replied with a great big sigh, “ But why couldn’t you guys just stay together, I just don’t understand.” “ I’m sorry honey it’s just the way that things are, life happens,” she replied with great depression.

Two months Later . . .

It is a day before the meet and Elizabeth is terrified but very buoyant that she made it into the 400m breaststroke. “ Alright, you girls need to get some sleep tonight and eat healthy, because y’all know that tomorrow is the big day,” Mrs. Calland informed the girls. “ Why is Elizabeth even swimming in the meet tomorrow, we all know she is going to make us lose,” Bella Interrupted. “ Now now, if you want to swim in the meet tomorrow you shall not talk to your teammates like that,” demanded Mrs. Calland, “ back to what I was saying, I will see you all tomorrow.

The Next Day . . .

“ Now all Girls up on the boards for the 400m breaststroke,” announced the announcer. As Elizabeth stepped on the board she felt as if she was stepping onto a cliff ready to free fall. “ Three, Two, One, BEEP!” the announcer shouted as he hit the buzzer. As all the girls were flying through the water Elizabeth and Bella were in the lead.

At the 200m mark Bella and Elizabeth were tied. Every breath Elizabeth took she could see Bella and how hard she was trying to keep up.

At 375 meters with only 25 meters to go, Elizabeth started to take the lead. But at the end, Bella started to catch up. “ And the winner is . . . Elizabeth Frankey!” the announcer yelled with an excited voice.  The crowd was cheering so loud for her.

Bella looked at Elizabeth and gave her a nice cheery smile, and then she came over and gave her a friendly handshake. Elizabeth thought that was pretty cheesy like in the movies but she took it as an apology and she wanted to be her friend. “ You did it,” Mrs. Calland shouted with excitement. Elizabeth was so happy and proud of herself. I guess one thing that Elizabeth learned from this is that you never give up on something that you believe you can accomplish.

The author's comments:

My peice of writting is about a teenage girl who really wants to win a swim meet. This story nis filled with joy and some dpression at some points in the story. Her mom is in a devorce with Elizabeths dad, and elizabeth gets really argumantive in the situation. She needs to learn how to do Breaststroke before the state meet. This is a bid deal to her, her friends, and her family. As you read this story, you will learn that you need to keep trying at things that you even have a little bit of confidence in.

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