How I Overcame Cancer | Teen Ink

How I Overcame Cancer

November 17, 2017
By Danie07 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
Danie07 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever felt like it isn’t worth fighting for? Well, I have! But I can tell you how to overcome that weakness in your life.

When I had first turned 5 years old, I didn’t expect to be celebrating my birthday at the  St. Mary Hospital for kids. When the nurse brought in the strawberry swirled cake I couldn’t even eat it and that is my favorite kind of cake! So basically I found out a few days ago that I had Lung Cancer! My mom and dad were devastated! I was planning on getting swim lessons for my birthday but had to cancel due to me have Lung cancer. I have been diagnosed with this ever since I was 3 years old. The doctors told me I have less than 5 years to live. At this point, I have 3 more years of life. My best friends are here to celebrate my birthday! Hudson and Harmony are my only friends, other than my nurses and parents. The awesome part of today is that I get to go back home!! I just wish that I could bring the soup because they make the BEST soup in the world!

~ 3 years later ~

    At this point in my life, my parents expected to be hosting a funeral for me, but that’s the thing the doctors were wrong! They said I had 3 years left but here I am holding together. Sometimes I would come home all achy and never hungry because of the chemotherapy treatments. The doctors say that the treatments are sometimes worse than cancer. I can’t go to school, but my mom homeschools me. My friends Hudson and Harmony would always come over to see me. They were both my age. Hudson had the gift of brightening up the room when everyone was sad. Harmony always encouraged me to stay strong. Harmony and Hudson were both tall, athletic, and smart! When I would get a headache or start coughing again they would always grab my medicine out of my bag. By the time we were in fifth grade, and yes I began going to school, I have gotten better but not completely healthy. It’s like when you get a paper cut and think it is just a scratch but then you put hand sanitizer on. That is basically what my condition is like. The best part is that I have always had my friends there for me. To be honest, Hudson has grown into the most handsome boy I have ever met. In fact, I wonder if he likes me!? My friend Harmony is the prettiest person I have ever seen. Let me just say that Harmony has these beautiful blue eyes and Hudson has eyes that look like chocolate gems.

“ Hey Morgan”, Hudson started, “ Can you help me with this math problem?”

“ Sure! What do you need?” I replied.

“ I just don’t understand how to do the Lattice multiplication for this problem,” he explained.

“ Well first you put this number on the top of the box then you put the other number on the side of the box, and finally you multiply them!” I described. He finally understood and was able to teach other kids in the classroom. The rest of the day was the usual. Boring teachers, recess with my friends, homework, more homework. Then at the end of the day, I had an appointment. I had to get more chemotherapy. I was used to the burning by now. Imagine having a hot surface near you that starts to irritate the skin but you can’t move it. That is what chemotherapy is like. My mom always says that she would take the pain away if she could, but I always tell her that I have this cancer for a reason. The chemotherapy does help, but the treatment just takes away my white blood cells as it is taking the cancer cells. In general, I can get sick very easily! I was excited because Harmony came to my appointment today, she said she wanted to be there for me. I love her so much! If you could ask for one thing what would that be? For me, it would be to just end life here. The reason why is that the chemotherapy is hard and very painful. To be honest I don’t think it’s even helping me. I come home and just throw up everything, and I am never hungry. People always make fun of me for being so thin. It is the worst feeling in the world! It hurts to breathe and I always cough. I wish I could swim, but I don’t have strong enough lungs and I have too many appointments for chemotherapy. I love seeing Harmony swim. She is so graceful. I wish I could be like her. My dad says I am wonderful just the way I am. Sometimes I doubt what he says. I always wonder what would happen if I were to die. No pain? No more sickness? No fear? Probably.



~ 5 years later ~


The chemotherapy was getting worse. I am only 13 years old, and I have gone through way more pain than my 45-year-old dad! Every time I wake up, it is because I am coughing up blood! YUCK! This hurts so bad, I feel like I can’t breathe at times. After one of my appointments, we were heading home. So I was texting Hudson when all of sudden my heart just stops!

*Gasp* *Gasp*

“ What are you doing sweetie?! “ My mom worriedly asked.

“ I . . . ca . . . n’t . . . bre . . . ath! “ I gasped

“ No, no, no! STAY WITH ME, MORGAN!!” she was yelling by now.

I ended up passing out and my mom rushed back to the hospital. All I remember is that I was put on a bed and they zapped with an electric thing. Like I was getting enough radiation. I woke up in even more pain I was throwing up blood and my breakfast. I must be getting better . . . right!? Most likely NOT! Ugh. My parents were now even more careful with me. They didn’t take their eyes off of me until the doctor gave me the ‘ok’ sign. I was back to normal even though I almost died that day.


~ 5 years later ~

The day has come when I have the last test to see if I am officially cancer free!! Let me give you a recap of my life, and where I am at life before the appointment.

“ Um . . . Morgan? “ Hudson hesitated.

“ Yes, Hudson! “ I answered.

“ May I ask you a question? “ He asked.

“ Go for it! “ I exclaimed.

“ I have liked you for a few years, but always waited for the moment to ask, and I think today is the right time to ask you…” He continued, “ Would you be my Girlfriend? “

I was astonished!! I had no words, none whatsoever! Remember guys at this point I was 18 years old! What do I say? To be honest I really wanted to just say . . .

“ I WOULD LOVE TO!!!!! “ I would exclaim, and just hug him.

But this is what I really said:

“ I don’t mean to keep you waiting but, I have to ask my dad before I can give you an answer. “ I smiled.
“ Ok, I understand! Take all the time you need. ” He concluded.

We then went back to what we were doing. When I got home, I asked my dad if Hudson could be my boyfriend. He ended saying yes! I was the happiest girl alive! He made my life worth living for many reasons like how he helped me when I was at my lowest points and when I felt it wasn’t worth the fight anymore, but because of this boy I was able to hear the good news. Which brings me back to the life-changing moment . . .

The day has come when I find out if I am actually cancer free! I have been waiting for this day ever since I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. The doctors were positive I would die in three years. But they were VERY wrong! When the doctor came in he had a very serious face on, which made me think that I still had cancer. The thing is… Well, let me tell you what he said!

“ Morgan, I know this has been very hard for you to go through, but I have some good news “ He grinned
“Go for it!. “ I answered excitedly.

“ Ok, the good news is that you are officially cancer free!! “ He exclaimed.

“ WHAT!!!!!!!! YES! Oh, thank you, Lord!!!!!! “ I was thrilled!!

I might as well tell you his name, right?!

“ Dr. Johnson, you are my favorite doctor!” I smiled.

“ Why thank you, Morgan! “ Dr. Johnson thanked.

I went back home and texted Hudson.  I am CANCER FREE!!

He replied quicker than light could turn on!  CONGRATS!!!!

We spent the next day just chatting about what colleges we would go to. I was thinking of becoming a Pediatrician. A few years later Hudson and I both graduated college with Master Degrees! We were still dating and we go out every other Friday night! Even though I am cancer free I still have a few symptoms from all the chemotherapy they had given me. Some include vomiting, strep throat, fevers, and more.  I still visit Dr. Johnson’s grave because he passed away a month ago. I was so sad that I cried the whole day! If you don’t remember, he was the doctor that had helped me through cancer. I wish he would’ve been able to see me graduate college at least.


~ 3 years later ~


So you know how I and Hudson have been dating for more than I can remember? Well anyways we have and he finally asked me if I would do him the honor of becoming his WIFE!! I said “ Yes “ of course! We ended up being the happiest couple ever! Harmony was very pleased that we ended up together! I have been planning this wedding for a month now. I am excited that the day has come when I vow myself to Hudson ‘Till death do I part!’. When I first entered the church I got so many flashbacks of when I first met Hudson and when he proposed to me. Did I ever tell you how he proposed? Well, let me tell you.

We were just sitting down on a bench eating Menchies. When we were done, we went to the car and drove to my house. At my house we have this little gazebo, so he took me by the hand and led me to the backyard. When we reached the backyard I noticed these little candles all around the yard. The sun was setting making the scene even more romantic. I was so caught up in the moment that I didn’t realize that Hudson had gotten on one knee. When I turned around I gasped. I was so shocked, and to be honest I wasn’t expecting this to happen.

“ Morgan, will you marry me?!” He asked me. The ring was beautiful!

“ Yes, Hudson, I will marry you!” I exclaimed.

I was so excited that the next day I started to plan for the wedding! Which brings me back to my dress. I have a silky dress that is soft to the touch with laced flowers on the top. I have a flowy bottom and tight top. This dress makes me feel like I am a true princess! When I was done getting ready it was time for the ceremony to start. I could hear the music play and my cue was coming. I was nervous, and I don’t even know why! By now, I was walking down the red-carpeted aisle. Hudson is at the end crying happy tears, and I am about to start crying happy tears, too. When I reached the end, my dad stood up to lift my veil off of my face. He was crying, too. I didn’t dare look at mom though because I knew I would cry if I did. When everyone settled Hudson started to say his vows to me. He then put on my ring. Then it was my turn to say my vows. Long story short, we got married that day and ate some strawberry swirled cake! That is my favorite cake.

We now we have 2 kids, both are boys. We have a medium sized house with everything we wanted. I am glad I survived my Cancer.


If you ever think of giving up... DON’T. You could miss all the blessings waiting for you. I learned that giving up is only a waste of time you could be using to achieve your goal. So, if you didn’t get anything from my life story I want you to get this:

Don’t Give Up!

The author's comments:

I am only 13 years old and I am an 8th grader. I enjoyed making this story. My Grandpa had lung cancer which kind of inspired me to make this story. The actual thing that inspired me to make this story is a song named "Fighter" by Jamie Grace. Something about my piece is that the girl has lung cancer and has difficulty breathing at times. I hope you Enjoy! 

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