Framed | Teen Ink


January 27, 2017
By crocodilekyle BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
crocodilekyle BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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In 1993, the U.S vice president, Hillary clinton had a corrupt secret under her belt. Hillary planned on running for president later that year and would do anything in her power to keep that secret from from getting out. Using her wealth and political power, she hired two secret service agents to make sure the secret would never get leaked. When she received news that I (a 23 year old african american man named Tyrone Birkland) knew about her secret and planned to release the information to the public during her presidential campaign, it was game on.
March third 1993, I come home after a long day of work at the water treatment plant. Although it’s not my line of work, I spend my evenings looking into crimes hoping to one day solve my own case as I have always dreamed of being a secret service agent. During my pursuit to prove my worthiness of the job, I stumbled across a case that no one else had even looked in to. I knew this was my opportunity to make it big and earn my dream job. What I didn’t know was that it would also take my freedom away from me.
I Worked on the case for nearly two more months gathering all the evidence I could. The case consisted of the vice president, Hillary Clinton kidnapping 12 kids and hauling them to Mexico in a semi truck. The story of the kidnapping made news headlines 2 years ago but went unsolved. With all the evidence I was able to gather, I could not believe no one else had ever solved it. I’ll admit, it wasn’t easy but endless nights of research and relentless pursuit of answers finally led to a clear conclusion of Hillary being guilty of the crime. I was shocked mostly because me and majority of the people in my country have looked up to this women for so long and I could not believe she had committed this crime. But all the evidence was there, it came to the point where there was no way it wasn't her. I planned to put all my hard work into affect during her presidential campaign coming up two months later.
Two weeks later, while at work, my wife Diane spammed my phone with calls. When I was released for my lunch break I called her to see what the numerous calls were all about assuming it was something important. When she answered the phone, I could tell she was crying by the crackle in her voice. “Please tell me it isn't true Tyrone, please” Diane said, “What? What’s wrong baby?” I quickly replied. Before she could answer, the break room door flew open as two police officers with their guns drawn charged into the room telling me to lay down and put my arms behind my back. I asked them what I had done wrong multiple times only to get the same response each time which was a brief silent staredown.
Two weeks later I found myself in a courtroom being charged with 5 counts of manslaughter whom I apparently killed in a parking garage around the time I was getting in my shower. I had no proof that I was home at the time the murders happened. On the scene of the crime was 8 spent bullet casings all with my D.N.A on them. They also found my blood on one of the victims shirts and a boot print made out of the victim's blood that matched my exact boot soles pattern. I was told I’d be headed to the green state prison for life with execution. I couldn't beleive what was happening, and even though I knew it wasn't true, how could anyone else ever believe me? All the evidence needed was there plain as day.
In prison I chose to just accept my fate, I knew the only people who would ever believe i'm innocent would be my family members and I wasn't even sure they would. “Birkland” a voice yells from across the dining hall, I look over to see the head of security of the prison waving me over to him. I start to walk in his direction wondering if he would tell me that I'm innocent and that this was all just a big misunderstanding but the conversation went nothing like that. Instead he shared the news with me that my dad had passed away from a heart attack and that I could have one call home. By this point I’m so upset and frustrated that I don't want that call home, at least right now, I'm sure i'll come around.
A couple weeks later I wake up in the middle of the night sweating profusely. I couldn't sleep the rest of that night so it was a long 8 hours of thinking that night. I swore I was gonna go crazy. Nothing can quite describe the feeling of having a execution date for committing a crime that you had no part of. The sun was rising and I could here a prison cell door down the hall from mine open along with the sound of what seemed like a new prisoner being introduced. I got up and peeked out of my cell as all the other prisoners did in theirs. This time it wasn't like all the other new prisoners I had seen. This one was special to me.

All cell doors open at the routine time of 11:30 for lunch that day. I basically run out of mine and head straight for the new prisoner I had seen this morning. I know this man very well, in fact we are brothers. I wrap my arms around him and ask him “why are you here Michael? I told you to keep yourself out of trouble!”. He whispered back “Act like were not related, I’m here to break you out of here. I know you're innocent Tyrone”. I replied with two more questions, “so what did you do to get in here and what’s the deal with the full body tattoo that you didn't have two weeks ago?” “we’ll talk about all that stuff later, right now we have to act now if we're gonna get you out of here before your execution date. How long do we have by the way?” MIchael asks, “2 weeks” I said with a disappointed look on my face. He said “meet in my cell tomorrow right at the beginning of morning free time” so that's what I did.
The next morning I meet him in his cell. I meet his cellmate, not sure if he knew about my brother and I’s plan to breakout. But before I could even ask, Michael tell me that the only way we're gonna do this is to have him involved. He isn't much of a talker and all I could get out of him was his name, James Little. My brother regains my attention and tells me to trace his tatoo onto a piece of paper to the exact measurements. I waste no time and have it done by the end of morning free time. I ask why he wanted me to do that, so he holds the trace paper up to the light and asks me what I see. All that I saw was a bunch of random criminal designs. He instructed me to look again, still nothing. He then turns it upside down showing a clear blueprint of the prison. So much detail that he knew what was behind every wall such as ductwork, old water lines and even neighboring rooms. He said we would start by ripping the toilet off of the wall in his room later that night to access the furnace room which connects to the security guard break room which has access to the outside.
We waste no time that night getting started. We don't have much for tools besides an old bolt that we took out of one of the bleachers outside whittled down to a screwdriver. It seemed that we didn’t need any more than that though as it worked to get the toilet of the wall with no hassle at all. When the toilet broke free from the wall, we all three poked our heads through the hole to see what was on the other side of the wall. It was the furnace room just like Michael had said. Michael informed James that he would have to keep lookout while he went through that hole and found out what time there is no guards in the break room and see what tools they needed to get into it. James was scared and it showed, didn’t even seem like he attempted to hide his fear even though I know he was. He muttered in agreement and sat on his bunk with a blank face. Michael and I looked at each other with the same worried look but quickly forgot about it. Michael told me to be ready to leave tonight. I asked “why so soon?  There’s still over a week until my execution date. How about we think this out a little more”.
Michael quickly responded “they plan on taking you to the other side of the prison early tomorrow morning for you last week of life”. I wondered how he knew all this but certainly did not question him. I simply shook my head in agreement. The bell then went off to inform inmates that it was time to return to our cells, so we did.
7:30 rolled around and I knew that Michael planned to leave at 8 when the cells opened for night wash ups before bed. I slipped over to Michael and James cell as soon as I could. We wasted no time once I was in there. We hung a sheet over the cell door which usually means two prisoners want privacy so that they can have intercourse. We all three slip through the hole one after another. Once we reach the other side, James starts puking and crying. He begins to hold us up, I could tell MIchael was panicking. Out of nowhere, Michael hit James across the side of the head with what looked liked the bolt we had used to take off the toilet in his fist. James dropped like a sack of bricks and Michael waved me forward. We walked through the furnace room for about three minutes before reaching the break room. No one was in it. We proceeded through the door, and as we stepped into the room, michael grabbed two guard uniforms off the back of the door and tossed one to me. We quickly put them on without exchanging a word. We eventually open the door to the outside and make a run for it through the prison parking lot. Michael smashes a cars window out and jumps in the driver's seat. I jump in the passenger seat and he begins to hotwire the vehicle. It's weird to see Micheal like this since he has never been in any trouble before, yet he learned all these criminal skills in just two weeks all just to get me out of prison. The car starts and we begin to pull away. We get 10 minutes down the road before we here the first public announcement of two escaped convicts. We lay low in a house MIchael had bought in a fake name right before he came to prison.
After a few days of hardly any talking and uncontrollable emotions, I flip on the t.v. There's only about 6 channels that you can understand so I didn't have much of a choice but to watch the news. When I saw what was headlining, my stomach dropped. Hillarys secret was announced to the public and she was under federal investigation. They had discovered not only that she was in fact responsible for the kidnappings but she was also responsible for paying 2 secret service agents to murder five men and frame me to assure  her secret didn't get out. I have no clue how she knew I had the information but she did. It now came to me that i just broke out of a maximum security prison for absolutely no reason. Michael quickly apologized to me but it was interrupted by a knock on the door. We both hide, him under the bed and me in the closet. The door is kicked open and cops flood the living room which seemed to be a reoccurring event for me. They quickly found both of us and loaded us up in separate cop cars. We both knew that we were headed back to do more time for breaking out. As we got to the courtroom, we were both shocked to hear that we were both being released with all charges dropped under one condition. We had to tell them how we broke out. That was a no brainer and we quickly shared Michaels mastermind plan with the prison guards. That night we were free and I couldn't have been any happier. More importantly, my family has never been happier.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this by a school writing class

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