The Last Time | Teen Ink

The Last Time

October 21, 2016
By JoeOstrowski BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
JoeOstrowski BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the day of this historic game came around, all the newspapers in town were covering this game. In 8 hours time the whole town would be gathered at Raptor stadium watching these long time rival teams play their final game. The Filbrook high Raptors and the Edgegrove high Falcons have been rival high school that were just across town from each other and for the past 10 years have played 10 football games, with each team having 5 wins a peice. And it so happens that it was the last game of the year for each team. But what made this game so historic was the fact that Edgegrove would be changing leagues the year after this one. Meaning that Filbrook and Edgegrove would no longer play each other. That fact alone made this game a huge game, the winner of this game would be getting the “Border War” trophy to signify their victory in the 10 year long rivalry.

As school got out at both Filbrook and Edgegrove students and teachers started to hype up the game, they were playing music and making a big deal as they exited the building. Since Filbrook was the home team they gathered in their locker room after school as game time approached. As school got out at Edgegrove the team immediately got on a bus to head over to Raptor stadium at Filbrook. Edgegrove arrived at the school around 4pm even though the game didn't start until 7. There was already crowds of fans from each school tailgating in the parking lot and news teams from the state were setting up for the big event along with ESPN to broadcast the game live on TV. The stakes were high and each team was getting more and more excited as the minutes ticked by.

Each team had a very different playing style as well. Filbrook which was lead by senior captain Kevin Cook played clean and played as a team always and always played with a positive attitude. They were considered to be the good guys by many other teams in the state. On the other hand Edgegrove was a very negatively mined team and they played very dirty most teams strongly disliked them and considered them to be the bad guys. Edgegrove was led by senior captain Jack Graham and he was the reason this team played like they did.

At this point each team was suited up and warming up on the field with one hour left before game time. There had been beefed up security and despite that fact there had already been 3 fan related fights between the opposing teams.  And as Filbrook kicked off the ball it was obvious that Edgegrove was out to play more dirty than they usually did. As one quarter had gone by Filbrook was up by 7 points which is the equivalent to one touchdown. By half time Edgegrove had tied it up though. So at halftime the score sat at 7-7. The 3rd and 4th quarter passed by and each team was equally physical. So in the 4th quarter the score sat at 7-7 still. Filbrook had the ball and Kevin Cook had the ball and as the ball was snapped he threw it 45 yards to the end zone where he had a receiver wide open who caught the ball for a touchdown. This was the last play of the game which meant Filbrook won. They had won the Border war trophy and all the respect in the city. As Edgegrove got on the bus to go back to their side of town Jack Graham spoke up. He apologized for leading the team the way he did, and he now realized what a real team, and that was like FIlbrook. He now wishes he never lead the way he did and was more like Kevin Cook and the Filbrook Raptors.

The author's comments:

Peice about why it pays to play with sportsman ship 

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