Rememberance | Teen Ink


September 18, 2016
By LexiBrock BRONZE, Toccoa, Georgia
LexiBrock BRONZE, Toccoa, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I ventured out of the old, decrepit building and into the storm...the parking lot was vacant only peppered with an automobile here and there. The rain drops were falling fast and hard. All around my feet, tiny unavoidable puddles were forming... I stepped in one after another. The water was undeniably cool, a cold that brought back memories of early spring days.  Days spent mischievously dipping my toes into the creek that ran behind my house, as I closed my eyes I could see my mothers disapproving glance from the kitchen window. I threw my head back and laughed like a child...Like the child from the recollection, oh what a beautiful thing it was to remember.


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