The Two Angels from Heaven | Teen Ink

The Two Angels from Heaven

April 13, 2016
By sand-lock53 BRONZE, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
sand-lock53 BRONZE, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can recall a very tragic event that changed my life when and after it happened. I just knew that life would never be the same again when I saw what was done. And I will never forget the most terrifying and depressing thing that has ever happened to me.

It was a cold spring day and I was in a lake swimming towards shore. Then, I heard a beeping noise. I looked up and found myself at home in bed. I turned off my alarm clock, woke up my wife and kids, and got dressed. It was about 6:21 in the morning on a bright, warm, summer day. It was one of those days where everything seemed to be going just right. I gathered my wife’s suitcases and packed them up into my Nissan-Altima. I started up the car and drove to the airport. I didn’t have work that day but my wife Nicole, was visiting relatives in Malaysia.

After a two-hour drive, I got to the airport. I helped unload and had breakfast with Nicole and my kids at a restaurant in the airport. After my meal, I helped Nicole check in. M I said goodbye to my wife and watched her go to the security station. I gave her a final wave right before she disappeared. I then headed into my car for home.

Finally, I reached home at 11:46 and settled. I watched a football game, while my sons went off to do their own thing. I however, was blinded by my own droopy, tired eyes into a deep sleep. I woke up to have some lunch. As I was biting into my Nutella sandwich, the phone rang. Now who could be calling me on this particular day? I picked up the noisy phone and was surprised to hear Nicole’s soft voice. “Dear, why are you calling?” I asked.
“Honey, there is some dangerous and stormy weather coming up. Gather the kids up and head to the basement. My flight was delayed for 15 minutes earlier.”
“Don’t worry, I will, and I will make sure none of us get hurt.” The only time Nicole called me “honey” was when she wanted me to do a big favor for her or when she was very desperate. I hung up the telephone. If she wanted me to do a big favor right now, it would probably be to stay alive at that point. “Stupid Alexander, why didn’t you watch the weather report instead of the dumb football game?” I thought. I called my boys into the basement as the massive storm passed by. then, i realized; we forgot to close the kitchen door. I went up the stairs to do so. And right as I was closing the door, I heard a huge noise of thunder that knocked me off my legs. After the pain rushed through my body, one of my boys came up to make sure I was okay. I told him to go back down. As he did, I got up and went outside to investigate the massive sound I heard.

When I got outside there were yellow and orange flames on top of a load of debris. I got a closer look and found that it wasn’t just piles of garbage, nor was it thunder that had brought me down, THERE HAD BEEN A PLANE CRASH!!! I raced to the crash site and dug through the debris. I looked for any survivors. That was when I heard a distant moaning sound. I didn’t think that it was a person. It couldn’t have been one. But when it continued, I trudged through the pile and lifted up the huge piece of metal. I glanced at what was down there. Nothing. I looked again. And there, at the bottom of my feet was my beloved wife, Nicole. I knelt down and picked her up into my arms
“Nicole, are you okay?” I asked,
“No, I know that I’m going to die” her trembling voice hissed.
“Is there anything you want me to do before you die?” I said with tears pouring like waterfalls.
“Yes, there is” Nicole said “remember that you have made a huge impact on my life, and that I love you very much. I have always loved you because you are kind, loving, and brave.”
“I will” I managed to say as I exploded with tears.
“Smart and strong” whispered Nicole.
And those were Nicole’s last words of her life. Her eyes were barely open when they closed. Her chest stopped breathing. Nicole was no longer alive. She was…dead. My heart sank to the pits of my stomach.

Then, out of nowhere, I saw a huge bright beam of light. I looked up and saw something that looked familiar. It took me a split second to figure out who it was. Then it came to me. God and two angels were descending from Heaven. God was in the middle with the two angels on either side. Everything was completely silent, and peaceful. They came down and lightly touched Nicole's forehead. They then quickly went back up and disappeared into an overhead cloud. I then realized that they came down to take Nicole's soul up to Heaven. She would be safe there with God.

By that time the whole town had already gathered up and the news broadcasters were on the go. Life would never be the same again. Nicole was gone.

For the next few days I couldn’t do anything. I wouldn’t eat or even sleep. I was depressed. I prayed about the depression and it finally went away. To this day I still remember what happened. But I’m doing fine. My wife is up in heaven. With God

The author's comments:

Ever since second grade I have always been obssesed with commercial aviation. Because of this, I was later on inspired to write this along with a few other short fictional stories. When I get older, I plan to become a commercial airline pilot.

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