Evolution | Teen Ink


March 17, 2016
By Anonymous

The beginning of it all started with a giant bang. Through tiny particles morphing into atoms, building and building up to a magnificent, blinding implosion inside the universe. Forming a bare planet, to which not one living thing inhabited. Time over time living creatures swam and crawled upon the land and sea. Those giant mystical creatures, leaving imprints resembling the size of a townhouse. Coming from the depths of the salty, dark blue ocean. When the meteor hit earth wiping out living things hundreds of millions of years ago. Primates to be the base from what we spread from. Branching off and adapting. Apes adapting, to pick the supple fruits and nourished leaves off the tops of trees. Years passing by and by. Those before this time have evolved and formed what we now see. Exception for the ones that kept it in the family. Through mutations and adaptations, we now can see the end product, or so we think. If this happens an end will come to what we call modern life. Enormous creatures, coming back to our modern bland time or will that happen to us in the near future. Will the collapse of the atmosphere be the result from the nuclear weapons that have crushed the atmosphere, threatening us  to be used by individuals. What we don’t know is the future, we may know what happened in the past. We are the ones that determine the future of our children and their children. Do we want them to be born with mangled limbs and have to live in a world where there are no healthy trees or supple green grass. When they have to wear oxygen tanks in order to breath. This world evolved only as much as we have. Changing the way we live in order to breathe the clean, crisp air on a warm summer day. Rather than a dark, rainy and muggy summer day caused from pollution.

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