Secrets of the Seasons | Teen Ink

Secrets of the Seasons

February 26, 2016
By The_Kate_Diaries BRONZE, Austin, Texas
The_Kate_Diaries BRONZE, Austin, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

December 15th
Status update: Tis The Season For Gossip

Ahh good morning my lovely viewers. It’s a fresh start to the week, which means new juicy gossip! Was it Paighton stealing clothes like last week, or stealing the heart of someone who’s already taken? More to come on this subject within the week. What was seen over the weekend… liplocking and Fruit of the Loom? Jess and Clyde were found in close quarters, but little goodie goodie Jess can’t seem to impress with her lingerie brand choice, or does she even have a choice? Ah, what money can buy. Spencer Calthron knows that money can buy a lot, but not love. It seems that Bianca Tyler is falling for the billionaire boy, or is she just falling for the gifts he buys her to win her heart? The two were found in boutique after boutique all day. Sounds like S is really waiting on B’s hand and foot all day everyday. Next thing we know, S will have mistletoe hanging at every hallway at school, just to make sure that he stands a chance with B. Will this pair make it or break it when it comes to being Chicago City High’s royals? Nevertheless, we shall know all in good time, because I’m not one to keep quiet for long.

Yours truly,
The Chic Commentator

February 4th
Status update: Roses Are Red, Revenge is Gold

Well, Valentine’s Day is on the horizon, which means many of the heartbroken get revenge on their heartbreakers. Since I last shed some light on Chicago City’s finest, some hot details have come my way! All innocent Holly Grimark, Jess Grimark’s cousin, seems to be a little too cozy with Jess’ beau, Clyde Turner. Oops… I almost forgot, you didn’t know that Jess and Clyde were more than “friends with benefits.” Well, now that I’ve let you in on this, it looks like little Holly is trying to make the moves on Jess’ man. The two were caught by Jess’ best friend, Paighton Rodgers. Sorry J, not only did your boyfriend cheat on you after only about two months, but your bestie didn’t even tell you about it. Hmmm… sounds like P might want your cousin’s leftovers. From what I’ve heard, P caught them after C’s baseball practice in the locker room, and let’s just say that the two hit a homerun if you know what I mean. Ahh yes, C plays for Chicago City High’s Varsity Knights. Hmm, which lady will have Clyde as their knight in shining armor? Doesn’t sound like he will be Jess’. Will J get even with all three of them? The Candy and Kisses Party, in the plaza of the Pralatta Hotel, is next weekend, and word has it that J just might have her eyes on a new man. And who is this… well, you’ll just have to wait to see how it all plays out at the party.

Yours truly,
The Chic Commentator

February 22nd
Status update: All Hail The Queen B

Now that V-Day is over is there going to be a D-Day? J brought total hottie, Tom Landers, from the lacrosse team to the Candy and Kisses Party last weekend, and from what everyone witnessed, the two came to the party with quite an appetite. For revenge, that is. But saying and doing less is more on topics sometimes. Those are some wise words of wisdom for Mr. Calthron. S and B were spotted walking the city streets of Chicago. Not just hand in hand, but also shopping bag in shopping bag. Is B just using S to get the goods, or does she have a special place in her heart for Mr. Money Bags? Well, either way, we all know that the devil wears Prada. On another note, Marshall Preston, Chicago City High’s most favored math teacher amongst the girls, seen with the school’s very own Bianca Tyler. They were seen at Le Chocolat Bakery and Coffee House yesterday afternoon in a heated discussion. Does Mr. Preston have something to hide? Or something being held over his head? Huh, sounds like Miss Tyler might have a thing or two on Mr. Preston. Going out to meet with an older man? But what about Spencer? Oh, did he even know that she met up with Mr. Preston? What some call blackmail, all of us living in Chicago City like to call it, seizing an opportunity. With that being said, S could be questioning his sweetheart, and Mr. Preston might be having to bow down to the Queen B.

Yours truly,
The Chic Commentator

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