Landry's Fall | Teen Ink

Landry's Fall

February 23, 2016
By Anonymous

It was a cold fall morning on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, the day after the state championship game. The day after that Miami Heights, in Florida, lost the streak of 5 straight state chamipnships and a 69 game winning streak. It is a gloomy day for people in the heart of Miami where the school is located. All the fans, alumni, and espcially players were devistated. It was the upset of the century. The seniors being the most devistated, knowing there 4th ring is not coming, the one that means the most. For a standout junior, Landry Johnson, he knows that next year will produce big things for him, if he trains the way he needs to if he wants the big division 1 coaches coming his way. Landry has already received 15 division 1 football offers from some Sun Belt, C-USA and American conference schools but he wants bigger. His goal is to be able to choose from any of the SEC schools he wants; and being a top 5 runningback in his class, he is on the way to that if he stays on the right path.
It is finally time for Christmas break at Miami Heights High School. Everyone is still upset about the lost in the state championship. There is a party that is going to be going on hosted by Landry’s childhood best friend, Amara Darkoh. While Landry chose football for his way out in middle school and high school, Amara chose drugs and gangs for his path. Although they still have hungout sometimes, not nearly as offen as they did, Landry is going to be going to his first party. Landry finally arrives “Yo what’s up”
“What up homie, how you been,” says Amara.
“I’ve been ight, mar.” Landry replies. “Got any of that good stuff you can hit me with for cheap?”
“Yea I gotch you homie, how much you want?” Smirked Amara, thinking that this moment would never happen.
“Enough to get me gone bro, I still haven’t gotten over the fact we lost that state champ game doe,” says Landy.
“Don’t worry bout nun of that tonight Dry, you bout to have hella fun tonight, maybe so much fun that you can chill wit me and the crew on a regular basis if you know what I’m sayin,” replied Amara.
“Yea I know watch you sayin homie, football is still all me bro, it’s all I got right now and it is all I need,” cried Landry.
Amara laughs, “Okay bro I hear you, just hit this a few times and you’ll feel just fine I promise you that.”
Everyone who is at this party, suddeningly stops what they are doing, in shock at what they are witnessing. Star running back Landry Johson is partying. Landry does not stop there.
“Aye la’ bro pass me some more of that booze you got,” yells Landry.
“Ight lil homie I see you,” smirks Amara as he passes the booze to Landry, still in shock for what has taken place so far.
“Bro this is the life!” Shouts Landry. “I’m starting to like this more than football a little bit.”
“I’ve been tryin to tell you bro, you been missing out here. You could of been hanging wit me and the crew, and have been makin bank sellin all this wit us.”
“Really bro, I’ve heard a lil bout this and it’s a big time cash flow.”
“That it is son, that it is.”
“What do I gotta do to get in it Mar?” Questioned Landry.
“You really sure you’re down for this Dry?”
“Of course I am now lemme do what I need to do.”
“Bro you gotta show us your serious bout dis, we don’t play around.”
“Okay okay so what do I have to do!” Landry asks impatiently.
“Well if you are really down for us, you gotta proove it by catching a body tonight.
“No worries I gotch you homes.” Landry says as he storms out of the house still under the influence of his narcodicts.
“You ready for this homes,” says Amara making sure this is what Landry wants.
“I was born ready for this.”
Amara laughs, “Ok bro, here’s the 22 you need, time to go to work.”
“Hol up hol up. Right here.” Landry hops out of the car. “Hey hey get over here,” he yells to a group of guys. As he runs over to them he draws his gun. “Get ready to woah woah.”
“What you sayin lil boy?” As the group of guys draw there pistols and point them at Landry. “Drop the gun,” shouts one of the guys.
“You drop it,” shouts Landry still high off dope. Amara drives off at the sight of all the guns being pulled. As he drives away 3 shots ring out. “BANG, BANG, BANG.” The next morning Amara drives back to the scene. He finds Landry laying on the ground, dead.

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