Don't Tell | Teen Ink

Don't Tell

January 28, 2016
By KrB247 BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
KrB247 BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I looked through my thick rimmed glasses at the crowd of people in the cafe of Troburg private school and I slowly make my way to my usual spot with all my other hipster/ "emo" crowd and I sit down when Andy walks up her long black hair down and styled perfectly. I look down to my phone real quick when I notice shes looking directly at me. "Excuse me, You're in my seat" She slightly smiled looking me up and down as i slowly got up. "S-sorry" I whispered before moving farther down the table to where my friends had sat, probably because they didn't see me i guess. "Hey guys" I grinned setting my stuff down and sitting beside Aria. "Hey Chloe, What's up" She smiled and pulled at her blonde hair.

"I'm ok, Andy just talked to me" I kinda smiled and she rolled her eyes
"I don't see why you don't just admit you like girls"
"I don't...... She is just pretty" I quickly look at the ground to hide my blushing face.

"Hey Aria, uh... Chloe, do you guys wanna come to a party at Andy's house tonight she says its gonna be wild" A random of the group walked up and asked and my head jolted up from its original spot and I nodded.

"Yea sure" Aria smiled and inwardly laughed at my eager nod
"Cool I'll tell her you are both coming" the pink haired girl turned on her heel and walked to Andy who was staring into my eyes. Aria shook my arm and gib slapped me back into reality. "W...What?" I yelled
"You know why I did it Chlo"  She looked at me strangely
"Yea Yea, my protection blah" I sighed heavily gazing at Andy's gorgeous brown eyes.
"Come on stalker that's enough" She said pulling me to gym class. I quickly ran to the locker room and changed so I could get this class over with as soon as possible.
"Alright class, today we are playing..... Dodge ball" The coach said as everyone roared at the sound of dodge ball
"You'd think dodge ball would get boring after a while because to me its very f***ing irritating playing it so often but then again it's fun to hit the s*** out of people" I shrugged looking at Aria and pulling off my glasses and leaning against the wall as the picked captains
"Aria and Sid you are captains this time chose your players wisely and Sid picks first"
Coach said
"I choose... Audrey" He pointed at his bimbo cheerleader girlfriend
"Chloe obviously" Aria said as i walked over
" You're lucky his girlfriend is in this class or I'd be picked" I laughed
" Oh yea just because you rock at this game doesn't mean everyone wants you on their team" She chuckled. After the captains picked their teams the game was on and I suppose you could say we won by a landslide because we still had most of our players and they had about 3 left by the bell to end class.
"Aria's Team wins" Coach said and leaded us back to the locker room, and since I had a free period next class I decided I'd shower because I've been doing that since year one with Coach Reese and she never seemed to mind i guess. I walked to the shower and said bye to Aria on the way as she explained that I should be careful about the party and all that. I turned on the shower head and got in pulling the curtain closed. I hummed as the hot shower water ran down my sweaty body. Slam!  the door went and a bag was dropped to the ground
"ummm.... Hello?! I'm pretty sure Coach doesn't have a class right now so I don't think you're supposed to be in here" I said my voice echoing through the room.
"And you are allowed in here while I'm not that's funny considering shes my step mom" Andy said pulling the curtain open
" Ack!!!" I shrieked covering my naked body with my towel and sliding away from the shower head so I don't get it wet
"Someones a little shy" Andy said causing me to blush "We're both girls its alright" She said tugging on my towel as the door opened again  and she jumped in hiding
"Don't worry Chloe it's just me, I'm just coming by to see if I left my keys, I'm supposed to go see my husband for my planning period and get food with him and maybe his daughter if she'll come, I'm gonna go ahead  and lock the door so when you leave don't leave anything behind" She said leaving as her keys jingled on her way out.
"Sorry, she thinks I'm already there I just came by to hang out in here honestly" Andy said edging out of the cubicle "I guess I'll leave you to your business" She chuckled walking to the door. As I continued my shower the curtain flung open again "Are you going to my party?" She said causing me to freeze in my place
"Y....Yes I am" I blushed

She giggled " Hope to see you there" She winked before actually leaving the room. I quickly got out of the shower hot and majorly bothered. I quickly threw on my clothes and started running after her with my stuff "Hey! that was kinda rude"

"Rude? how so, I wasn't the one being seductive in the shower"

"It's rude to call people names and I deserve an apology for...." was all I could get out before I was slammed against the wall.

"Oh shut up already," Andy said before kissing my lips roughly pulling on my dark red hair. I kissed back almost immediately and wrapped my leg around her  waist. Click click click went shoes down the hall coming our way and fast. Andy backed off slowly and whispered "see you later," she winked walking away quickly. I start slowly walking down the hallway almost bumping into the  other coach.

"Be careful " She laughed as i apologized profusely. Rushing through the halls I finally caught up to Andy and she smiled
"You must be pretty athletic from what I've seen"
"You've been watching me?" I asked slightly shocked
"Eh not overly but a little bit" She mumbled
"Why? I'm not all that special." I shrugged

"You seem pretty cool to me" Andy touched my skin making me blush. She slowly went in for a kiss... Ring Ring! Went the bell causing us to pull away due to being slightly scared or at least the bell scared me. I rushed down the hallway away from Andy and went to my physic's class and sat in the back. The bell rang again to signal the beginning of class and Dr. Lens walked in 20 minutes late like always. He's used to teaching college students, he comes in late and lets us leave once he's done with the lesson. I sat back in my desk while he quickly said his peace and told us to go ahead and leave. Everyone jumped up and rushed out as I pulled out my keys from my bag to leave since I have free periods the rest of the day and then tomorrow I don't have to be in until 9:40 and then I leave after 3rd period at 12:40. I walk out to my 1977 Cadillac Coupe de Ville and sat in the front seat waiting for Aria so we can go get dressed for the party later. I turned on my radio and blue toothed my phone to the radio and started playing Fetty Wap. I lean back as the bell rings again to signal end of class and all I see is Aria rushing to the car with a few kids behind her going to their cars. I cranked the car and put it in drive and aria jumped into the car "Hey that's a seat not a stepping stone you sit in it not step on in because you don't want to open the door"

"I'm lazy, and has anyone ever told you you sound like your mom when you nag" She laughed after receiving a glare from me. I started driving out of the lot and onto the road. I drove to my house quickly and unlocked the door throwing my stuff on the floor. "Your maid is just going to go back and pick that up isn't she?"

"Probably, my mom told her if she kept everything clean for me she'd pay $15 an hour."

"Damn, can I be your maid," she laughed.


The school has an array of students: the super rich and the dirt poor. Lucky for me, I am rich which honestly I could be poor and I'd  be just fine, I mean Aria does it no problem. I ran up the stairs to my master bedroom and rushed to the closet and started looking for clothes.


"So are you going to rise to the occasion and dress up in your 'rich people' clothes."

"Maybe, but you'll be wearing some nice clothes too," I giggled throwing a dark blue party dress at her and pulled out my purple one.

"I can't wear this, it's yours besides I'm comfy in my clothes."

"Nope it's yours, think of it as an early birthday gift" I smiled going into my closet and changing while she took the bathroom. I walking out in my dress as she walked out too.

"Totes gorg."

"You're hella hipster," Aria giggled.

"Thanks for stating the obvious" I rolled my eyes pulling on my converse and combing through my rough black hair. I started down the stairs with Aria tailing me the whole way. Grabbing my keys off the counter and my purse off the floor we left locking the door behind us. I rush to the  car getting giddy and excited before we even start the drive. We got there a little late but it was fashionable (*cough cough* gay lol) I walked inside slowly with Aria and was immediately greeted by Andy's gorgeous smile. I smiled back nicely while Aria shook her head and walked off. Andy gestured to follow her and I nodded and  followed. We ended up in her red walled room, her carpet was a dark gray and the bed was black. She slowly walked to the window and climbed out it and I eagerly  followed. We sat on the roof for a while I'm silence until words finally escaped our lips. "So what is this?" I asked looking at the ground from the height.

" What do you want it to be?"


She lightly touched my chin.

"Uh, you know."

"But I want you to say it," she smirked.

"I want to be your girlfriend," I blushed and she giggled.


"You're so cute," she said smiling.

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