Always There | Teen Ink

Always There

January 23, 2016
By Dulce_Morales BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Dulce_Morales BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


“beep, beep, beep, beep” my alarm rang at 7:30a.m.

It was my first day of junior year at Hamilton High School, great. At least I get to see my best friend. We’ve been talking about going to NYU together since we were in the first grade, two Michigan kids going off to New York. I put my phone to charge up on my shelf and a moment later it was ringing, it was Callie.

“Yes Callie, you should take those new shoes you just bought for school” I joked

“Oh my God, I wasn’t gonna ask you that!” she yelled

“Really?!” I said raising my eyebrow

“I was gonna ask you about the new shirt I just bought, should I take it?” She asked

“Oh my God,” I said “see I know you too well”

“Whatevs, I’m gonna get ready, I’ll see you.”

“Okay, I’ll pick you up in my new car!” I exclaimed “DON’T BE LATE!”

“Jeez, you can’t rush perfection.” I laughed as I hung up

First days of school have always been exciting to me, specially because here in the state of Michigan there are so many stores with many cute clothes, I’m ready for this day. And then my birthday is on September 4, so you best believe I get back to school presents from all around.

I was washing my teeth when I heard my phones text message ringtone, it must be Brandon needing my help getting ready.

“Hey i’m Jason, and you’re cute :)”

Who was this? I texted him back though, just cause he looked pretty cute.

“Hi, umm do I know you?” I said waiting impatiently, he replied like on the second.

“Nope, but would you like to?”

Wow that was smooth, oh my God. But I liked the attention, I guess I’ll give him a chance.

“ok, but how do I know you don’t talk to other girls the same way? lol” I said

“Oh I don’t, trust me. I’ve been stalking your wall. You seem pretty cool, I’d like to know you more.” He assured me

“Really? cool then, where do you go to school though? I don’t think I’ve seen you at mine.” I asked

“No you haven’t, you would’ve noticed ;)” He said

“omg lol conceited much?” I replied

“Lol I go to Zeeland East High School, I know a teacher from your high school. He hates me though so don’t even try to ask him about me.” He said

“omg lol okay, well i gtg. school time, but ttyl?” I asked

“Of course, I’ll be here :)” He assured

Oh my God, that was weird. Oh well, I met a new guy, and he’s cute. I can’t wait to tell Brandon.

“Callie come eat breakfast before you go!” Mom yelled

“Yeah mom, coming!”
I better keep this a secret for now, my mom hates it when I meet strangers on the internet.

I was finally able to talk to her, and I wasn’t even nervous. Usually when I want to talk to her my palms get so sweaty, my heart beats like a hundred horses at a race, and everything I say sounds uneducated. Obviously, since this is the internet, it should be easier to talk to people without them knowing how vile I look, but I still manage to look like so. Although I finally did it and wow that was pretty easy, I am so amazed right now. I don’t understand why I thought that girls are complicated, they’re not complicated at all. Well at least Callie isn’t, she’s unique. Ever since I laid my eyes on her, I knew she was worth my whole time being acquainted with. I still remember the time when we first met.

It was a windy fall afternoon, and there she was swinging on the swing sets. A cute little 5 year old girl with a purple sweater, blue jeans, pink gym shoes, and her two pigtails. She clenched her stuffed elephant like if it was going to fly away like a balloon from a circus if she let go. At that time it felt like I had just seen the princess of the world and I absolutely could not go on with life without talking to a princess. I couldn’t hold my excitement, I was dripping in sweat even though it was still cold outside. I finally got the guts to go up to her so I scampered to the swings and plopped myself right next to her.

“Hi, I’m superman” I said trying to to impress her

“Oh yeah? well I’m supergirl Callie” Callie yelled excitedly

“Tag you’re it!” I yelled as I zoomed away

I remember then that we played all afternoon as our moms began to talk. That’s when I knew she’d be in my life until the end of time. I had never felt that amount of happiness, it couldn’t compare to the time I met Donald Duck at Disney world. Although, that moment was only just a fleeting moment because then uptight Brandon came along and stole her from me, but I would get her back. If not soon, later but I will regain her.

“Move it along you teenage boy, school time!” mom hollered

“Yeah mom, I’m so ready, just lemme change my shoes” I hollered back

“I don’t know Callie, he just doesn’t seem legit”
“Oh my God Brandon, I’m telling you, you have nothing to worry about” she said a little glum, “He’s super cute, he’s a flirt yes, but c’mon you guys are kinda all like that when you meet a girl, especially one like me”

“Ha-Ha oh yeah especially you” I teased, “I just don’t want you getting hurt, you could be pretty naive when it comes to things like this.”

“Brandon, I’m fine. Damn it, I told you this because I wanted you to be happy for me that I met someone, and so that I had someone to talk to about this.”

She was getting cross with me, I know because her cheeks were getting red and she crossed both her arms and legs. Her eyes were getting watery which happened when she wasn’t getting what she wanted, she’s a big tantrum thrower. But it will not work with me, I know because I’ve been used to this since the first time we met at the park as kids.

“Oh c’mon Cal, you know I love you and I support you.” I said, my voice breaking, “But is it a crime to watch out for you too, I just wanna make sure this guy is good and won’t hurt you. You just freaking met him on the internet!”

“I know that Brandon, but am I supposed to not trust anyone I meet and ignore them all?”

“That’s not what I’m saying Callie, just listen to what I have to say!”

“I am listening Brandon, and I get it, you’re just mad I won’t pay enough attention to you like right now! Jeez, can you be any more annoying with that?!”

“Oh my God Callie, I didn’t even say that, where are you coming from with this? Just do whatever you want okay? I’m wasting my time trying to explain to you.” Now I was irritated, “You asked for my opinion but I’m done telling you, you just get pissed.”

We drove in silence the rest of the way to school, God it was awkward as hell. I wasn’t even jealous, she’s just freaking stubborn. Whoever said girls aren’t complicated, they need to reevaluate their whole life.

“Brandon, I’m sorry, I hate fighting.” Callie apologized, “Go ahead and please tell me what you wanted to say, I’m all ears.”

Oh my God! What is happening? Did I miss something? Nope, girls are just complicated. Well might as well just talk to her, I don’t understand how, after all this, I still love her to death.

“Wow you’re wierd, but you’re my best friend so I guess I’ll tell you my opinion again.” I said as grinned at her

She giggled and gave me a hug so tight I thought she was gonna break me right there and then.

“Okay, so all I’m saying is just be careful and don’t trust the guy way too much with your personal life.” I said, “You just met him so take it easy okay?” I said

“Okay Brandon, I promise.” She said

“Good, now get the hell out of my car and into your English class.” I said playfully pushing her out

We got off and I put my arm on her shoulders. We walked into our school and got ready for the day.

First period, it is just a reminder of how the agony of school has just begun. I was taking out my stuff out of my book bag, getting ready for my  English class. I was sitting all the way in back of the classroom, the white walls were covered in posters with quotes. This was good, it gave me a type of comfort vibe. My teacher came in, first days are usually “get to know you” days. It says on my schedule that my teacher’s name is Mr. Miller, my only male teacher.

“Good morning students, I am your English teacher Mr. Miller and to get us started today, we are gonna have a professional argument I like to call a debate” He said with a smile

Okay I guess he isn’t bad so far. He’s tall and pretty handsome for an older man. Nicely fixed beard, dark blue suit with a black bowtie, green eyes, and short dark hair.

“The debate will be about social media, yeah, yeah. I know it’s a common issue, but the question is do you think it’s safe?” He continued “I want you guys to really express how you feel about it.”

He split us up in three sides of whether we thought it was safe or not or if we were not sure.

“Now I want you guys to express your opinions and state your name before you speak, if you’re speaking for the second time then obviously it won’t be necessary to state your name again” he explained, “are you ready?”

Well this was a random way to start the day, I decided that I liked this teacher. I walked to side where social media is safe.

“My name is Josie and I believe that it is not safe at all because the internet is the main reason people get in trouble with other people regarding pedophiles, stalkers, and just well any creepy person” Jocie started

“Good. A great way to start off” Mr. Miller said, “I will be playing the devil’s advocate, Jocie explain the type of trouble you mean” Mr. Miller said

“I mean like getting kidnapped, raped, and humiliated through social media” Jocie explained

“Well not all people are like that for sure Jocie, how can you meet people if you just block them or ignore them” I said

“Good point and who are you?” Mr. Miller asked

“Oh sorry, my name is Callie”

“Callie, do you believe the best way to meet people is through the internet?” He asked

“Maybe not the best but definitely a way to meet people” I responded

“My name is Mariana. Why not the best Callie?” Mariana chimed in

“There is no best way, it’s just a way to meet people. There are so many ways to meet people and all of those ways have their disadvantages as well” I said

A few of people on my side cheered for me and agreed to my response, I could definitely feel the energy of my classmates rising up.

“So you agree social media has disadvantages?” Mr. Miller asked after people quieted down.

“Yes, but it also depends on the type of person you are” I said, “Like if you’re completely oblivious of the obvious signs of danger the person could be, then it’s unsafe”

“I see, so you don’t seem so sure about whether it’s safe or not” Mr. Miller said, “If you think it’s safe then there shouldn’t be any disadvantages at all, don’t you think?”
The people on the side where social media is unsafe all cheered and clapped for Mr. Miller.

“Nothing is perfect either right? Like I said, that type of trouble happens to people that don’t see the danger right away or maybe they do but they don’t accept it” I said

“Yeah, that’s all on the people, not the social media!” someone called out, “oh sorry, my name is Danny”

“Okay Callie and Danny, but what about if you say you are not like one of those people and you truly believe the guy you met on Facebook, Instagram or whatever social media you use is a great guy, ends up being someone who hurt you? He’s great because he acts that way and just makes you believe it” He said, “do you blame yourself, or the internet?, and keep in mind you’ve never met him or her”

Danny and the rest of my side looked at me for a response.

“Well what do you mean hurt me?” I asked

“Let’s say you agree to finally meet this person and the person kidnaps you? There are many cases like that” He explained

“That’s why I won’t go alone” I responded

“Callie if you think this person is safe wouldn’t you trust them? Oh and my name is Sammy” Sammy asked

“yeah what’s your point?” I asked

“I mean that if you trust him or her, you would go alone. And you just said you wouldn’t go alone, which proves that social media could be dangerous” Sammy pointed out

I shut right up after that, Sammy proved a great point. Mr. Miller just stared at me the rest of the class as if he was trying to figure me out. I thought about Jason. I didn’t know him but what if I just made sure he was who he said he was. What’s the damn possibility this could even happen to me? I was getting frustrated, I just met the guy so I can’t judge him right away. It was just a debate.

Mr. Miller
This was just a debate and Callie suddenly shut right up. I didn’t want to imagine why. If there’s one thing I know, it’s that if a person gets affected from a simple situation like the debate it’s because they can connect to it. This is one of the reasons to why I love teaching because I can learn from my students as well. The bell rang and the students were walking out.

“Ms. Bell, can you hold on a minute? I will write you a pass don’t worry” I said

“Yes Mr. Miller and you can call me Callie, that’s just weird and it makes me feel old” she joked

“Very well then, Callie” I chuckled “I just wanted to check in with you, this was just a debate and I apologize if it offended you in any way”

“Oh, I’m fine thank you” she stated

“Okay Callie, well I know I just met you but if you ever wanna come in and talk about an awesome book you just read or you just wanna blow off some steam, I’m just in room 220” I affirmed

“Thank you Mr. Miller, well it’s just I met this guy on the internet named Jason and well I was just thinking about him and what we talked about today” she confessed

Perfect, I always know how to get to my students. Although, this was just a little predictable. Now, it’s just my job to orientate her to be careful.

“Okay and are you worried about that?” I asked

“No but well I guess I’m just overthinking it” She said

“Well don’t worry, what are the chances anyway? But if you ever feel like something is just a bit sketchy I advise you to tell someone you trust who can help you. Or if you want, even me.” I said “Callie you’re a great person, I can see that. You’ll be fine”

“Thank you very much Mr. Miller I appreciate your advice, see you tomorrow” she said walking out

I’m sure she’ll be fine, and I would make sure of that. I didn’t want her to go through the pain my sister did when she fell for some low-life stranger and got hurt.

“Brandon!” Callie jumped on me

“Oh my God Callie, you wanna give me a stroke or what?” I joked

“I’m just so happy to see you, I thought we wouldn’t have any classes together. At least we have eighth period together.” She said

“Yeah, even if it is the last class” I said

“And the best part is that it’s music class” she sang
“That’s true, but that also means I get to be tortured by your voice” I bantered

“Oh my God Brandon shut up!” she said hitting me

We laughed as we got inside my car.

“Hey, who’s your english teacher?” she asked

“Mr. Miller, he’s pretty chill” I said

“Yes he is! He’s hands down my favorite teacher so far” she said happily

“I mean I guess, he made us have a debate” I said

“So? That was awesome, I hate the ‘get to know you’ activities” She argued

“True. I don’t know he just feels a bit intimidating” I said

“Yeah that’s true, but he’s pretty awesome still” She insisted

“Yup, well I’ll call you later or something okay?” I said

“Sure unless I’m talking to Jason don’t bother” she laughed

This Jason guy was getting kind of annoying, but if she’s happy then whatever. I’ll try to bear with it.

“Yes mom, I’ll take Elena to soccer practice!” I yelled as I was going up to my room.

Today was such a long day; I was thinking of Callie all day. I just couldn’t get her out of my head. I was indecisive of whether to text her first or not. I didn’t want to seem like I was trying too hard, maybe I’ll text her and it’ll be something simple but nice, just so she sees I care.

“So how was school? :)” I texted

“Hey! I was about to text you hahaha, but it was decent. I have an awesome English teacher. and you?” She replied almost on the second

Okay, this was going good so far, she seemed interested.

“That’s great haha, so then you’ll start off the day in a good way” I said

“Yeah I know, wait how did you know I have it first period?” She asked

“I didn’t I just figured, do you?” I asked

“Yea.. that’s weird lol” She said

“Yeah that was. So, do you have a dream university you wanna go to? lol I don’t know I always like to ask that” I asked

“Oh my God yes! I really want to go to NYU with my best friend, we’ve been talking about it since we were kids” She said

“Really? me too! It’s all I ever talk about, wouldn’t it be awesome if we went together?” I asked

“Wow yeah it would, I really hope I can go there” She said

“Well I feel like you’re like a really smart and determined chick, i’m sure you will, you gotta smack that application paper in the face :)” I said

“You think? haha oh you bet I will smack that paper, I hope you get accepted too” She said

We talked for hours, it felt like I knew her my whole life. I’m so happy she turned out to be the amazing girl I had imagined she would be. She has this beautiful mind, she looks at things with such different insight of life. It’s as if she knows the honest truth about the way of life, the meaning of what ‘together’ really means. She says there is so much more to what we believe is ‘right’ because there are so many ways to fix one problem. It’s like she’s dancing this everlasting graceful dance that no matter how many times you try to change her dance, she will always be magnificent.


“Wow, I can’t believe it’s 2am already, we were talking since 6pm Jason” I whispered loud enough for only Jason and me to hear

“I know, you’re just amazing. There’s so many beautiful things to learn from you” He said

“Oh my God, Jason Valencia, you leave me speechless” I said with delight

“You too Callie Bell” He said

“Okay well, it’s late, I have to go now” I said

“Okay, sweet dreams and happy new year beautiful” He said

“Sweet dreams, happy new year” I said

I ended the phone call with a huge smile, I had met this guy on my first day of school and it was already new years. I was falling for this guy, the times I spent with him really are magical even if it was just through phone calls and facetime. In just 3 weeks I should know if my future with him would continue. I was so impatient to know whether my dream school had accepted me or not. I was so sure as to what I wanted in this moment of my life. I just want to go to NYU with my best friend, and Jason and just have an awesome career majoring in literature with them. I just know that this is what I want in my life right now and there is nothing that can make me change my mind.

Mr. Miller
The bell rang for 7th period, I collected all the work from last class and got ready for the next one. I had the students write about one of their favorite memory and connect it to how it helped them find what they wanted to do for the rest of their lives regarding careers. These students had such potential when it came to truly expressing themselves.
As I was reading the papers I came across one in particular that was written as if the writer was having mixed feelings. The student was Brandon Mendoza, he was talking about his best friend. I have seen this name before, and then I remembered I saw his name in Callie’s paper. I went back to look at her paper and it said “All I want is to go to NYU with my best friend Brandon Mendoza and Jason Valencia, two of the two most important people in my life”. Brandon was saying how he wanted the same thing but he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He seemed to know a lot about her, and he was saying how he just wanted to tell her the truth about how he felt. It was honestly really beautiful the way he talked about her, he cherished her. He described her as a everlasting graceful dance, this boy is in love. He hated the fact that she loved Jason more than she loved him.
I felt bad for this boy, it was always tough falling in love with your best friend especially if she loved someone else. It can probably end one of two ways, the best friends stay together forever in eternal love or they break apart because of the awkward knowledge that one has more feelings than the other. I was one of the lucky ones that got to marry my best friend, and she truly is flawless.

The next day, Callie walked into my class earlier than usual.

“Hi Mr. Miller, do you have a minute?” she asked

“Of course Callie, what’s up?” I asked

“Well umm, I got accepted to NYU!” she hollered

“Oh my God Callie that’s amazing, i’m so proud of you!” I said with a huge smile

“and the best thing is that Brandon and Jason both got accepted as well, this is the best day of my life” she said through tears of joy

“Oh Callie yes I can see that” I said extending a tissue towards her.

“Thank you, I just came in here to thank you so much for all your support. I’m leaving tomorrow with Brandon and Jason. We got early admission” She said

“Wow, that’s amazing. Callie of course don’t even mention it, just know that even if you’re gone you still have my full support. I’m just sorry to see you leave” I said

“Jason is truly amazing, I’m finally going to meet him. He sent me this beautiful poem where he describes me as an everlasting graceful dance” she said cheerfully, “I don’t even dance”

That sounded fairly familiar. Of course! Brandon had said that.

“And Jason is actually asking me to bring Brandon with me, he said he’s going to meet me at the university because he’s leaving tonight and I’m leaving tomorrow morning.” She said

“Are you going with your parents Callie?” I asked

“Nope, just me and Brandon” She said

“Okay, Callie here is my phone number. You’re basically not my student anymore so feel free to call me at anytime. If you’re feeling unsafe, or well just for any random reason” I said

“Okay thank you Mr. Miller, see you in class” she said as she left

Something didn’t seem right, I sensed something was off. I just didn’t know what it was.
The day had finally come, I was leaving to NYU and I was leaving with Callie. I had dreamed of this my whole entire life, minus the Jason guy of course.

I was waiting for Callie and her parents to pick me up, they were driving us to the airport. I was feeling skittish, I had never been on a plane before. According to the internet, the flight from Michigan to New York is about one hour and 30 minutes. Oh dear God. Well at least I’ll be with Callie. I heard a car beep, it was Callie, time to go. I kissed my parents good-bye and I left to my future.

“Hey Cal, ready for our beginning?” I asked as I got in the car
“Hell yeah, I’ve been talking to Jason and he’s also excited, he was scared in the plane. Just like you, isn’t that funny?” She said

“Hilarious. So how are we getting to the campus?” I asked

“Oh, Jason said that there is a small coffee shop called Magnolias, right in front of the airport. He said to wait there because the owner of the coffee shop has Jason’s car and he’s going to give it to us to drive to the campus” she said

“Oh perfect, here comes Jason to save the day” I remarked

“Yes, my hero” she said

I guess Callie had a new hero, I had always been the one. She called herself Super Girl Callie and I was her Superman. For some reason that made sense to her, but with time I grew out of superman and just became Brandon her best friend. She would fly around the park with her green blanket that she used as a cape. That harmless, sweet baby laugh, it was like a melody. I swear just one look into those devilish hazel eyes and automatically you were taken control of by her. That’s not a bad thing, she used her charming power for the best. It’s like she works with magic to make a dull world into a colorful one, it’s truly fascinating.

She had always loved me but I knew that she loved her hero just a slight bit more. Her hero is the one that can save her from the dangers she feared most, oblivion, failure. Her hero saves her when she falls into any of those categories. I as her best friend, was the one who keeps her from falling into those categories in the first place. You would think she would love that more, but if you ever been saved, you just can’t compare that. They’re divergent, you feel safer knowing that if you ever fall, there is a person there to catch you. That is why I imagine, she needs Jason just as much or more than she needs me.

My girlfriend, wow that’s so stunning to hear. Callie Bell is my girlfriend. I had finally made it official, yeah we were talking and everything but I didn’t know what we were until last night when she called me with the good news that she was coming to NYU. She was so happy, she was crying. I’m pretty sure that even when she cries she’s still ravishing.

I had everything planned, I will finally see her and she will finally see me. No more Brandon, once she sees me, Brandon will be out of her life. I know it sounds mean, but she will just be happier with me. She is just complete with me. No more empty feelings.

“Oh my God Brandon, we’re here!” I said stepping out of the plane filled with glee.

“Yes Callie, finally the torture is over. No more heights, I hate planes” he said with relief.

“Hahahaha, okay let’s go to the coffee shop, I want to get to the campus already” I rushed him

So we went through security and finally got out of the airport. The streets looked really busy, the coffee shop must have good business. We walked into the coffee shop, it was a medium sized old-school looking place. There were different colored stools and small tables with Taylor Swift playing in the background. The place was filled with so many books and a few couches here and there. Brandon walked to the counter and ordered us two lemonade iced teas and two coconut cupcakes.

We were talking the whole time about our pending futures. Although Brandon seemed a bit distant, he mentioned something about him leaving his old identity and getting a new one. He said he was ready for what life would bring him, he wasn’t going to hold back anymore. I guess it was a personal goal, but he has always been strong to me. He was still my hero, I hope he knew that. Sure Jason is my hero too, but Brandon will always be my Superman. 

Ever since I met him that day at the park, I knew Brandon would be in my future. We clicked right away. I didn’t have a dad to call a hero, so Brandon became the hero I needed. He has always been there to guide me, to sustain me, to just love me. He didn’t replace my dad, he just became my one true love. I feel so exultant knowing I get to learn and share my life with him.

“The car got here Cal, let’s go” I said

“Oh wow, okay the time has come” she said giving me warm hug

I got in the driver’s seat, and we started driving to NYU. It was quiet for the first ten minutes or so. Then I started talking, I came clean.

“Hey Cal, do me a favor yeah?” I said

“Sure what’s up?” she said

“Call Jason” I said

“Umm okay, for what? Oh do you need directions for NYU?” she asked

“No, just call him” I said

She called and then my phone started ringing in my pocket.

“Oh that’s weird, I called and then your phone rang, wait is he in here?” she said with a huge smile

“Yes he is Cal, you’re looking at him” I said

“I’m confused” she said, her smile diminishing

“Callie, I’m Jason. The guy you’ve been talking to these past few months, the guy who loves you. I have always loved you” I said my voice breaking.

“Brandon, oh my God. You’re Jason? No Jason is at the campus” She said slowly in disbelief.

“Callie grab my phone and go through my messages” I said

She did as I said, she read furiously. Tears streaming down her round cheeks. She put her hand over her mouth as she shook her head. She flung my phone back at me.

“Brandon why would you do this to me?!” she said with fury
“I knew you would never love me as Brandon, so that’s why I became Jason. I am now Jason” I said

“I told you I have a new identity now, I am Jason Valencia. I am no longer Brandon Mendoza”

“But what about those times we facetimed?” She asked in tears

“Look in my suitcase, I made a mask during my studio sculpture class” I said

“Brandon what is wrong with you? You’re a psycho, let me out of this car. Whose car is this anyway?” She yelled

“Don’t call me that, my name is Jason! And this is my car, I was paying for it. I worked hard to make you happy and to bring you to NYU. I know that with your intelligence, you would get accepted” I said joyfully, “We are going to be together forever, I’m still the same guy Callie. I didn’t lie at all about the way I feel about you, you do still love me right?”

“Jason? You want me to call you Jason?” She asked

She was in shock but I know that with time she will forgive me, we’re soulmates.

“Does that mean that I have lost my best friend?” she asked

“Don’t you feel happier with me?” I asked

She tried to open the door and jump out, but I locked the doors. I held on to her arm until she stopped moving.

“Yes Jason, I love you. I’m sorry for the outrage, where are we going?” She asked

“We are going to the apartment I got for us” I said

She was seeing this as a good thing, finally. I knew she would come to her senses. This our happy ever after.

“Okay let’s go to the apartment” I said

I had never met this side of Brandon before, and it caught me by surprise. I’m scared, he’s acting crazy. I saw my life flash before my eyes when he seized my arm. I remembered Mr. Miller and knew I could count on him. I decided to go along with his story and act the same way I would act with Jason before I knew it was actually Brandon. This was hard because I really did fall in love but Brandon’s attitude scared the crap out of me and made me realize the reality of what could happen to me. I would never see my family again.

Just like that I forgot all the once winsome memories I had with Brandon and just like that I started seeing the monster he had created within him. I don’t know when he started feeling this way, when he lost himself in his own soul. I was crestfallen, with the idea of not being able to tell how my best friend was feeling. This wasn’t fair, why couldn’t he just tell me? He hurt me and I didn’t care how it would affect me, I can’t be friends and much less a lover to someone who didn’t care about my feelings.

We got to the apartment, he just followed me everywhere. He didn’t leave me alone, not even for a second.

“Okay Brandon, I mean Jason, sorry still getting used to this. I’m going to get settled in my room, you can settle in, in yours. Once we finish we can go watch a movie okay?” I asked

“Okay love” he said with a smile

I closed my door as soon as he walked out and locked it. I pulled my phone out and started looking for Mr. Miller’s number. All of a sudden I heard a loud knock, it was Jason.

“Hey why is this door locked? Open it love. What are you doing?” he said with a murderous tone.
“Umm I’m changing my clothes, I’ll be out in a second Jason” I said frightened

I walked to the bathroom and closed the door. I called Mr. Miller, and waited impatiently for him to answer.

“Hello?” He said

“Mr. Miller it’s Callie. Please help me” I cried

“Callie what’s wrong? Where are you?” He frantically asked

I heard a loud bang, Jason kicked down the door. I quickly locked the bathroom door.

“I’m in New York, call the cops. Brandon Mendoza kidnapped me” I said with a rushed voice.

“Callie don’t worry”

That was all I heard when, Jason kicked down the door and snatched the phone away. My future was in his hands now, hoping that Mr. Miller could be my next hero.

The author's comments:

Jodi Picoult was my biggest inspiration for this story, she always writes about actual real life situations. I wrote this story because even though we don't really like to admit it as teens, the internet could be truly dangerous specially when you're talking to strangers you can't see face to face. Be safe!

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