Listen To The Waves | Teen Ink

Listen To The Waves

January 20, 2016
By Kristal BRONZE, Moses Lake, Washington
Kristal BRONZE, Moses Lake, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We're All Mad Here" - Alice in Wonderland

It was reaching 11pm and I still wasn’t tired, the silent clicking of keys was covered by the noise of my television. The words forming perfectly with my writing. I glanced at the time and it was reaching 1am but I still wasn’t very tired. Maybe it was because I had stayed up so late the past two nights. I knew that my mother would be angry if she knew but her obnoxious snoring calmed my fear of being caught by her, no one else was awake so it was the perfect time for the perfect crime. It was finally 1am I could have stayed up later but unfortunately I had school the next morning so if I was going to get any sleep it had to be now. So I shut down laptop and pulled my covers over me and tried to sleep. The sounds of the seas waves crashing from my radio lulled me to sleep.

Four years later.

“Got you!” I heard before I felt something heavy knock me over. my sisters son around the age of ten now. was sitting on my stomach “Got you Aunty!” He laughed as I reached up to pat his head. “You did, Good job.” He got off and made his victory stride a large grin spread across his face. I watched a soft smile over my features, I had been watching him ever since he was young, since the day that him and my sister played on the shores and splashed about in the waves that kept me relaxed. I had always been watching.

“Hey Aunty!” I heard his voice again as he pounded over to me “How about a race?” I laughed and sprang to my feet I was in my prime of twenty, you see this boy was not related to me by blood, my sister had adopted him when he was five and he was still very much a child at heart. But so was I. as we both headed down the hill trying to beat each other to the end, I had managed to break into a roll and made it down the hill before my nephew came rolling after me. “I win! You owe me a new shirt.” I stated proudly as I motioned to my once white shirt that was now covered in grass stains and dirt.

“You have a deal!” He piped up holding out as hand, and I shook it with a grin. I knew the little ten year old could never get me a new shirt, but it was still an interesting thought to think about the boy getting me a brand new shirt.

A few more years later.

I had been over to visit my sister and nephew who had just moved into a house near the beach, the calm waves hitting the shore, calming my nerves of the future although it was late I saw my nephew’s bedroom light on, he shouldn’t have been up it was nearing 1am.

I pushed open the door and he panicked closing it “I was just going to bed Aunty I promise!” I laughed and sat on the bed “Having nightmares again?” I asked when he nodded, I sat on the edge of his bed. “I used to have nightmares a lot too as a kid, but I learned an easy way to forget it do you want to know what it is?” He nodded again. “Listen to the waves and imagine yourself gently floating along the gentle waves.” I watched him snuggle under his blankets and close his eyes, being very still and within five to ten minutes of silence he was snoring away.
Proving the waves could make almost anything seem like it no longer existed. No troubles could be found as long as you just listened to the gentle waves.

The author's comments:

I've always been in love with the ocean and whenever I got to listen to the waves they always kept me calm, this piece is based off of that feeling.

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