I Thought I Knew Him | Teen Ink

I Thought I Knew Him

January 14, 2016
By 02468 BRONZE, Parkville, Maryland
02468 BRONZE, Parkville, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I thought I knew him he looked odd he just stud out to me at night he was the only I noticed the only thing I saw he looked up and glanced at me and for a moment our eyes locked I started to walked up to him but then I looked at him and he did not look the same so I started to walk away from him and as I was walked away I thought to myself  “ where do I know him from “ and I stared to remember where I knew him from I knew him from the wanted poster I was walking trying to go home I was hearing stuff in the background so I started to walk fast the faster I walked the faster the sound got when I started to hear the sounds I just stopped walking and started running and you know in horror movies they say “don’t look back “ I was dumb and I looked back and I saw him running behind me with a knife I was running and running as fast as I could I was just trying to get away from him but it was hard because it was dark outside that night and I was in the woods I was still running until I saw light but even when there was light he was still running behind me so I started to “screamed  help me” “I need help” I was running until I saw two cops I ran up to them and said “ please I need help this man is chasing me and he has a knife” one of them said “ stay and wait here” after some time they come back and said “ your are lucky that you got away nobody who saw him lived to tell “ two weeks later they caught him doing the same thing turns out he was wanted in 8 states for killing 80 people  now that I look back I am lucky because that could have been me

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