Conscience | Teen Ink


December 30, 2015
By BloomingRaine15 PLATINUM, Cebu, Other
BloomingRaine15 PLATINUM, Cebu, Other
27 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
And suddenly, all the love songs were about you.

The day was fair and the animals were having their shopping. Five animals own big businesses; Pooh the Bear’s business was clothing, Simba the Lion’s business is food, Zazu the Monkey’s business was hairstyles, Peekah the Eagle’s business was distributing the latest news and Molly the Badger’s business was wood for shelters. Many animals from afar would go to these places so that they can meet their own needs.
There was this animal, however, that was jealous of the progress of these 5 animals’ business. His name was Hiss the Snake. Now, Hiss had a business, but no one would come to his place because no one needs really that much jewelry. Hiss was also known for his bad attitude towards mice, and many like mice because mice always help them. When they learned about how Snake treated mice, they didn’t like him and refused to buy anything from his store anymore.
Hiss, now tired and angry because no one would want his jewels, began to devise a plan. Because he was a snake, he would crawl stealthily into the places of Pooh, Simba, Zazu, Peekah, and Molly. There he would steal their products and keep them as his own. A week later…
Hiss did what he wanted to do all along. The night of the full moon has come. He crawled first to Pooh’s place. He stole the clothes that were so beautiful and many loved those clothes. He was about to go when, he saw the honey jars. His mind began to dictate him. He dipped a stick on the honey and splashed it across the rooms, leaving honey marks in all of Pooh’s clothing line. He went out and headed next to Simba’s place.
When he went to Simba, he saw the food there. He became hungry and his mouth watered, so instead of stealing the food, he ate all of it and saved something for himself. Next, he went to Zazu’s place. Zazu had a wonderful shop, and all of the facilities there were something that Hiss had not yet seen. It took him quite a long time to figure it out, but he finally cut some wires and spit on the chairs of Zazu’s business. After going out of Zazu’s place, he next went to Molly’s. It was easy on destroying Molly’s business. He got a very large bucket of water and poured it all over the place. All logs were wet, and can’t be used to light a fire or build something.
Hiss didn’t know that someone had seen him. Peekah, his eyes so sharp and his wings soaring high, had trailed Hiss ever since he left his house. Good thing that Hiss didn’t see him though. Hiss went back to his house, satisfied at what he had done.
Morning came and settled. The market was still so busy. But now, it wasn’t about the buying. It was about the customers very angry. All products were either destroyed or none. Then in the midst of the fight, the other animals decided that they will do what they have to do and not depend on the five animals anymore. The five animals’ business sales decreased rapidly, and the money they had was stolen by Hiss.
3 weeks passed since that horrible day. The five animals had almost used up their money and are now sick. Only Peekah still was alright. He talked to Hiss that day, telling Hiss that he knows what Hiss did. Hiss couldn’t do anything except agree to Peekah’s decision that he will tell the whole world what he did. The animals were disgusted by what he did, but they later accepted Hiss, because he finally told the truth and allowed his conscience to rule over his selfishness.

The author's comments:

I was cleaning my old things and I stumbled upon a folder with my first few drafts of stories, so I decided to give it a shot. This is my first story ever written, I was still a beginner at that time, so...


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