Here (Dad) | Teen Ink

Here (Dad)

December 17, 2015
By n3v34m1nd GOLD, Olathe, Kansas
n3v34m1nd GOLD, Olathe, Kansas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Shhh," I coo. "It's me, it's your daddy." She wraps her hand around my finger. "I'm going to take care of you..." I gently plant a kiss on her tiny forehead. "You're safe now."
I look around for anyone. “Hello?” The streets are frozen and bare. Who ever this child’s parents were are gone now. I smile down at the baby. “Hey there, cutie.” I bounce her gently. She giggles. I take her inside, hiding away from the cold.

I roll my head forward, tugging on my mind from the molasses that was sleep.
“What’s wrong, baby?” I lean on my knees.
“Can I have a cookie?”
I smile at her softly, “Go ahead.”
She grins and runs to the kitchen. She comes back with two. I open my mouth to tell her to put one back but she hands it to me. “Here, Daddy, you haven't ate-en in a long time.”
I frown, “I know, honey.”  I grab her chubby hand, “Why don't you eat mine for me, huh?” I ruffle her hair.
“Okay!” She jumps on the couch next to me. “Can we watch the cartoon?”
“Of course.” I grab the remote and she snuggles next to me.
I think we both ended up falling asleep.

“You are up, right?” She opens my door, with her brunette hair, falling just above her shoulders.
“Yes, of course.”
“We have to leave in five minutes, okay? Oh, and I made you a coffee when you’re out of bed.” She shuts the door. I smile in the darkness. That’s my girl.

“Dad,” She looks down. “You don’t need to do this. It’s no big deal.”
I look at her gown. “It’s the biggest moment of your life.”
“Stop, you’re going to make me ruin my makeup.” She chuckles.
I smile back. “Alright, I’m sorry. Lets get down that aisle.”
“Thanks, Dad…  For everything.”
“Of course.” We link arms. I kiss her cheek. I open the door for us. Her future from down the aisle looked at her with such a soft expression I knew she’d be safe with him.

“Dad?!” She screams. I rush into the room.
“I’m here, I’m here.” I grab her hand. She grabs it tightly, screaming with agonizing pain. Her other hand is holding her husband’s. He gives me an appreciative nod.
“It’s going to be okay, just breathe. In and out, in and out.”
“In, out, in, out.” She repeats. She screams again, veins popping out of her forehead.
“Alright, are you ready to begin pushing?” The doctor says smiling.
“This is it, honey, you’ve got this.” Her husband says.
He stole the words out of my mouth. I’m glad she’s found someone who cares just as much about her as I do.

“Dad, hey,” She kisses my head. “How’re you feeling?”
“I’m good, the medication is working wonderfully.”
“Grandpa’s sick?” Her son, attached to her by hand, asks.
“No, baby, he’s just feeling tired.” She gives me an awkward smile of apology.
“Okay.” He says staring at me. I frown. I remember when his mother was that small… My God, how she’s grown.

“Dad?” She walks into the room slowly. “Dad?”
From the floor, I try to reach out to her. She doesn’t see me right away. Then she looks at me and screams.

“Dad was the kindest man I’d ever met. He wasn’t even my real dad. He never told me. I just knew. My mom had left me on his porch. He took me in, no questions asked. I love you, Dad. Rest in peace.”
She drops a handful of dirt of my casket. “I love you, my dear.”
And then I’m gone.

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