Jerry | Teen Ink


December 16, 2015
By mbjr2002 BRONZE, Stockton, California
mbjr2002 BRONZE, Stockton, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is a man named Jerry; he works on weekdays and sometimes has so much work that he is there until 12:00 AM. Every Wednesday he goes on a date on a date with his current girlfriend. Most of the time he misses the date because of the amount of work he has. On a certain Wednesday, his boss talked to him.

“Hello, Jerry,” his boss said.
“Hi!” Jerry said.
“I have a stack of paper on my desk I need you to do,” his boss said.
“OKIE DOKIE DAN!” Jerry said
“Don’t OKIE DOKIE me Jerry,” Dan said. “Also, DON'T CALL ME DAN!” he said.
“I’m sorry Dan,” Jerry said.
Jerry did his work, and when he finished, his boss gave him a reward: MORE WORK!
“Hey for being a good worker, I’m giving you a reward,”said Dan.
“Okay what is it?” Jerry asked.
“More work; it’s on my desk”Dan said.
“Okay Dan,” Jerry said.
“...”  Dan said.
6 hours passed, and when Jerry checked the time, it was so late that Jerry missed date night. He was barely getting home when he got a call from his girlfriend.
“I’m sorry Jerry, but if you can’t come over on a date, I think you just don't care, so, we’re over,” she said.
Jerry sat there in shock. He realized it was his seventh girlfriend that year. When he got to work the next day, he started to get a lot less work. Dan also seemed a lot happier, so Jerry asked why. He found out that Dan gave him so much work so that he can make him late, so his girlfriend would break up with him. Jerry felt betrayed.
After that, he knew what he wanted. He wanted someone who would settle down, and not fall for the trick Dan used. He started using dating websites and speed dating; after a while, he got a message from a girl named Jill. She said that she would be in Portland, Oregon, AKA Jerry’s hometown, and they should meet.
“We should see each other while I'm here” she said.
“What do you mean?” Jerry said.
“I live in California. I’m here on business. Why?”
“I live here in Portland,” he said.
“Oh…,” she said.
“Yeah,” he said. 
“We can try to make it work though,” he said.
“Cool, what are you doing Saturday?”
“Nothing I’m off that day.” he said.
“Cool, sounds like a date” Jill said.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” Dan said                                                                                 
Jerry realized he was at work.
“Nothing boss,” he said.
“Exactly, nothing, GET TO WORK!” Dan said furiously.
“Okay, sir,” Jerry said.
Jerry finished his work. He went home and got ready for his date date tomorrow. The next day,they met a local coffee shop. They spoke for a while, and planned to come back tomorrow, because she had a meeting to go to. Only, he forgot.
“Hey weren’t we going to meet today, or did I hear you wrong?” she asked.
“OH MY GOSH! I FORGOT!” Jerry said.
“Oh well, I have to go back to California, here's my address if you want to visit.”
Jerry received the address in an email.
“I’ll make sure to visit soon; wait for me okay,” Jerry said.
“Of course,” she said
He found the person he loved and wanted her to move in with him, so a couple days later, he asked her if she would move in:
“No way, it will be too expensive.”
“Okay, I’ll save money” Jerry said.
Jerry worked overtime all month to get enough money to move to California.
“Hey,” Jerry texted her.
“Why are you texting me at 2:00?” she asked.
“I can come over to California; I have enough money.”
Jerry flew out to California, where he hung out with his girlfriend for two days. She wanted him to stay but he said he couldn’t. He also said that he would come back soon.
A couple months later, his boss Dan was really making Jerry mad, saying that his relationship would fail like the others.
“How long have you been dating her?” he asked.
“A few months,”Jerry replied.
“Not for long,” Dan said under his breath.
“What,” Jerry said.
“Nothing,” Dan said.
They both knew what he said, Jerry didn’t want to say anything though.
He realized what he should do. He should move to California.
“Hey,” Jerry texted his girlfriend.
“Hi,” she said.
“I'm moving to CA.”
Jerry got into his moving van,went to his work, quit, and left.
When he was in CA, along with the feeling of homesickness, he said he found them a bigger house that they can live in. Months later they got married.
“Hi Jerry,” his mom said.
“Hi mom,” Jerry said.
“So, you’re getting married?” she said.
“Yeah,” he said awkwardly.
“Are you excited?” she asked.
“I sure am!” Jerry said confidently.
“I’ll see you at the wedding.” his mom said.
“Ok, see you.” Jerry said.
After that, Jill and Jerry got married, had a couple kids, and bought the house. They lived a good life until they both got very sick while visiting Oregon. When they died, the gave the house to their children.

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