I Had to Lie | Teen Ink

I Had to Lie

November 23, 2015
By KatKiller13 GOLD, Sweeny, Texas
KatKiller13 GOLD, Sweeny, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“why did i so passionately require the truth? because all great fiction is true”
― Kinky Friedman, Kill Two Birds and Get Stoned

I had to lie. If I had told him the truth he wouldn't have believed it anyway. He’s the best, nothing bad had ever happened between us. He never hurt me, I never hurt him. Not yet. His blue eyes gazed to me, “You’re staring into space again.” I jumped in surprise. Taking my stare off him, “What?” Ryan rolled his sarcastic eyes at me, “What do you want?” The question rang in my ears, my so much shorter reflection in the glass. Our hair matching; those terrifyingly, ice blue eyes pierced my skin, enabling the goose bumps they always gave me. “Kim..” He whines to make my mind already, sitting in line at Dunkin Donuts doesn’t entertain him.
“Just give me a second.” I wave his stare off of me. He orders, Devil’s Food filling, his favorite. Some might say a romance has ignited between us, but it’s the exact opposite. We hate each other, that’s how our friendship works. He keeps nudging me to answer him, but I don’t know how. I’ll have to lie again, I know it. My feet begin swaying me from side to side, the first sign of anxiety boiling in my blood. He knows my lies.
He’s waiting. Too long, he pulls me away from the display of donuts by the elbow. He’s looking down at me, “What’s wrong? Can’t you make up your mind?” He asks with a bit frustration in his voice, “I’m sorry. I don’t know what to get.” I complain. He doesn’t believe me, Ryan rolls his eyes, “Is there something you’re not telling me?” My heart pounds, my eyes widen and everything is clear in sight. What do I tell him? I have to tell the truth, “Ryan, I like bagels. Not donuts.” His face in awe. He angrily walks out of the shop, I follow.
He’s standing outside, staring into traffic. I move next to him, keeping him out of my sight. His vocals now soft and deep, “Why didn’t you tell me?” I turn to him, “I’m sorry, I didn’t-“ He interrupts me, “We could’ve gone to the bakery instead!”

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