A Different Kind of Cinderella Story. | Teen Ink

A Different Kind of Cinderella Story.

November 9, 2015
By 19rclark SILVER, Robinson Rd, Ohio
19rclark SILVER, Robinson Rd, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Is there a method to your madness? Is it all about pride? Cuz Everyone I know, they have a demon inside~ Five Finger Death Punch

“Why don’t you just take this pencil and stab it in my neck?” Mac asked as she slammed her head on the desk in front of her. Everyone in the room laughed. Well, except for the teacher.
She was having a bad day if you can’t tell.
“Mac, go to the office. Obiosally class is to much for you right now.” Said Mac’s teacher. “My pleasure.” Mac said standing up, walking out the door, then slamming it behind her.
This was Mac’s fourth time going to the office. She hated school. No, more than hated it. She despised it.
Macs shoes squeaked loudly as she walked down the halls.
As she went to turn the corner to the hallway the office was on she ran into a kid. His papers went everywhere. Mac apologized and helped him pick them up. She got on her knees and made one big pile of papers, then she handed them to the boy.
He was tall, brown hair blue eyes. Freckles covered his face. His lips were pink, like he’d been sucking on them. He was dressed in a button down shirt tucked in an old pair of blue jeans. They had holes in the knees.
As Mac stood up, he smiled at her. “Hey have we met before?” He asked. “Probably not, I don’t like people.” Mac replied. She looked into his big blue eyes and couldn’t help but smile. She nodded her head and walked away. 
Mac opened the office door and walked in. The school counselor was there. “Mac not again,” She said. “What have you done this time?” Mac looked at her in the eyes. “I just asked her to stab me with a pencil.” Mac said in her sweet, innocent, sarcastic voice.
The school counselor was short. She had blond hair and brown eyes. She was fit and healthy. Mrs. Larik was not your regular school counselor. She is crazy, very colorful, loud, funny, she’s just great to be around. She’s one of the one people Mac is okay with. Mac likes talking to her.
Then the office door opened. Mac turned around and saw the boy she ran into earlier. Mac smiled as she bit her lip. “Oh you again?” She said. He laughed. “I should be the one saying you again. You’re the one that knocked all the papers out of my hands.”
“Oh good, you guys have met,” Said Mrs Larik. “Mac meet your tutor.”
“Woah woah woah woah. Stop the truck. Who said anything about a tutor?” Asked Mac.
“Mac you are failing two of your classes, you need a tutor. I called your mom and we agreed that I would get you one of the best,” Mrs Larik said. “This is Kayleb.”
Kayleb waved and said Hi. Mrs Larik lead us to a room. “You two can talk in here, find out when you want to study.”
Kayleb and Mac sat down and Mrs. Larik closed the door behind her as she left.
“So what are you going to be tutoring me on?” Mac asked “Any class you need tutoring on. “ He said. “Oh okay, so all of them?” Kayleb laughed. “Yes all of them.”
Kayleb and Mac sat there and talked for about ten minutes and then Mrs. Larik walked in. “So Mac, Kayleb has your address and he will be over tonight to help you with your math.”
“Kayleb can’t come over tonight!” Mac said. “Why not?” Asked Kayleb. “Just not tonight.” Mac ended starting to get mad. Mac stood up and walked out of the office and to her locker.
When the day was over Mac put all of her books in her locker, grabbed her bookbag, and walked home. She didn’t ride the bus. She hates the kids that rode her bus so she walked a mile and a half to get to and from school. Her mother doesn’t know that though.
Mac was on the street she lived on. She walked up to her yard. There was a black car in her driveway she’d never seen before. She walked around the house to the back door and walked in. “Mom I’m home.” She yelled. “Mac! Come in here right now!” Her mom yelled back at her.
Mac walked in the laundry room. “Who is this boy?” Mac's mother asked.
“What are you doing here? I told you you couldn’t come over tonight. What do you not understand about no?” Mac said to Kayble.
“Mac you should know better.?” Her mother said giving her the stink eye. “I told him no.” “Shut up Mac.” Her mom screamed at her saying it in a way that made Mac feel pathetic. “Kayleb you need to leave right now.” Mac grabbed his arm and walked him to the front door. “Mac are you okay?” He asked. “I’m fi...” No Mac, Are you okay.” He said cutting her off. “You need to leave.” Mac closed the door in his face.
That night Mac and her mother got in one of the worst fights they’ve ever had. They were screaming at each other from four in the after noon until three in the morning. Mac’s mother even got physical.
The next day Mac was afraid to go to school. She had big black bruises on her neck, back, and the lfet side of her body where her ribs are was all black and blue. Her mother was squeezing the back of her neck so hard that it left bruises where her fingers were on the front of her neck. She threw a chair at Mac. She threw hit her and slapped her and bruised her all up.
Mac wore a scarf with nice jeans and a black jacket that day. The scarf would hide her bruises. When she got to school she went and sat at an empty table by herself.
She pulled out a blank piece of paper and started writing. She wrote a note to the office saying she needed to talk to the school counselor. In the middle of writing it she felt a hand on her shoulder. It startled her. She turned around and saw Mr. Purcell (The school principal) standing there.
Mac crumpled the piece of paper up in her hand. “Hey Mr Parcel can you tell Mrs. Larik I really really need to talk to her.” Mac asked. “Mrs. Larik isn’t here today,” He replied. “You can talk to me though, if you want.” “Okay, well, I just got a tutor but I don’t need him anymore so I just wanted her to get me out of that.” Mac said. “Mac I’ve seen your grades, you need Kayleb.” He replied. “Ugh okay, I need to talk to Mrs. Larik tomorrow.” She demanded. “Okay I will let her know.” Mr Purcell said walking away.
Mac put her head down on the table sighing. She felt the table move. Someone sat down next to her and she knew it was Kayleb. “PLEASE GO AWAY!” She cried, you could hear the tears in her voice. “Mac what happened last night? I know something happened.” Mac sat up, threw her hands up into the air, and started screaming at him. “Kayleb you don’t even know me why can’t you just forget about me like everyone else. Who cares what happened last night, just forget it!” Tears running down her face she got up and walked away.
Mac never cries ever. She is usually pretty good at pretending everything's okay but today it’s different.
She went to her locker and took off her black jacket. Under it she was wearing a grey t shirt that had white stripes going across it. She hung the jacket in her locker and slammed the door closed. Then she dropped her bookbag at the bottom of her locker and went to gym class.
When lunch came Mac could barely eat. She had about two bites and then threw away the rest of her hamburger. She didn’t want to sit in the cafeteria for the rest of lunch so she got up and walked around the hallways. She had to keep stopping and taking breaks. Her day was so much more painful than it had to be.
Kayleb happened to look out the door into the hallway when Mac was walking by. He saw her rubbing neck. Like her neck was stiff. He could see her at her locker. She pulled out her phone and made a call. Kayleb tried to listen to the conversation but he couldn’t hear it.
The bell rang and everyone was in the hallway. Kayleb went up to Mac right after class. He didn’t know what he was going to say but he wasn’t stopping himself. He went up to Mac. He looked into her eyes. She was still on the phone. “Mac I want to talk to you about something.” Kayleb said. He grabbed her phone out of her hand and held it up to his ear. “Hey, Mac’s going to have to call you back.” He said hanging up.
“Kayble! What the flip! What do you want!” “Why won’t you talk to anyone?” He asked. Mac rolled her eyes and rubbed her neck again. “Whats wrong with your neck?” Kayleb asked. Mac immediately came up with an excuse. “I must have slept on it weird last night.” Was the only thing she could say. She took her phone back from Kayleb and put it in the top of her locker. “Are you gonna answer me or not?” Kayleb asked. “Not! If you don’t leave me alone then you’re gonna have a lot of problems on your side do you understand me?”She threatened. “Try me, what’s wrong!” He yelled getting frustrated.
Mac grabbed her phone and threw it in her bag. Then she picked it up and slammed her locker. “I’m going home.” She said walking away. “It’s only 7th period.” Kayleb grabbed her shoulder. Pain shot through Macs neck and down her side. She fell down to the floor tears ran down her face. It was like a stabbing sensation in her spine. Kayleb dropped to his knees. Grabbing her sides trying to lean her up against the locker he tried to hold her up. His hands on her sides made it a million times worse. She started to sob. Kayleb didn’t realize that he wasn’t making the situation better.
The hallways were now cleared. Everyone was in their classrooms where they were supposed to be. Except for Mac and Kayleb.
Mac was now sat up against the locker and Kayleb sat in front of her. He was holding both her wrists. She couldn’t stop crying. “Are you alright?” He asked. “I’m just want to go home!” She replied. “Today has been one of the worst days ever I wish I could just go home and sleep but I know that's not going to happen my mother is waiting there for me to get home because.. ugh.” Mac let out a big sigh “I’m going home now.” She said. “I’ll take you to the office.” He volunteered. Kayleb got up and helped Mac off of the ground. She couldn’t stand up straight at this point. She crouched forward as she walked. Kayleb knew something was terribly wrong with her. He had her put her arms on his shoulder and he had his hand on her back as they walked.
He looked over at her while they were walking. Then he noticed black and blue markings on her neck out of the corner of his eye. He stopped. He unwrapped her scarf up from her neck revealing the bruises on her neck down her shoulder and even farther down her side. He realized why she was in so much pain now.
Mac’s face turned red. She sat back down by the lockers. Kayleb sat beside her. “Kayleb you can’t tell anyone ever about this you shouldn’t even know this.” Mac said looking down at her lap. “You need help, I’m not going to just sit back and let anyone do anything like this to anyone.” He said. “Especially a girl like you.” He said handing her the scarf. Worry dwelled up in Mac’s eyes. “My mother will kill me if she knows you know.
Kayleb stood back up holding out his hand to help Mac up. Mac grabbed his hand and forced herself up. She crunched over putting a hand on her neck. The held onto Kayleb’s shoulder with the other one. “Mac can I take you back to my house instead? I don’t know if I want you going home, you know, by yourself, with your crazy mother.” He said. “Mac shook her head no. “Kayleb that isn’t going to happen in a million years. My mother isn’t the kind to not notice when her kid doesn’t come home. She will call the police and you will get in trouble.
Kayleb sighed and they went along. They got to the office and Mac sighed papers so they would let her leave. Kayleb asked if they would let him give her a ride home. They replied “Absolutely not.”
It was a long walk home for Mac. It took two hours for her to get home. When she finally did her mother was furious with her. “I got a call from the school, you missed your last three classes little miss.” “Mom I’m sorry I had a really bad day today I couldn’t make it through the rest of the day.” Mac explained. Then there was a truck that pulled up. Mac someway somehow knew it was Kayleb. Kayleb didn’t even knock he just walked right in, grabbed Mac’s hand, and took her out to his truck and they went off to the police station where Kayleb reported Mac’s mother. He made Mac show them the horrifying bruises her mother had given her.
Her mother got arrested. Mac ended up getting a job shortly after that and getting a small apartment close to the school. Kayleb picked her up and they went to school together every morning and then after school he would take her home, they would do homework together. Mac never did see her mother again. She heard a few years later that she got out of jail but she was scared to get in contact with her.
Mac and Kayleb ended up dating their senior year of highschool. They went and got an apartment in a big city and Kayleb went to college in the same town. They grew up to be wonderful adults. They got married and had four amazing kids. Then what you may ask?
They lived happily ever after.

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