Best In The World | Teen Ink

Best In The World

October 19, 2015
By KhanF BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
KhanF BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Best In The World

They are sitting in the college cafeteria and want her to tell them the story she heard about.

Tell us, they say.
No, it’s nothing interesting, leave it, she says.
      No, tell us, we want to hear it, they say.
Okay fine, where do you want me to start? she asks.
Tell us from the beginning, they answer.

She seats herself comfortably and begins.

They had been living in New York for two years, this 18-year old girl and 20-year old boy, siblings, who had lost their parents a few years ago. Both of them were studying and working, and had busy lives. The girl worked at a bakery, and the boy was doing his doctors’ residency at a hospital. They lived in a two-bedroom apartment, and had very busy schedules. Are you getting the picture?

Yeah we are, keep going, they say.

That’s good, she says. So one Sunday evening, while sitting in the park, the boy calls his friend Bob.

Hey Bob, are you doing something tonight? he asks.
No, you want to hang out? Bob replies.
Yeah let’s go out together for dinner, is that okay? the boy asks.
Yeah, sounds good, Bob says.
So I will meet you at 8:30pm outside you house, he says.
Yeah, okay, Bob says.
Okay, meet you tonight, bye, he says.
Bye, Bob says.

And then the boy hung up and went home to tell his sister about the plan. He found her working on the computer and really worried. When she saw him, she looked relieved.

Please, help me with this assignment, would you? I don’t know why it just isn’t getting                                                   e-mailed to the professor, and this assignment is due in an hour, she says.
Sorry sis, I can’t help you today, I have plans with Bob, he replies.
You can meet up with him some other time, please help me now, please, she pleads.
I’m sorry, I can’t, he says.
You are my brother, you should help me first, the girl says, angry now.
I’ve already made plans with him, I have to go, he says, and begins to leave.

He then hears his sister say something.

It’s your own sister or Bob, she says. You have to decide.

The boy ignores her and goes out. He sits in his car, but does not start it. He sits there for a few minutes, thinking. And then he goes back inside.
He finds his sister, lying on her bed, face towards the wall. He quietly comes from behind and hugs her. The girl, who was crying, hugs him even more tightly, and they keep hugging for several minutes.

I'm sorry, he whispers.
No, I'm sorry for threatening you like that, she says.
No, from now on, I'll never ignore you, and you will be the most important person for me, he apologizes.
You're the best brother in the world, she says.
You are the best sister, he says, and they hug each other again.

Aww that was sweet, they say.
Yeah, I like it too, she says.
Okay now lunch is over, we have to go, they say.

They get up and start to leave. But she keeps sitting there and thinks. They had had fun together. They had helped each other. They had had good times while all the other problems were not being worried about.

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