4 o'clock | Teen Ink

4 o'clock

June 2, 2015
By TatianaABarney BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
TatianaABarney BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

4 o’clock and I’m still laying in bed, I don’t want to get up yet because It was a  long night at work. My mother called me and told me to come over and help her move the refrigerator, she has been calling me a lot to help around the house and to comfort every sense my father passed. She’s been pretty lonely and it hurts me to watch her like that so I take her out to dinner as often as I can. I went over there and i moved the fridge and my mother begged me to stay so I stayed for a while longer and talked with her. well a while longer turned into a couple hours i told her i had to go back home and get ready to work. I hated saying goodbye and by her facial expression she didn’t ever want me to leave. So i grabbed my keys kissed her on the cheek and told her I’d be back soon, She told me how excited she is for when i see her next. I drove away and she watched me pull out through the window and she smiled and waved.
I went to work and had a pretty usual night alls went well then after i got a bite to eat at the diner and the man sitting next to me was quite odd he was sitting there all night and didn’t have one bite to eat, So me being the great person I am I offered to pay for this man and to get him something to eat. He told me that he only came for peace and silence and that now-a-days he can’t get anything done with all those “gadgets and loud music crap” I gave a silents chuckle and told him to have a nice day and I waved goodbye and walked out the door.
I Walked into the infested odor smelling apartment hearing nothing but dead silence. I never really talked to my neighbors and I was pretty quiet when it came to conduct for the other people around me. I knew one of my neighbors and she is around 25 maybe 26 she has a couple of kids who she has a pretty hard time keeping up with all of them but I’m just amazed how she’s still going strong. I even remember the time one of the younger ones touched the hot stove and had a huge blister while the other kids were being loud and obnoxious. It's a good thing the little guy turned out alright but as for the other kids, well they got a small punishment for not behaving when their sibling was hurt. Seeing her little family always makes me have mixed emotions like a kind of yes i want to become a father and train kids to be successful but on the other hand kids are so had to deal with and i would most likely give up. I got a couple of years to figure out my future still and trust me my mother always tells me about how many grandchildren she wants and what names she thought were beautiful and what she would picture my future wife and kids looking like. I always gave her the stereotypical “mooooom, seriously” We would laugh and laugh until we started to ache. She knew I loved her and she knew that I would do anything for her. Back to my neighbors I wondered if her kids loved her the way I loved her and i also wondered what she thought of her kids as a young mother. MAybe she was tired of them? or she never wanted them to leave her side? If I ever have kids I am definitely going to her because she would know everything about childcare because she has to find a way to pay for them without a companion she has to make sure they behave while taking care of herself. I don’t think people give that woman enough credit like I don’t even know how to take are of a child and I don’t think I would ever be able to get through it alone. Basic people like her make the world a better place it shows people how you can get through something hard and still make it without giving up.
My other neighbors are older people who couldn't afford to keep their house or widow or something like that. The only time I ever see them is getting the mail, they give me weirds looks like a kind of why are you here you're too young to be living in an apartment alone kind of look. I give them a friendly smile and continue on my day. My apartment is not the prettiest and I could have the money to perhaps get a bigger one maybe with neater kitchen appliances but I have no one to impress so I save my money maybe for a bigger better opportunity in the future. My mother always taught me that saving money will help you get through life better make life less stress free as it already is. I agree with her now but i never did when I was younger. I was a bad teenager and I really do regret all my decisions from high school and It really destroyed lots of my friendships. I lost my best friend and I still do miss her to this day. Regret is all I feel when I think about my past. I could have been a genius and I would have definitely had gotten a better job than I do right now. My boss is the biggest asshole I have ever met and he only makes decisions for our company that gives him benefits. I’m surprised I haven’t cracked yet but I’m sure I will soon anyway. Mother tells me I can do better so I have been looking for better companies.
My mother always told me to join the army and I have been considering it lately, I’m just not sure how I feel about it yet. I mean I think it would be a good experiance and It would make my mother proud. So I asked my mother again what she thought about it and she told me I should do it. I wasn’t to sure because I dont know what would happen to her, where would she go? who would take care of her?

The author's comments:

A son who helps his widow mother but struggles choices to make him happy

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