A Short Story of a Boy | Teen Ink

A Short Story of a Boy

June 3, 2015
By Hyoeun BRONZE, Shenzhen, Shekou, Other
Hyoeun BRONZE, Shenzhen, Shekou, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life on the Floor

As I stepped onto the elevator, I suddenly remembered. Nobody cared about me.
  A baby was born in celebration. They were shocked by his appearance. The baby was born two kg heavier than a typical normal baby would weigh(5kg). The baby also looked hideous with a gigantic spot on his face. No one wanted to go near him. Before his face was shown to other people, everyone envied the baby, as his dad was a famous CEO. However, if anyone could foresee the baby’s future, they wouldn’t call the baby lucky at all.
As far as I know, I was born from a poor mom and rich dad. The only reason that made Dad marry Mom was because of me. A few days after they met at a party, Mom came to Dad’s company yelling to a clerk at the information desk calling for Dad. Of course, Dad dashed out of his office because he didn’t want to be shown at the front page of a newspaper saying that an unknown woman was yelling his name at the front lobby. As soon as they sat down at a cafe, my Mom collapsed into tears and Dad didn’t know what was going on at all. My mom told him that she was feeling weird and sick these days and when she went to a hospital, she was informed a shocking news. She had become pregnant. (She was probably crying and yelling at this point)
She knew that the baby’s father was my dad so she came to his office in the first place. Because Dad couldn’t understand what was happening, Mom had to explain. She was the prettiest woman in her town, so she had to be a symbol of pureness and whiteness. However, it all got ruined. My Mom was totally panicked and frustrated. While Dad was listening, he had a great idea all of a sudden. Dad started talking about his luxurious life and how he could make mom even more satisfied with her life. Mom was interested because she had never lived in wealth. She thought that dad could possibly change her life totally. The next day, they signed the marriage contract. After their marriage, Mom started to change, both in her appearance and mind. She tried her first plastic surgery, and was excited by its huge success. Everyone around my Mom flattered her by telling that she looked prettier. Along with that, my Mom started to brag about herself, by walking around and meeting more people. Of course, people were just saying that to make Mom happy and for their own benefits (getting promoted). After some more and more plastic surgeries, she became totally addicted to surgery and now, she visits the hospital once a month. From then, she started to think that her appearance was the most important thing to value. Maybe that was the reason why she didn't like to come near me or talk to me. Maybe she was blaming me for being ugly and fat because she can’t brag about me in front of the crowd. Maybe she hates me, or my face.
The baby who is now a boy, was grown up and was able to attend a kindergarten. The boy thought maybe he might be able to get a better life. However, when the boy realized that his life can’t be any better, it was too late. In the kindergarten, he was treated unfairly just because he was ugly and fat. Nobody wanted to, or dared to play with him and soon after, nobody wanted to talk to him and the children started to forget about his existence. When the boy got used the situation, he had to undergo another ordeal. After the kindergarten teacher realized that nobody, even his mother cared about him, she started to vent her anger on the boy. The violence got worse as she gained more stress. However, the boy had nowhere to cure his scars both physically and emotionally because at his house, his Mom won’t even look at him and she was usually not at home. She would be at a club or her friend’s house. The boy’s tragedy continued until he graduated elementary school.
I was sitting in my seat at school as usual. However, it seemed like everyone’s eyes were on me. People were talking about me, looking at me, and pointing at me. I didn’t know if I should be happy at their attention on me or not. It was the first time since I had so many eye contacts with people. I felt dizzy. Everything was different today. I could somehow smell the anxiety. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Yes, a tap on my shoulder, as if I exist in this world. When I looked back, a girl was standing beside me, staring at me. She told me that I should go to the teachers’ room. I started to think about the hope that could be made. I thought the God finally listened to me and gave me an opportunity to live a recognizable life. When I went into the teachers’ room, I saw teachers’ eyes on me. I got really excited just because I could get attention from teachers. When I walked toward to my home room teacher, he looked at me for a second and told me to go home. Normally, I will ask him why but today, I felt like something big is happening or has happened. I quickly took my bag and started to run home. At my house, all the people were wearing black clothes, some were even crying. I suddenly felt uneasy and looked for my Dad. When I got to the kitchen, I saw my Dad’s silhouette. As I walked forward, I heard a little part of his talk on the phone. “Did it go smoothly?” It was Dad. “Of course, the plastic surgeon was blind for money. He put the poison into the drug for injections during plastic surgery to the woman right away and she was killed on the spot.” A man said calmly. “Nice, I don’t need her anymore since I got a prettier one.” Dad replied. My hands were shaking. How can he do this to my Mom? Although my Mom didn’t really care about me, she was still my Mom and my Dad was still her husband. I was so scared. My dad could kill me any time and any where if he wanted to. When I finished thinking, I was already running away from him. Unconsciously, I looked for the tallest building around me. Finally, I ended up standing in front of the front door of my Dad’s company. What a nice and tall building, I thought, I went straight in. As I was walking around, looking, I suddenly thought about my school. My classmates and teachers knew that my mom died. They were talking about my mom and not me. They were looking at my mom and not me. They were pointing at my mom and not me. I couldn’t continue thinking. Is this what I get for being ugly and fat? Is this what I deserve? What did I do wrong? When I stopped thinking, I was on the elevator, going up from the basement.
It was the final floor. However, I didn’t stop. I looked for stairs and when I found the stairs, I started walking again.
As he stepped into the sunlight and opened the door to the roof garden, he suddenly remembered. Nobody cared about him. Nobody is going to care about him. He closed his eyes and walked forward, towards the fence. Then, when he got to the fence, without thinking, he jumped off of the fence. So, what was my name? Nobody cares.

The author's comments:

I hope people enjoy reading this :)

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This article has 1 comment.

dlstj BRONZE said...
on Jun. 10 2015 at 2:32 am
dlstj BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
hi Hyoeun, your piece is amazing! I would give it 5 stars!! Way to go!!