The Traveler | Teen Ink

The Traveler

May 15, 2015
By Anonymous

“Shh. Do you hear that?” I closed my eyes and lifted my head to the tops of the rainforest. I leaned against the trunk of the tree, unsteady on my branch. I focused in my camera and waited for the noise I heard rustling in the treetops above me. Suddenly, a beating of almost a thousand wings came over us and flew into view. I snapped pics as fast as my thumb could press of the different and beautiful colored butterflies that flew over me. I turned towards my boyfriend and smiled and he returned the favor.
Later, us two sat against a rock wall, with water streaming down it into a little tiny stream that flowed downwards, probably towards a river. I observed the pink flowers and frogs bouncing around near the water, and snapped a few more pics.
"Do you think the chief will like the pictures?" Alex questioned, as I heard the clicking of the buttons as he scrolled through the camera roll.
"Hopefully. Well, I mean, he's never turned down my articles or pictures or anything, so I think we'll be fine." I stretched my legs out and settled down to pull out my notebook to take a few notes.
"Exactly. You're a real charm, Lani. He'll do anything for you," he tossled my hair, and I laughed back, "you know what the real question is? What exotic and amazing place is he going to send us away to next." He exclaimed sarcastically.
"You are really amazing, you know. You can take the fun out of anything- even the best thing in the world. Traveling." I laughed, and put away my stuff. C'mon, there's still so much work to do!"
"Lani! Slow down!" Were the cries I ignored as I chased a rare butterfly for a clear shot down the Amazon Rainforest terrain. "Alayna!" The shouts continued. I slowed my pace down just a notch, easing in on the beautiful creature. Even the zoom on my lens couldn't get a good enough view of how amazing it was, so I crept in closer. There, I captured the most magnificent picture of a Glass Winged Butterfly, with wings almost transparent. I smiled, and brought my hand to face, internally screaming to reward myself.
"Alex!" I greeted the footsteps as I stayed turned around, staring at the butterfly. "I got it! This is going to make a great article for the next magazine, I can guarantee!"
"Good job, honey. Now, please let's go take a break. I'm tired of walking, and we're not too far from a river town." I could see him smiling at me from my peripheral vision.
"A few more? The lighting's perfect."
"Lani, we're gonna be just in Brazil alone for another 2 days, and possibly to Bermuda after this. You'll get some more pictures."
"Fine." I scrunched my freckled nose at him.
We stopped in Belem, a river town, or city, along the Amazon. Our personal jet pilot said our chief insisted on us flying here for a meal, as he always has a preference on what and where we should go and do. I had my camera close to me the entire ride over, with a leather strap around my neck. The island was beautiful, with boats and docks along almost the whole edge, next to little town houses and stores. As we landed, my excitement to explore grew more and more, my feet aching to walk. I can't keep track of how many times I've adventured somewhere new, and the feeling never leaves, and just the thought of experiencing something new is soon to come, I am so eager. I gaze over to Alex, who is on his phone, and by the sounds of it, playing Tetris.
I grab my army green bookbag, filled with a water bottle, my notebook, gum, my phone, pencils, and all my equipment for my camera, plus a polaroid camera, and tie my tan combat boots before getting off. My messy braid survived the whole tiring die, I'm surprised to finally notice, and suddenly start to freshen up a bit by straightening my collar and hair and such.
The walk alongside the Amazon River was beautiful, and all the citizens waved, yelling, "Hace muy buen tiempo hoy" or "hermoso dia de hoy, no?" or "Como estas?" Everyone was so eager to hear my response so I would smile back, following a "Si!" or a "Muy buen! Y tu?" Alex, on the other hand just waved, and let me do the talking.

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