The Night | Teen Ink

The Night

April 11, 2015
By Anonymous

She couldn’t help but think that it was all her fault. It was her fault that they had died. If she had just kept her f***ing mouth shut about her feelings no one would have to be going through this. She just couldn’t hold it in any longer? Her nights became restless and when she did try to sleep it was only for 30 minutes at a time, due to the horrific nightmares she continuously had. She had given up on sleep entirely. Her mother warned her this would happen. Her mother said that because of how she felt it would be to much to handle. No one treated her the same. 
Some treated her like a child. Others treated her as a failure. Then there was the ones that treated her like she didn’t exist. Lastly, there was her mother. Her mother couldn’t even look at her. They hadn’t spoken for weeks now. When she needed her mom the most. So she sat up in her room, contemplating life. Whether it was to be lived or whether it was over before she had even begun it.
That night she had snuck out the back windows with a rope of blankets and clothes. She only brought five things with her; her journal, her phone, a pocket knife she had gotten for her thirteenth birthday, headphones and a backpack filled with items she had wanted to be remembered by. She wore a red tank top with a quote, “Be all you can be”, black, skin-tight, jeans, and her favorite pair of sneakers, an all red pair of converse. She had made the decision. She was going to go through with it.
She ran up the driveway, hoping to not wake the dog, her petite body was sore and just wanted to stop but she knew that she couldn’t. At once, she had realised she was crying. She was now in the middle of the road. She took out her phone and started playing her “f*** life” playlist. She opened out her contacts. At first she called her best friend and left this message. “Hey Tim, I’m so sorry that it’s late i just need you to know that I love you and i’m so sorry for what i’m about to do but i can’t take it any longer.” Her breathing got uneven as she hung up. Next was Kayla, she left kayla a message saying what was about to happen and why. She was convinced she had killed her unborn siblings. Her life stressed her mother out way too much and it led to her mother to stop speaking to her. She had one last person to call, but she choose to send them a text instead: hey sorry for what I’m about to do. I just can’t take it anymore. Thanks for sticking by my side.”
She was now on the bridge right above the river. She screamed she was sorry then counted to three.

She took a step off and never came back up.

The author's comments:

Just something from my mind..

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