Five. | Teen Ink


January 13, 2015
By EmilyCabadas BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
EmilyCabadas BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Like lightning. That’s a good way to describe the speed I was running down this dirt road. The further and further I got the more I wanted to keep going and never come back. And with all the emotions and thoughts flowing through my young and rebellious mind, the one that always remained was how I would never forgive them.

“Eva,” I heard echoing in the distance. “Come back here instantly Eva we are your parents!”
I sat down on a rock in the middle of the dark woods which at this point felt just as empty as I did. I could feel the amount of air I was breathing in get smaller and smaller as the tears ran down my face faster than Niagara Falls. Catching teardrops in the palm of my hand I  quickly caught my breath. I never cry, I thought. I’m so much stronger than this. Slowly I rose one foot at a time, climbing onto the top of the rock. And as I reached full height I let out every emotion inside me down to my last aching breath and tear. Lifting my head I looked out into the silent darkness in front of me, and the only thing that could come to mind was the thought of how how in the blink of an eye my life was going to change forever.

The next day all I remember was awakening to the sounds of what was a war downstairs.
“Kevin, you are not taking any of my fine china!” My mother screamed.
“You’ll be damned if I don’t take everything from you, including Eva!” Kevin paused a moment and looked into Rebecca's eyes. Silence. Then the door slammed echoing like thunder. It felt as if the whole house shook with it. I quietly arose from my bed and crept down the hall to the top of the stairs. Peering down and around the banister I spied my mother on the couch in our living room with her face buried in her arms and hands, and faintly, I could hear her almost silent whimpering.

“Mom…,” I said quietly.
“Oh, Eva!” she exclaimed rubbing her silk shirt sleeves over her puffy red eyes trying so hard to hide her pain and look strong for my benefit. But little did she know, I saw right through her. Truthfully, I could see she was falling apart inside. “Would you like some breakfast darling? Toast?” She asked.
“Mom am I going to have to live with dad?” I blurted.

“Partially,” She looked down at the ground. “He will be back in a few hours to get you and take you to his new apartment for the night.”
I stood there, staring her straight in the eyes, and all I could see was pain. And beyond that pain, despair. I knew I needed to be brave for her.

“Okay, sounds great!” I cheered. “What time?” I tried my best to smile but  I was afraid she could see right through to the fear that was eating away at me. She opened her mouth, and at first nothing came out.
“Five o’clock,” She finally forced. Then she slowly made her way down the hall and into her room where she spent the rest of the time I had left with her.

It felt like five came very quickly for me. I spent most of my Sunday studying for my math test I had on Monday because I was determined to get my first one-hundred percent on my multiplication table test that we had every Monday morning. I just started the fifth grade in Mrs. Finleys class and math to me was like building a rocket. I was in the middle of doing my last practice problem when I heard the front door jolt open. It made that loud screeching noise that it always has.

“Maybe you should start ringing the doorbell, you know, since this isn’t your house anymore!” My mother shot at my father.

“It’s still my house Rebecca, I payed for it.” My father replied in that typical rude snarky tone he always uses. Dad is an attorney, and he always has that tone of voice that either makes you want to smack him, or crawl in a hole and never come out. It depends on the day. His large manly form towers over people with his stocky shoulders, scruff goatee, and form that resembles a bear, and many fear him, including me.
“Eva,” Dad shouted from downstairs “Move it lets go!”

I ran downstairs like I was about to finish a marathon. Tripping over my my feet step by step I bolted out the door kissing my mom on the cheek as I swooped up my bag and my size five Ugg boots. Because if my father was one thing, it was impatient.

Before I knew it I was making the sharp right turn into the White Willow Apartments for the very first time. As we started down the newly paved entrance I felt my heart slowly start sinking down to my stomach. I could feel my eyes start becoming like oceans and slowly a tear started making its way out of the diamond like tear duct and quietly down my cheek. Whisking it away instantly I pulled myself together and smiled. I’m strong, I remember. The autumn leaves falling around me gave me something to look at and distract me until finally my dad made the last turn and the car came to and exhilarating halt. Instantly my heart made its final drop into my stomach. The rollercoaster had reached the drop off of the highest hill.

“Here we are, el casa de papa!” my father attempted to joke, and I ignored. Taking a deep breath I opened the shiny door of my dads new Ford Focus. Inch by inch I exited the car with ease, and by the time I reached the front door my hands felt like I had just washed them and forgot to dry them off.

“Go ahead, go in,” My father nudged my arm with a huge grin on his gruff face. Lifting my sweaty palm I placed my hand on the door handle and pushed it open forcefully. The door instantly swung  open and before I could even step foot in the doorway a figured emerged from what looked to be the kitchen.

“DAD!” I squealed throwing my body behind his.
“Eva, Eva peanut calm down this is Annabelle,” My father said calmingly putting his hand on my shoulder and stepping beside me ruining my cover. “Annabelle used to be my secretary.”

I finally looked up and looked Annabelle in the eye. She had deep blue eyes and long stringy blonde hair that she had up in a ponytail.  Her build was small and scrawny but somehow she managed to have a figure that was cunningly prestine. I finally realized that the conversation went on mute and no one was speaking when…
“Hi Eva!” Annabelle cut in breaking the silence, “I’m so happy to finally meet you!” She emerged closer to me and grabbed my small eighty pound body and wrapped me up squeezing me so tight I never thought I’d breath again.  When she finally released I jolted my body away from hers and stared at her blankly.

“Well!” she finally said, “I am going to run to the market and get some milk.” She grabbed her North Face fleece coat off the hook on the wall and put it on in a scurry. And as she made her way around me to the door she stopped for a moment leaned in and as I glanced up she kissed my father on the cheek. “I won’t be gone too long darling!” She called as she slammed the door behind her.

“So..” My dad started, “What do you think of Annabelle?”
“HOW COULD YOU!” I sneered, “You dirty no good cheater!”

“Excuse me, who do you think youre talking to?” He yelled back at me, slowly approaching. “You cheated on my mother, go to HELL!” And it was in that moment, I will never forget. In the blink of an eye I saw my father jolt towards me and his fist exhilarated at me, socking me in my young face and instantly my feet meet air and my spine smacks onto the fresh wood floor. One. Heart beating faster and faster I launch my body up and run to the nearest room slamming the white wooden door after me. Two. Boom! Boom! Boom! I hear his size thirteen feet smacking against the floor and he bolts toward my enclosed shelter. Tears rushing down my face I move my feet backwards slowly and I feel myself breakdown inside. Three. I close my eyes and all I hear is the boom of the door hinges break and my father force himself into the room. His large meaty hands grab my wrist and he shoves my weak body at the ground. Four. My head thrusts against the daisy yellow wall and I fall aimlessly to the floor. Shaking on the ground, surprisingly, there was silence for a moment. Peering open my eyes I spy him lurking over me with the look of death in his grim brown eyes.

“Next time,” he sneers, “I wont be so nice.”


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